1/26/2015 2:08:07 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
I've been around alot of sites with forums to chat and stuff and I notice alot of times, Black People are either excluded or sit-back and just observe the forums.
I also notice Whites can make Blacks feel excluded from participating on forums.
However, your Voice and opinions and ideas should be expressed like any normal participant would, despite what those that follow the White Supremacy crowd do.
With that, Blacks should have a Private Forum where they can gather and feel "belonged" and take about issues or Posters, and have a general camaraderie with your own that build self-esteem...even if you aren't lacking in it. It's still good to have that gathering where we can be "us" as a People.
And within a Private Forum, we can adopt social manners that carries over to the main forums like DGD. And you render the same social attitudes Whites render to you, bad and good.
Right now, we seem to be beholden to Whites' status quo on the forum.
That can be changed. I have made changes like this on other sites snd the results were overwhelming positives.
There was instances where I had a whole class of intelligent, down-to-earth Black folks doing the forums, talking issues black-related in positive manners, and Whites tried to come in and derail the threads and found no success and became more like an outsider or just static noises.
It was funny because they got frustrated with an above-average Black crowd that didn't bait on their divide and conquer tactics just to see us fighting all the time.
Here, I don't want to lead something like that again but just offering up that suggestion as I see ALOT OF smart Black posters but aren't really engaged on the forum the way I know Blacks and their wide range interests on variety of issues.
You guys need to come out the shadows. Create a Private Forum and invite your brothers and sisters and let it be open to all Blacks regardless how "pro-White" they may be. And growth as a community on DH.

[Edited 1/26/2015 2:10:48 AM ]
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

1/26/2015 3:32:51 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
its your only chance at happiness.
1/26/2015 7:03:06 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Roanoke, VA
27, joined Jun. 2013
why should we exclude white ppl? They help make this place fun, granted some are crazier than a bat but still let's keep 'em all .
1/26/2015 7:03:52 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Houston, TX
47, joined Sep. 2014
AKA "the watermelon patch".
1/26/2015 7:11:09 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |

Chandler, OK
58, joined Oct. 2013
You want to exclude me because I'm white. I've never been racist. I don't like it at all so I guess I'll go some where else and play.
1/26/2015 7:40:42 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Roanoke, VA
27, joined Jun. 2013
Oksazie don't pay the OP any mind. He is afraid a lot. He's like Angelofdeath, smh two opposites of the same coin
1/26/2015 7:42:31 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |

Mazar e SharifAilly
42, joined Jan. 2015
I thought you wanted freedom and equal rights. Go to Africa for the black experience.
1/26/2015 7:51:00 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |

Chandler, OK
58, joined Oct. 2013
I should have just skipped over this thread lisa. Angelofdeath has me blocked. Sure has been a better place without him.
1/26/2015 7:57:45 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Pearlington, MS
51, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
I agree....there is also a place blacks can all go to feel included....its called Africa.
1/26/2015 7:57:47 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |

Johnston, IA
46, joined Sep. 2014
I'm not sure what you're talking about...
Who feels excluded?
And why would anyone feel that way?
1/26/2015 10:53:10 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Here's another novel idea.
Since the op hates this site so much.
Why not just delete and leave???
Naw....that's too easy....I guess, besides what other site would have him?
1/26/2015 10:57:44 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |

28, joined Aug. 2013
Are you talking about excluding people and you guys have a private forum?!
I feel so excluded now!!!! 
1/26/2015 10:59:07 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Lemon Grove, CA
42, joined Jan. 2014
No I didn't. But thanks for telling me.
1/26/2015 11:37:01 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Fort Stewart, GA
27, joined Mar. 2012
online now!
What op talking about
1/26/2015 11:39:01 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |

Mazar e SharifAilly
42, joined Jan. 2015
What op talking about
OP has jungle fever
1/26/2015 2:46:09 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Boerne, TX
54, joined Nov. 2009
I've been around alot of sites with forums to chat and stuff and I notice alot of times, Black People are either excluded or sit-back and just observe the forums.
I also notice Whites can make Blacks feel excluded from participating on forums.
You don't have a pic posted so how would anyone know what race you are unless you indirectly tell us via stupid threads like this one.
Thats why no one talks to you...stupid threads; NOT skin color. Nice try going for the "Woe is me I'm a negro" race card ploy.
There are black males here that get incredible respect. Try to man up.
Personally I think you are a caucasian troll playing the embittered black guy. No black guy I know is THIS insecure about his race. 
Suck it!
1/26/2015 2:47:40 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Champaign, IL
30, joined Aug. 2014
He'll probably say those guys like Barry who we love..are''uncle toms''
1/26/2015 2:48:22 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Boerne, TX
54, joined Nov. 2009
He'll probably say those guys like Barry who we love..are''uncle toms'' 
1/26/2015 2:50:30 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Champaign, IL
30, joined Aug. 2014

