2/28/2015 11:34:44 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
I know this is outside of dating but we also tend to date Illegal Aliens too. And they're not just those from Mexico or south of the border.
So, I just want to get a pulse from American citizens in the Dating culture because you guys are the voices that really speaks for America.
However, as it is with everyday Americans, our voice is never heard fully on hot-button issues like this when it really shouldn't be a hot-button issue given the Laws of the Land and how clearly Illegal Aliens falls outside of the Law to be here.
On the one hand, the Obama administration and the Democrat Party believes Illegal Aliens should have:
Permanent Deportation Reprieve
Provided Social Security Card
Provided Driver License
Given all the jobs of their choice
Get a Tax Refund up to $9,128 every year just for being Illegal Aliens
On top of that, Parents who are illegal aliens but with U.S. born children, should be a protected group and have eventual citizenship despite not having any highly sought skills to contribute to our economy. And the Obama administration want Welfare to provide for them fully at our (tax-payers) expense.
On the other hand, the Republican Party want to end Obama's lawless Amnesty programs for Illegal Aliens and put American citizens first over Illegal Aliens.
Republican want more enforcement, deportation of Illegal Aliens (especially the growing number of criminal Aliens from Mexico and South of the Border).
Among concerned voices of American citizens, both Whites and Blacks aligned with the Republican views on illegal aliens and see the Democrats and Obama as far-fetched in their overreach to accommodate the Illegal Aliens and usurp our Laws and remake them while ignoring our Constitution.
Given the full weight of an illegal alien presence on our soil, experts have warned that Obama's Amnesty/Executive Order to grant Illegal Aliens deportation reprieve would cost states in the billions of dollars while our own American citizens are out of a jobs and struggle....the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party chose to ignore that reality and focus even more on Illegal Aliens for one thing:
Where do you guys stand on the political divide?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!
2/28/2015 11:38:10 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Beverly Hills, CA
56, joined May. 2014
Did you cross your fingers when you posted this long post?
2/28/2015 11:39:08 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Eugene, OR
45, joined Feb. 2015
we have laws about immigration they need to be followed
2/28/2015 11:40:22 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
2/28/2015 11:40:37 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
43, joined Nov. 2014
I don't think it bodes well for dating.
2/28/2015 11:43:30 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Nuff said.................
2/28/2015 11:43:43 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Big Timber, MT
23, joined Apr. 2014
It should be illegal and stuff, brah...
2/28/2015 11:48:28 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Los Angeles, CA
40, joined Jan. 2015
As long as they don't have old slave mind sets, think they are entitled to everything without working for it, then cool.
2/28/2015 11:48:57 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Reno, NV
44, joined Jul. 2014
2/28/2015 11:54:04 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Salem, OR
62, joined Nov. 2013
I feel that opponents of illegal immigration should put up-by raising taxes high enough to fund real border security-or shut up. Obama has no amnesty program, and his program of discretionary enforcement has already been declared legal by The US Supreme Court, and no lower court can overrule that. The Republicans are the ones which passed the law-Public Law 110-457-that requires Obama to let illegals stay here until they have a hearing with an immigration judge. The Republicans are the ones who cut taxes so low that there are not enough funds to hire enough immigration judges to give all the illegals a speedy trial, and deport them. It is the Republicans who hire the illegals who come here, to work as their nannies, gardeners, farm laborers, etc.
If you are really against illegal aliens being here, you have to do two things:
Vote to raise taxes high enough to fund getting rid of the illegals,and keeping them out
Quit voting for the Republicans who create, and worsen, this mess.
If you fail to do either-let alone both-of these things, you are part of the problem.
3/1/2015 12:23:14 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Houston, TX
41, joined Dec. 2014
It won't do no good now seeing that posters are dogging it.
I get that. There would be no America if that was honored though. Even still, Legal Immigration is the way to go. Illegal just cause too many problem and the wrong People are coming in when that's not the intend of our Immigration generosity.
...I think so, too.
Totally opposite.
It wasn't a problem of a lack of funds. It's a problem of a lack of enforcement.
Obama won't enforce our immigration laws and LIED and say the borders are secured when the Texas Governor alone said 20,000 enter illegal every year through the Texas border.
