9/18/2008 2:48:11 AM |
No Cancer Survivors Here? |

Fresno, CA
age: 43
I am a cancer survivor as well. In 2004, I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of vulva and had to have 2 surgeries and radiation treatments. During preparation for radiation treatments, I was sent for a CT scan. The scan showed Renal Cell Carcinoma in my right kidney. I had another surgery to remove the kidney. I was told that if the kidney cancer was not found, I would not have lived 5 years. Radiation treatments left me with a disability that can be quite painful. I also have lymphedema. I have been very lucky to have survived. I am the first in my family to have cancer other than breast. I enjoy each and every day of my life and live it to the fullest. This may sound strange, but I am actually glad that it happened because the experience has made me a much better person. I am cancer free since 2004.
9/19/2008 10:25:51 PM |
No Cancer Survivors Here? |

Soddy Daisy, TN
age: 44
I am a cancer survivor (cervical) for 12 years now... ..God Bless You All.. ..and . ..Have a Nice Day 
9/22/2008 7:36:56 AM |
No Cancer Survivors Here? |

Bell Buckle, TN
age: 57
I am a breast cancer survivor. I am the only one in the family to have breast cancer, although my Mom had colon cancer (she is fine and will be 89 this Oct 20th!). I was diagnosed one year ago last February and things are okay for now. I'm the one who asked people what sounded good to have tatooed on the girls instead of the same old plain old nips and haven't gotten much of a response. I guess more people are interested in the jokes then the realities of life, eh?
9/29/2008 4:20:31 AM |
No Cancer Survivors Here? |

Dothan, AL
age: 59
Hey Everyone I just got over throat cancer, it was on my tonsels 40 raditions treatment latter I'm clean took over a year and a half, lost my love because she lost her ex to cancer and wouldn't go thru it with me. too bad her lost I made it. they burned up my throat I don't make spit, so have to keep a bottle of water in my hands 24-7, like a old raccoon have to wash everything down, lost a lot of weight can't seem to gain it back, lot of people are scared of me thinking I'm a crack add, or a aids victim, instead of finding out that I had cancer, there again their lost. I hate to blow my own horn but I think,I'm a nice guy. at least I try to be. I'm proud of everyone here and thank the lord for each and everyone that you made it, hang tuff stay safe, Josh        
9/29/2008 6:43:42 PM |
No Cancer Survivors Here? |

Herrin, IL
age: 59
I will be starting chemo treatment this next Monday. While I was on vacation and moving to my new (I bought it) house I became sick and when I went to the hospital for a little miracle pill (to stop vomiting) they did a CT scan and found out that I had a tumor. I am not a cancer survivor but I DO hope to be.
9/29/2008 11:25:12 PM |
No Cancer Survivors Here? |

age: 47
just out of curiosity did you smoke Im asking that as Im one hell of a smoker
9/29/2008 11:36:23 PM |
No Cancer Survivors Here? |

age: 47
I are also a survivour of cervival cancer I had stage 3 it had gone all the way to my womb that was 20 years unfortuanatley my sister wasnt as fortunate as myself she passed away at 29 years and had three beutiful children    
9/30/2008 3:17:53 AM |
No Cancer Survivors Here? |

Dothan, AL
age: 59
Hey Books short hope all goes well sweetie if you need to talk I'm always around on my e-mail, or will give you my phone number so you can call anytime, please god take care of a wonderful friend, amen ttyl Josh       
[Edited 9/30/2008 3:30:49 AM]
9/30/2008 3:29:16 AM |
No Cancer Survivors Here? |

Dothan, AL
age: 59
Hey forever4 yes I smoked and still do isn't that dumb, I'm trying to quit, but its real hard, I died 2 times and they brought me back, trust me that hurt real bad, yet the habit is still there, But I have faith I can stop before I die again lol.
9/30/2008 5:53:18 PM |
No Cancer Survivors Here? |

Herrin, IL
age: 59
I smoked for 42 years and I was a three pack a day smoker. I tried to quit the drug way ie patches, gum, etc., but I found that the most effective was using "Smoke Away" which is natural and not chemical but sinse I have very little "will" power (will went somewhere else) I heard about the auricular (sic) therapy and I went that route. It works--all you need to have is the want to quit. I don't know how it works but somehow it convinces your brain that you haven't smoked for three days--you have already been thru withdrawal. It is out of this world. Hopes this helps you. btw I once in a while have a "thought" that a cig would be nice then "whiff"--the thought-- went away. But NO cravings.
10/8/2008 5:03:07 AM |
No Cancer Survivors Here? |

Fulton, NY
age: 28
I've struggled through many surgeries for cancer since i was 18 years old. now 11 years later(my birthday is coming) i am free and in the clear. I lost part of my breast,i've had a full hysterectomy, i also had part of my small intestine removed, So i am here to say"I'M A SURVIVOR" AS WELL AND I WILL NEVER GIVE UP OR GIVE IN TO THIS DISEASE.
10/8/2008 12:02:35 PM |
No Cancer Survivors Here? |

Fresno, CA
age: 43
I also smoked for 30 years. I gave it up right after my last radiation treatment and I received my good to go from my oncologist. I haven't smoked since. I'm not saying it was easy but by no means was it as bad as having to go through those treatments. I want to thank each and every one of you for your stories of inspiration. But I have discovered that since I opened up about my cancer, I haven't received any responses from anyone out there. Have any of you experienced the same?