1/26/2015 2:51:24 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


El Paso, TX
39, joined Feb. 2014
I've been around alot of sites with forums to chat and stuff and I notice alot of times, Black People are either excluded or sit-back and just observe the forums.
I also notice Whites can make Blacks feel excluded from participating on forums.
However, your Voice and opinions and ideas should be expressed like any normal participant would, despite what those that follow the White Supremacy crowd do.
With that, Blacks should have a Private Forum where they can gather and feel "belonged" and take about issues or Posters, and have a general camaraderie with your own that build self-esteem...even if you aren't lacking in it. It's still good to have that gathering where we can be "us" as a People.
And within a Private Forum, we can adopt social manners that carries over to the main forums like DGD. And you render the same social attitudes Whites render to you, bad and good.
Right now, we seem to be beholden to Whites' status quo on the forum.
That can be changed. I have made changes like this on other sites snd the results were overwhelming positives.
There was instances where I had a whole class of intelligent, down-to-earth Black folks doing the forums, talking issues black-related in positive manners, and Whites tried to come in and derail the threads and found no success and became more like an outsider or just static noises.
It was funny because they got frustrated with an above-average Black crowd that didn't bait on their divide and conquer tactics just to see us fighting all the time.
Here, I don't want to lead something like that again but just offering up that suggestion as I see ALOT OF smart Black posters but aren't really engaged on the forum the way I know Blacks and their wide range interests on variety of issues.
You guys need to come out the shadows. Create a Private Forum and invite your brothers and sisters and let it be open to all Blacks regardless how "pro-White" they may be. And growth as a community on DH.

1/26/2015 3:01:44 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Springfield, IL
35, joined Jan. 2015
ah.yes....segregation......that's what MLK Jr. fought and died for
OP.you're an idiot
these current "marching for civil rights retards" are just that ..Retarded
they scream...we want equality...so give us separate grants, separate schools, separate churches etc etc etc......
that's what PROGRESSISM is about
please stop voting democrat....you're shooting equality in the a** (pun intended)
remember special treatment..........is NOT ...equal treatment
1/26/2015 3:30:20 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Oak Park, MI
42, joined Apr. 2014
why should we exclude white ppl? They help make this place fun, granted some are crazier than a bat but still let's keep 'em all  . 
........and u know the black people are not crazier than a bat...........lets keep them that is white people for fun.......Like more interesting,,,,,,,       
1/26/2015 3:31:07 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Houston, TX
47, joined Sep. 2014
Have you ever seen a white bat?
1/26/2015 3:47:34 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |

26, joined Aug. 2013
0o0o0oo a secret black forum with private meetings!
I wonder what they discuss...
They're exchanging chemicals and ingredients that keep them eternally youthful.
White folks, yall might want to eavesdrop.
Yall might discover the wonders of coco butter. I'd tell you but it's not my racial secret to tell.
You might want to google coco butter though. I'm not saying it's a miracle ingredient, but it's a better scar fader than anything else on the market.
Blacks, Asians, and Indians have some of the best kept secrets for beauty and hygiene. Blacks know how to make their skin glow in the summer without makeup. Asians know how to make one hell of an anti-ager, and Indians have the healthy hair game in the bag. Alma oils might stink, but do wonders for women who want healthy long hair and don't want to have to dye gray hairs.
1/26/2015 3:48:49 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Houston, TX
47, joined Sep. 2014
I wonder what they discuss...
Probably the Secret Sauce recipe.
[Edited 1/26/2015 3:49:00 PM ]
1/26/2015 3:54:21 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Dayton, OH
59, joined Mar. 2014
Darkie cretins don't want a darkie cretin forum. The only reason they are here is to get themselves a big fat White momma!
Oh da horror!
1/26/2015 3:56:53 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |

26, joined Aug. 2013
Come on Kawk,
You know the white stole that years ago. 
They got all the food recipes.
That's why blacks are holding on so tightly to their skin and hair regimens now.
1/26/2015 3:58:46 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Champaign, IL
30, joined Aug. 2014
White man stole my tender ribbs secret. .
1/26/2015 4:55:43 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
Now see, I had this in mind when I created this thread. I knew the outcome would be what it is.
I'm very conscious about "results".....and carefully worded my thread to elicit the outcome I sought. And thus it played itself up to the script as I intended.
Black People....
You see, the power of your gathering on this thread would represent a thread in the private forum.
It works. We got shit to share.
The other equation are our fellow, White Americans. And just like I experienced on another site, they come out and try to tear it down. Case in point:
....and others. That's how it should be. We're the Status Quo. And "they" find their niche within our hierrarchy, not White Supremacy.
I know, due to political correctnees, you cannot agree with me but have to be open to include Whites and Lisa, Siren and others is a perfect example of that and it's all good. 
However, in a Private Forum, we don't need to be political correct. We be ourselves and grow as a forum community.
We need that. We need OUR Culture....untainted by White Supremacy.
And then we can come on the main forums and have a better feel for the power of our own worth and make every nationalities respect our presence.
It can happened. I saw the results of this on other sites. It's overwhelming positive and all Black won't feel excluded and we don't have to "fit-in" with White Culture.
White Culture would "fit-in' with us! And we subject their prescene to how we see fit. Just like they do to us.

1/26/2015 5:13:48 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |

Houston, TX
44, joined Jan. 2013
.................@be great.............good idea .............what dh blacks wanna know is can they bring their white mates n friends to the black power forum
1/26/2015 5:34:11 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Melvindale, MI
38, joined Mar. 2012
online now!
ah.yes....segregation......that's what MLK Jr. fought and died for
OP.you're an idiot
these current "marching for civil rights retards" are just that ..Retarded
they scream...we want equality...so give us separate grants, separate schools, separate churches etc etc etc......
that's what PROGRESSISM is about
please stop voting democrat....you're shooting equality in the a** (pun intended)
remember special treatment..........is NOT ...equal treatment
[Edited 1/26/2015 5:34:58 PM ]
1/26/2015 5:36:48 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


21, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
White this white that.. Blah blah blah..
OP you are getting boring now, do something with the life you live instead of talking shit.
1/26/2015 5:57:00 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
.................@be great.............good idea .............what dh blacks wanna know is can they bring their white mates n friends to the black power forum 
They can, bro. They can. The point is, they will be under our culture.
And learn how jive, think to fit-in with us and not the other way around.
They have feel who we are to the core. Right now, they have too much sway and clout on an open forum like this.
They can get away with racism and even our own People will laugh at their racist jokes against us.
The price we pay to "fit-in" with them. I like white People but I don't bite my tongue to let them know, I'm pro-Black. And they gonna mind me as such.
I can deal with the backlash. I know White Boy and White Girl. I know all what they thinking.
Most of them think I shouldn't have this clout on the forum, and I take it to them even more because they think I shouldn't have this clout on the forum.
I want every Black Woman/Men to have this clout and be their own.
Be gods among the Whites....and make them look up to Blacks and break their stranglehold on our psyche.
I'm reall, bro. 
[Edited 1/26/2015 5:59:26 PM ]
1/26/2015 6:25:04 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |

Saint Paul, MN
62, joined Oct. 2009
They've been free for 150 years now and they cannot be segregated according to Brown vs Board of Education. They've been superior since 2009 and if they're too shy to participate I don't see where that is my problem.
Should we dedicate 8-9 as BLACK ONLY just in the diversity? How can it be "diverse" if only one race is allowed? They can come in here any time they want.
1/26/2015 6:38:37 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
They've been free for 150 years now and they cannot be segregated according to Brown vs Board of Education. They've been superior since 2009 and if they're too shy to participate I don't see where that is my problem.
Should we dedicate 8-9 as BLACK ONLY just in the diversity? How can it be "diverse" if only one race is allowed? They can come in here any time they want.
Well, that's on a policy-level. I'm talking everyday life.
Those policies to make Black lives better and inclusive to White Supremacy has it's ebbs and flows.
Still not good enough, though.
What I aim to do (but will not be the one to initiate it) is have all Blacks on DH to know there is a forum where their kind gathers.
Whoever open that private forum need to send invites to all posters that are Black regardless how they align themselves ideologically and politically.
Regardless if they are Interracial Lovers etc. If thry wear a Black Skin, that's good enough.
Now, when Blacks are aware of it....that, there's a forum on DH where Blacks gathers, this is something to make us feel "whole."
We'd like to have that community growth where we keep up with our identity, our core as Black People and not be too beholden to Whites as the Status Quo.
We be our own, and can still come on the main forum and feel good about ourselves because we got our Race behind us, and a community that's our very own. The main forums would be just a side treat for us to keep up with our fellow White Americans....whom we love.
And when racist-head Whites attack us on this forum, we got enough clout to push back against that and make them understand there is a reckoning with us on DH. A power-element on DH.
And White Racists will heed it.