Obama's Executive Order is in fact, Amnesty. And what make it awful, he giving them a Social Security number while being Illegal Aliens.
Driver license....Tax Refund. Job preference. Welfare. Medical care.
It's unprecemdent which is why a Federal Judge put an injunction on his programs and stopped it right in its track until it can go before the SCOTUS. I think the Supreme Court Judges will rule against Obama. It's an overreach of his authority to enforcement immigration law.
And we don't have to raise taxes on an issues we did not commit. We should fine Mexico and strip all American benefits from Illegal Aliens and thry will go back home on their own.
3/1/2015 4:37:00 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
I think all immigration should be stopped period.
Sure its been part of this country since its beginning.
but you have to adapt as needed as time goes by.
If you have a lifeboat, designed for 24 people and you put 36 in it....it will sink.
We have deficits, our roads and inter structure needs updating.....etc, etc...and immigrants these days take more than they give, the more people, the more resources used, real estate goes higher.
And there's too many who come in with those seeking a better life, who are the criminal element.
I think we need to worry about those that have been here a while, who's fore people built this country and fought to preserve it.
hell, these modern immigrants get more rights than those who have been here for a while.
Again...you can't put 36 people in a lifeboat not designed for that.
3/1/2015 5:25:49 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Greenwood Lake, NY
29, joined Jan. 2014
My exbf of 8 years didn't even break up with me. He just married someone right behind my back from another country who couldn't even speak any English.
3/1/2015 5:36:41 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Springfield, VA
61, joined Sep. 2009
online now!
Since you start this thread off with a series of entirely false statements, there's no intelligent or useful way to respond to you.
Go back and ACTUALLY read what each party says they are doing, and what they are doing, then come back and ask again, if you care to.
Until then, all I can tell you is, is that I, and the Republican Party, AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, and the Tea Party, all oppose illegal immigration. All of us.
At least officially anyway. Of those four, the Republicans have yet to have proposed what to do about it, so there's questions about what they really mean when they SAY they oppose it. And since they love to promote lies about what the rest of us want instead of the nothing they propose, we get posts like your thread, from people who believe the lies instead of the facts.
3/1/2015 6:20:43 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
Unfortunately educated people know europeans arrived in North America 10,000 years before the land bridge formed and "native Americans" ever arrived.
Stone-age Europeans were the first to set foot on North America, beating American Indians by some 10,000 years.
In a discovery that could rewrite the history of the Americas, archaeologists have found a number of stone tools dating back between 19,000 and 26,000 years, and bearing remarkable similarities to those made in Europe.
All of the ancient implements were discovered along the north-east coast of the United States.
But the striking resemblance in the way the primitive American tools were made to European ones dating from the same period now suggests a remarkable migration took place.
Adding to the weight of evidence is fresh analysis of stone knife unearthed in the US in 1971 that revealed it was made of French flint.
3/1/2015 6:28:36 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
Actually immigration doesn't need to be stopped, we just need to let people who will improve american life in rather than absorbing every welfare case on earth. Make it simple. You bring $1,000,000 and realize there is no welfare, food stamps, section 8, medicaid for you. Also you know that there is no social security until you have worked your 40 quarters.
Or you require 4 years of military service and an honorable discharge. 2 routes in. No others
3/1/2015 6:48:26 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Lawrence, MA
49, joined Mar. 2008
Execute them as they cross the border.
3/1/2015 6:49:47 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Buffalo, MO
59, joined Sep. 2011
Well I believe that the only reason Obama wants to help the illegals is to get them registered to vote. I am not for the amnesty let them come in the same way my grandparents came from Norway. Learn English and work earn what u get without free shit.
3/1/2015 7:44:32 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Springfield, VA
61, joined Sep. 2009
online now!
It's just an opinion, but I think you are only half right about Obama's recent messy whatever it was.
It wasn't remotely close to amnesty, no matter what anyone says. And it wasn't to try to gain illegal votes, either.
I think it WAS designed to try to get LEGAL votes from the legal immigrants who already here, by playing "nice," after running an administration that is said to have deported more illegals than any Republican administration did.
Kind of like when Bush came up with his "guest worker" program, in a sloppy effort to fool the anti-illegal members of the GOP into thinking he was going to be tough on foreigners sneaking in, while at the same time, catering to the core GOP group who wants to use immigrants to keep driving wages down.