[Edited 1/26/2015 6:40:42 PM ]
1/26/2015 6:49:10 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Springfield, IL
35, joined Jan. 2015
Well, that's on a policy-level. I'm talking everyday life.
Those policies to make Black lives better and inclusive to White Supremacy has it's ebbs and flows.
Still not good enough, though.
What I aim to do (but will not be the one to initiate it) is have all Blacks on DH to know there is a forum where their kind gathers.
Whoever open that private forum need to send invites to all posters that are Black regardless how they align themselves ideologically and politically.
Regardless if they are Interracial Lovers etc. If thry wear a Black Skin, that's good enough.
Now, when Blacks are aware of it....that, there's a forum on DH where Blacks gathers, this is something to make us feel "whole."
We'd like to have that community growth where we keep up with our identity, our core as Black People and not be too beholden to Whites as the Status Quo.
We be our own, and can still come on the main forum and feel good about ourselves because we got our Race behind here, and a community that's our very own. The main forums would be just a side treat for us to keep up with our fellow White Americans....whom we love.
And when racist-head Whites attack us on this forum, we got enough clout to push back against that and make them understand there is a reckoning with us on DH. A power-element on DH.
And White Racists will heed it.

where "their kind" gathers?????????
whoever open that forum need to invite all blacks??
^^typical current day civil rights leader^^^(they're black.therefore who they are as a person doesn't matter, friend them)
stirring the racial pot, segregating oneself/race, demonizing any of black people whom dis-agree with their own self-righteousness and ideology (based in hate and bigotry) while screaming.........."Whitey's committing a foul!" if the way to go I guess, huh?
ya......to way to carry on MLK Jr's legacy
1/26/2015 7:46:21 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
where "their kind" gathers?????????
whoever open that forum need to invite all blacks??
^^typical current day civil rights leader^^^(they're black.therefore who they are as a person doesn't matter, friend them)
stirring the racial pot, segregating oneself/race, demonizing any of black people whom dis-agree with their own self-righteousness and ideology (based in hate and bigotry) while screaming.........."Whitey's committing a foul!" if the way to go I guess, huh?
ya......to way to carry on MLK Jr's legacy 
You make solid points Taters. 
Tell me, dude. Can you look at my People as whole in America and tell me nothing is wrong with them as far as feeling "whole" in this country?
Be honest?
In Black circles, we can talk about these issues without Whites' input, and we will do well and go far.....this is how Martin Luther King rose to power.
He came out of a Black cicle of intellects. He wasn't the Man he was by being beholden to the White Man or White supremacy.
He became the Man he was by being beholden to his own and Whites came to respect him as a pro-Black Man.
Now, he could have gone way the of Malcom X and rear himself an ideology that calls for the White Man's ass-whupping and force them to bow down and respect the Black Men.
He didn't do that, though. It was a peaceful accord and as a result of it, Blacks went out and practiced civil disobedient and it worked.
Whites look back on those days, and wish those Black folks was still alive today so they can befriend them.
So, my point, we need our own, Tater. We need our own circle. Our own community on this forum.
I don't hate but I understand your angst. I'm just the better Man like that and do not feel threaten or emotional bent like you are.
Maybe we can discuss why you feel so strong against me calling for unity for my own without the inclusion of Whites?
Could it be sexual reasons for naive Black girls.... or some advanteous that keeps Blacks down??

[Edited 1/26/2015 7:49:11 PM ]
1/26/2015 10:19:24 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Los Angeles, CA
53, joined Feb. 2011
I dont feel beholden to anyone.
I don't feel excluded, No one
Can make me feel excluded on this site or any other unless i allow it
There are too many
People that Don't feed into racism to interact with, black white and others
I come here for fun and entertainment, like they do these are the people I talk to
maybe if you stopped focusing
on hate, you'd see more
you sound like it's still
1/26/2015 11:27:45 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
I don't care what you feel. Who asked your opinion anyway? As if you was gonna find something you, at least, slightly agree with what I'm saying.
Not many Black Women are pro-White-until-she's-blindly-maimed-by-Whites.
And if someone start that private thread on a forum and if there's one Black person who should be excluded, you take that honor.....hands down!