3/1/2015 8:03:00 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Houston, TX
44, joined Jan. 2013
online now!
Unfortunately educated people know europeans arrived in North America 10,000 years before the land bridge formed and "native Americans" ever arrived.
Stone-age Europeans were the first to set foot on North America, beating American Indians by some 10,000 years.
In a discovery that could rewrite the history of the Americas, archaeologists have found a number of stone tools dating back between 19,000 and 26,000 years, and bearing remarkable similarities to those made in Europe.
All of the ancient implements were discovered along the north-east coast of the United States.
But the striking resemblance in the way the primitive American tools were made to European ones dating from the same period now suggests a remarkable migration took place.
Adding to the weight of evidence is fresh analysis of stone knife unearthed in the US in 1971 that revealed it was made of French flint.
..............this theory maybe true but one catch ........white people didnt come to europe until 500AD.......so what race were these europeans
[Edited 3/1/2015 8:03:42 AM ]
3/1/2015 8:03:01 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Suwanee, GA
56, joined Mar. 2007
I have not dated an illegal alien.
How do I feel about illegal immigration? Although I understand "why" people want to come to this country, they need to do so through legal channels. I have a friend who is an immigration attorney. The system is broken and needs to be overhauled. This country needs to expedite and streamline the process. I do not believe in giving a "free pass" to everybody who is here illegally.
The U.S. currently gives Mexico approximately 60 BILLION dollars a year. Can anyone tell me "where" this money goes? Too much goes to lining the pockets of corrupt officials. If we are going to subsidize a county we need to have control over how and where those dollars are spent. If those dollars were allocated to build infrastructure less people would try to cross the borders into the U.S. I realize this is a multi-layered problem. There are high crime rates, drug cartels, etc. However, IF there was infrastructure, education, opportunity, etc, this would start to stem the flow.
The other "lie" being propogated is that "if" we provide citizenship to these illegals, the U.S will collect more taxes. NOT true. The wages of these people will be low enough for them to qualify for an income tax credit.
Further musings: I have worked for several international corporations. The employees hailed from different countries and ethnicities. My personal observation is that our citizens who come from places such as Korea, China, India, Iran, Vietnam Nam, Puerto Rico, Europe,,Africa, South America, etc. They have all have managed to obtain HIGHER education, learn ENGLISH and assimilate into our culture while still honoring and embracing their heritage. On the other hand, I have seen many hard working people from Mexico. Education doesn't appear to hold the same appeal or overall importance as other groups of people, ESPECIALLY since many are now 3rd generation. They clean your homes, care for your children, take care of your lawns, etc. English is not the spoken language at home. The largest number of illegals in this country are from Mexico. Although every healthy economy has a white collar, blue collar and labor sector, those from Mexico seem stuck. This is in spite of having strong family structure.
I understand humanitarian immigration from war torn countries but other countries need to step up to the plate too.
Right now, my main concern is "rounding up" those living in the US with extremist ties and deporting them or incarcerating asap. Like others, I'm tired of a President who is more concerned about political correctness than drawing a line in the sand.
There are many layers to this problem.
3/1/2015 8:21:04 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Boston, MA
27, joined Oct. 2014
I think its shit and years to late ..It def hits home for me
3/1/2015 8:22:58 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
I get that. There would be no America if that was honored though. Even still, Legal Immigration is the way to go. Illegal just cause too many problem and the wrong People are coming in when that's not the intend of our Immigration generosity.
The land is not going to disappear if everybody leaves. America, is nothing but a name. Columbus discovered land, that already had occupants on it.
That's kind of like me discovering your backyard.
I find it kind of ironic that the same people that were welcomed by the Native Americans with such open arms, are the same people whining about "illegal" immigration.
Nobody stamped the passports of the pilgrims.
3/1/2015 8:34:35 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Suwanee, GA
56, joined Mar. 2007
Viper- America is no longer the same country when Columbus sailed the ocean blue and erroneously landed on this piece of dirt. There are millions of people, infrastructure, education, roads, businesses, government, etc. We have grown and evolved. Although I don't agree with everything that is happening on our continent, we need some controls along with checks and balances. Are you aware of how many people are currently on government aid? We are already in over our heads.