1/26/2015 11:44:09 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Springfield, IL
35, joined Jan. 2015
You make solid points Taters.
Tell me, dude. Can you look at my People as whole in America and tell me nothing is wrong with them as far as feeling "whole" in this country?
Be honest?
In Black circles, we can talk about these issues without Whites' input, and we will do well and go far.....this is how Martin Luther King rose to power.
He came out of a Black cicle of intellects. He wasn't the Man he was by being beholden to the White Man or White supremacy.
He became the Man he was by being beholden to his own and Whites came to respect him as a pro-Black Man.
Now, he could have gone way the of Malcom X and rear himself an ideology that calls for the White Man's ass-whupping and force them to bow down and respect the Black Men.
He didn't do that, though. It was a peaceful accord and as a result of it, Blacks went out and practiced civil disobedient and it worked.
Whites look back on those days, and wish those Black folks was still alive today so they can befriend them.
So, my point, we need our own, Tater. We need our own circle. Our own community on this forum.
I don't hate but I understand your angst. I'm just the better Man like that and do not feel threaten or emotional bent like you are.
Maybe we can discuss why you feel so strong against me calling for unity for my own without the inclusion of Whites?
Could it be sexual reasons for naive Black girls.... or some advanteous that keeps Blacks down??

WRONG AGAIN! on ALL your points
you see everything through the prism of RACE........STOP THAT or you'll always be a bigot
MLK didn't need a bunch of black or whites to tell him what to think or know......he confided in HIMSELF and the gospel. To show the world what is and isn't morally right...
then people (both white and black) agreed with and loved his message and became supporters of his..
I know you've been indoctrinated with a false HISTORY . which omits any contributions white people made (for blacks and the civil rights era) so fix that.
quit going to those racist black theology churches and open up real books with the truth about American History.
Malcom X was a racist that's why black theology churches love him so much
now The RACIST people are screaming over Selma.......and how it didn't win etc etc.. last year these same racists didn't say a word when (10 years a slave) won every damn thing
but as soon as they DON'T GET THEIR WAY...they scream RACISM.....
Even MLK Jr's family wouldn't allow them to use mlk's quotes....because they twisted history in that movie.........half that movie is bullshit
one example is how they portrayed president Johnson .made it seem like he was a bad guy and didn't support the civil rights movement.......they didn't mention how whites helped in this or that, and didn't mention how it was Johnson who appointed Thurgood Marshal to be the first black Supreme Court justice.
that movie was lies....that's why it didn't win shit
1/26/2015 11:46:38 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Topeka, KS
56, joined Feb. 2014
I don't care what you feel. Who asked your opinion anyway? As if you was gonna find something you, at least, slightly agree with what I'm saying.
Not many Black Women are pro-White-until-she's-blindly-maimed-by-Whites.
And if someone start that private thread on a forum and if there's one Black person who should be excluded, you take that honor.....hands down!
 Wow I'm really shocked. Be great I've respected you in many of your posts but not this one. There are many black posters who I have great respect for. Barry...Bald..siren..and you. Now all I see you as is a Black Panther. Stiring a pot of hate. Look at how many times you say "white supremacy ". Makes me wonder are you black and a racist or a white racist? Both equally bad. You've just lost my respect.
1/26/2015 11:51:03 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Springfield, IL
35, joined Jan. 2015
Wow I'm really shocked. Be great I've respected you in many of your posts but not this one. There are many black posters who I have great respect for. Barry...Bald..siren..and you. Now all I see you as is a Black Panther. Stiring a pot of hate. Look at how many times you say "white supremacy ". Makes me wonder are you black and a racist or a white racist? Both equally bad. You've just lost my respect.
don't let the racist put you on defense.........that's all he knows
when confronted with facts that he doesn't like.....then he plays the "deflect the question/truth/facts..... and scream racism hand"
1/26/2015 11:56:40 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Belleville, ON
47, joined Dec. 2014
I think there should be a north american indian forum...for all 2 or 3 of us....
We can discuss corn soup and scon recipes....
1/26/2015 11:57:20 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Naperville, IL
32, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
Shut up u pathetic troll
1/26/2015 11:59:27 PM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Topeka, KS