3/1/2015 10:43:23 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Wellston, OK
47, joined Apr. 2014
Typical libtard response,,guess what this is 2014 not 1620, wars were fought land was bought. people lost and other people won just like every other corner of the world over the entire history of mankind.
break it down so even the stupid can understand,
Joe Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.
Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".
Ready? Now pay attention....
Joe Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Joe Legal now has $31,231.00.
Jose Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.0 0 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $24,031.00.
Jose Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics and emergency hospitals at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or welfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $18,031.00.
Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps, WIC and welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year. Joe Legal now has 9,631 ..00.
Jose Illegal receives a $500.00 per month Federal Rent Subsidy. Jose Illegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $ 31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for car insurance. Some of that is uninsured motorist insurance. Joe Legal now has $7,231.00.
Jose Illegal says, "We don't need no stinkin' insurance!" and still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, etc..
Jose Illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, and what he sends out of the country every month..
Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.
Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.
Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same elementary school.
Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches, while
Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch.
Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program.
Joe Legal's children go home.
Now, when they reach college age,
Joe Legal's kids may not get into a State School and may not qualify for scholarships, grants or other tuition help, even though Joe has been paying for State Schools through his taxes, while
Jose Illegal's kids "go to the head of the class" because they are a minority.
Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.
Do you get it, now?
If you vote for or support any politician that supports illegal aliens... You are part of the problem!
We need to keep this going--we need to make changes ASAP!
It's way PAST time to take a stand for America and Americans!
3/1/2015 11:14:51 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
..............this theory maybe true but one catch ........white people didnt come to europe until 500AD.......so what race were these europeans
*700.000 B.C.: Homo Erectus entered southern Europe.
*700.000 - 80.000 B.C.: People continued to migrate across Europe.
*35.000 B.C. - 10.000 B.C.: A new species entered Europe from the Near East.
Homo sapiens.
White people.
Whoops, there goes your ignorance again.
3/1/2015 11:16:25 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Baltimore, MD
51, joined Dec. 2007
While dating? Didn't read it , I am sure it was filled with thinly veiled racism.
Plus OP is faceless...so I guess angry white guy who can't compete.
3/1/2015 11:22:59 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Madison, WI
95, joined Mar. 2009
i love it!!! i want everyone in the entire world to come here.... all at once!
every soul on earth.... leave their homes, and jobs, and lives.... and get here.... and just stand there.... looking at us... then dance a little bit.... then stop..... and resume staring.... then all the animals too.... same thing. even ants... n shit.
3/1/2015 11:28:46 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Topeka, KS
56, joined Feb. 2014
Actually immigration doesn't need to be stopped, we just need to let people who will improve american life in rather than absorbing every welfare case on earth. Make it simple. You bring $1,000,000 and realize there is no welfare, food stamps, section 8, medicaid for you. Also you know that there is no social security until you have worked your 40 quarters.
Or you require 4 years of military service and an honorable discharge. 2 routes in. No others
Brillant answer. I only would add....if you are illegal and have a baby here your baby is not... I repeat NOT... an american citizen. Your child would have the same status as the parents.
3/1/2015 11:36:33 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Topeka, KS
56, joined Feb. 2014
@pentopaper2. That was an awesome post. I've always been in the working poor paying for everything with no handouts. I love how you broke it down. I've always worked my ex husband worked we have 3 sons and still made too much for any help. Yet Americans with 15 kids got so much back from income tax they bought new cars, big screen tvs you name it. While me and my husband might get a couple hundred others who dont work get back more than they paid in??? I support flat tax no deductions. Period. Its not just illegals draining our system its all those americans that work the system.
[Edited 3/1/2015 11:37:01 AM ]
3/1/2015 11:45:22 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
Typical libtard response,,guess what this is 2014 not 1620, wars were fought land was bought. people lost and other people won just like every other corner of the world over the entire history of mankind.
break it down so even the stupid can understand,
Joe Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.
Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".
Ready? Now pay attention....
Snipping the silly..
Now pay attention.
When Jose Illegal becomes Joe Legal, he now has to pay taxes, buy insurance, and do all the other stuff Joe Legal does.
The old is tired beyond belief.
I remember a few years back, this kid that was still attending ITT Tech came to me and wanted a job before graduation. I told him that he had to be A+ certified order to work most of my places, but I had a friend that could get him a job in the meantime, picking watermelons out in the Coachella Valley.
It paid fifteen dollars an hour.
He looked at me as if I'd just shit on his girlfriend's shoes, and said "why the hell would I want to work with a bunch of wetbacks?" I told him he it just blown any chance he ever had working for me.
Get it now?
[Edited 3/1/2015 11:46:47 AM ]
3/1/2015 11:51:11 AM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
wars were fought. people lost and other people won just like every other corner of the world over the entire history of mankind.
Strange.. That argument didn't work all that well for Hitler.The only difference between a radical Republican and Adolf Hitler is that Hitler had a better tailor.
[Edited 3/1/2015 11:52:26 AM ]
3/1/2015 12:00:28 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Topeka, KS
56, joined Feb. 2014
The topic Viper was illegal immigration. Not those here working with a government issued Visa. Illegals are straining our economy. Along with system abusers. You want to stop it? Border control is a joke. Stop making it a profitable venture to cross the border. No free housing, no free medical, no free food. Stiff bank breaking fines for companies hiring illegals.
3/1/2015 12:04:53 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
North York, ON
44, joined Apr. 2014
A few flaws of pentopaper2 post is Jose Illegal with that cash he earns assuming he send what ever back to his family where they came from spends money on rent although illegal, he buys food which is taxed, he buys clothes which is taxed, electronics which is taxed.
While im no fan of illegals but they wouldn't have jobs if certain american companies wouldn't hire these people in the first place, there needs to be enforcement and draconian punishment for companies that hires these people.
In my country illegals have a harder time, because you need ID for everything including welfare,now we have our shares of deadbeats and losers but the illegals are at a minimum because of the strict rules if companies are caught with illegals and illegals caught working without a visa, they are deported and banned and if they come back , oh boy its serious jail time then deported.
The American government could take a page or two from us and a few other countries on how we deal with illegals, you start by fining the companies that hires these people, round them up and boot their a** out immediately no hearings except to finger print them and boot their a** out.
If they come back 10 year prison term hard time and then boot their a** out again.
3/1/2015 12:05:50 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Baltimore, MD
51, joined Dec. 2007
It is interesting how many Native American Indian faces I see talking about "immigration" and "our country"....oh yeah that's right I don't see any.
It's as funny to me as that idiot Sheriff in AZ. , named Arapaio who rails about immigrants all the time...because there were Arapaio's on the Mayflower I guess.
3/1/2015 12:06:49 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
The topic Viper was illegal immigration. Not those here working with a government issued Visa. Illegals are straining our economy. Along with system abusers. You want to stop it? Border control is a joke. Stop making it a profitable venture to cross the border. No free housing, no free medical, no free food. Stiff bank breaking fines for companies hiring illegals.
And then maybe for some extra cash, we can sell the Statue of Liberty back to France.
That whole "Give me your poor, your weak, your downtrodden" was a failed marketing ploy, and a pack of bullshit to begin with.
[Edited 3/1/2015 12:08:18 PM ]
3/1/2015 12:10:52 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
It is interesting how many Native American Indian faces I see talking about "immigration" and "our country"....oh yeah that's right I don't see any.
It's as funny to me as that idiot Sheriff in AZ. , named Arapaio who rails about immigrants all the time...because there were Arapaio's on the Mayflower I guess.
Arapaio's grandfaher was an "anchor baby".
It's totally classic that Republicans want to repeal the fourteenth amendment.
I would support it, just to see John and Mary Smith – White have to apply for a green card for Junior.
[Edited 3/1/2015 12:13:27 PM ]
3/1/2015 12:22:39 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Isle Of Man
United Kingdom
18, joined Apr. 2012
immigration... how i feel about it, !COLLATERAL DAMAGE!