56, joined Feb. 2014
don't let the racist put you on defense.........that's all he knows
when confronted with facts that he doesn't like.....then he plays the "deflect the question/truth/facts..... and scream racism hand"
Im not on defense. I'm shocked. I treat people in the forums equal. Their opinion is just that. Their own opinion. The golden rule..treat others as you want to be treated. I dont believe what he wrote. I see many good posts from black people. We are all PEOPLE. With feelings and fears and faults. I guess Be Great just lost some of the shine I saw in his past posts.
1/27/2015 12:00:07 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Los Angeles, CA
53, joined Feb. 2011
I don't care what you feel. Who asked your opinion anyway? As if you was gonna find something you, at least, slightly agree with what I'm saying.
Not many Black Women are pro-White-until-she's-blindly-maimed-by-Whites.
And if someone start that private thread on a forum and if there's one Black person who should be excluded, you take that honor.....hands down!
You DO care what i feel, you
Wouldn't be so angry with me
if you didn't
That's what this thread is
All about, black people
why do I unsettle you so?
I literally feel the hate from
you, it's not logical
Why?? It's unreasonable, can
You explain why?
Is it simply because I don't agree with you?
No. Others don't agree with you but I don't see the hate
There's something you're not
Saying, what are you afraid of???
1/27/2015 12:07:12 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Topeka, KS
56, joined Feb. 2014
@play I think you scared him. A beautiful strong intelligent black woman. Sad though he has posted some good comments before.
1/27/2015 12:08:26 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Los Angeles, CA
53, joined Feb. 2011
Wow I'm really shocked. Be great I've respected you in many of your posts but not this one. There are many black posters who I have great respect for. Barry...Bald..siren..and you. Now all I see you as is a Black Panther. Stiring a pot of hate. Look at how many times you say "white supremacy ". Makes me wonder are you black and a racist or a white racist? Both equally bad. You've just lost my respect.
Sky, I can't fathom his hate
For me personally. You'd think I'd written a dissertation on the joys of slavery
1/27/2015 12:12:37 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Los Angeles, CA
53, joined Feb. 2011
Awww, Thanks Sky, 
Unfortunately, he'll respond
I'm not expecting him to make
1/27/2015 12:12:39 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Topeka, KS
56, joined Feb. 2014
Sky, I can't fathom his hate
For me personally. You'd think I'd written a dissertation on the joys of slavery
 See funny and intelligent. You scared him.
1/27/2015 12:16:33 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Springfield, IL
35, joined Jan. 2015
Op's mad be he can't get a date and he knows he's going to DIE without ever getting any pU$$y!
so he's full of piss and vinegar
1/27/2015 12:20:07 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Topeka, KS
56, joined Feb. 2014
Now I would like a women's only forum we could compare notes on the male posters and find out who the "players" are.   
1/27/2015 12:21:44 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Los Angeles, CA
53, joined Feb. 2011
1/27/2015 12:23:08 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Naperville, IL
32, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
Fact- My d*ck measures 8 inches when fully erect.
1/27/2015 12:24:22 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Belleville, ON
47, joined Dec. 2014
Fact- My d*ck measures 8 inches when fully erect.
Ohhhhhhh...you da man.... 
1/27/2015 12:25:19 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Naperville, IL
32, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
Opinion- My white hairy a** looks good.
1/27/2015 12:26:23 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Belleville, ON
47, joined Dec. 2014
Buns of steel?....
1/27/2015 12:27:09 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |
Springfield, IL
35, joined Jan. 2015
ass-umption-.........you have tourette's syndrome
1/27/2015 12:30:17 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |


Naperville, IL
32, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
Fact- Fun and flirty's breasts weigh 8 pounds each.
Opinion- Fun and flirty would be an extremely tasty meal.
1/27/2015 12:45:53 AM |
Black Women/Men..You Know There's a Private Forum? |

Canton, MI
67, joined Sep. 2013
You don't have a pic posted so how would anyone know what race you are unless you indirectly tell us via stupid threads like this one.
Thats why no one talks to you...stupid threads; NOT skin color. Nice try going for the "Woe is me I'm a negro" race card ploy.
There are black males here that get incredible respect. Try to man up.
Personally I think you are a caucasian troll playing the embittered black guy. No black guy I know is THIS insecure about his race. 
Suck it!