A simple solution
stop wasting all the current cost on border seucrity
stop wasting all the cost of transporting entire military units to various existing 'forts" for live fire training exercises
and turn the entirety of both border into a live fire training base FOR ALL BRANCHES.
army and marines AGAIN go back to training and maneuvers on the border
air force does bombing runs
navy does bombardment
secures the borders, the coast, the air
*lessens* the spending at multiple bases
substancialy cuts the entire border security budget
transfer it all to new border live fire bases
in a few yrs of design and building, that budget too can be substancialy cut
likely saving a lot of money, making border crossing very risky, SHOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE
can even make money, offering mx and ca to train there, grab part the base tab and can as well, "lease out" to other nato countries that have limited land area for such things.
[Edited 3/1/2015 12:25:23 PM ]
3/1/2015 12:25:24 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Suwanee, GA
56, joined Mar. 2007
Pentopaper- I will be cutting and pasting your post.
VIPER- you still don't get that if we make all the illegal Jose's legal, they will still be working in labor type jobs where they are paid under the table. They will then BE ELIGIBLE FOR A TAX CREDIT in ADDITION TO ALL THE OTHER STUFF I am helping to pay for out of my tax dollars. The liberals don't share THAT piece of information.
3/1/2015 12:27:39 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
The funniest part of this whole discussion, is that it focuses primarily on the southern border.
But when you break down the numbers, illegal immigration except exactly 22% higher from the Eastern European countries (Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia and so on) coming through our northern border with Canada.
But nobody ever wants to discuss the "snowback" issue.
Pentopaper- I will be cutting and pasting your post.
VIPER- you still don't get that if we make all the illegal Jose's legal, they will still be working in labor type jobs where they are paid under the table. They will then BE ELIGIBLE FOR A TAX CREDIT in ADDITION TO ALL THE OTHER STUFF I am helping to pay for out of my tax dollars. The liberals don't share THAT piece of information.
Please explain how someone is eligible for a "tax credit" when they don't even file a tax return.
And show me where the line for that forms. I might want to sign up.
[Edited 3/1/2015 12:29:53 PM ]
3/1/2015 12:28:42 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Isle Of Man
United Kingdom
18, joined Apr. 2012
do not legalize any of them... round them up, send them back
and don't house them for months-yrs after catching them
id who ya readily can and ship them out
cut out entire visa program for 20 yrs
a entire "generation" while getting this entire system reworked & current issues "cleared"
3/1/2015 12:30:46 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
Would you include the snowbacks in that?
3/1/2015 12:31:10 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Baltimore, MD
51, joined Dec. 2007
The funniest part of this whole discussion, is that it focuses primarily on the southern border.
But when you break down the numbers, illegal immigration except exactly 22% higher from the Eastern European countries (Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia and so on) coming through our northern border with Canada.
But nobody ever wants to discuss the "snowback" issue.
Makes me chuckle too. I never hear "them" railing about supermodels, athletes, engineers, singers, doctors and such who are white and from places other than Mexico.
[Edited 3/1/2015 12:32:01 PM ]
3/1/2015 12:32:11 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Wellston, OK
47, joined Apr. 2014
Strange.. That argument didn't work all that well for Hitler.The only difference between a radical Republican and Adolf Hitler is that Hitler had a better tailor.
hitler was one who lost,,,,like I said some won some lost,,stallin won and he was responsible for more deaths than hitler ever dreamed of,,its the history of the world,
point is,,you tried to go back to 1620 to make your invalid point
3/1/2015 12:32:33 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Isle Of Man
United Kingdom
18, joined Apr. 2012
Would you include the snowbacks in that?
vga, read the post... i very clearly said, ANY OF THEM
3/1/2015 12:34:39 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
Makes me chuckle too. I never hear "them" railing about supermodels, athletes, engineers, singers, doctors and such who are white and from places other than Mexico.
There are probably people here that would want Superman deported as an illegal alien, no matter how much good he did.
Or they would rush to give them a green card no questions asked.
3/1/2015 12:35:45 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Pittsburgh, PA
61, joined Feb. 2014
Strange.. That argument didn't work all that well for Hitler.The only difference between a radical Republican and Adolf Hitler is that Hitler had a better tailor.
All I know is Hitler had good seats at the 1936 German Olympics that did not go unnoticed by Banker Joseph P Kennedy or Flyer Charles Lindbergh or Henry Ford for that matter.
3/1/2015 12:38:23 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Isle Of Man
United Kingdom
18, joined Apr. 2012
i'd deport superman too, ifn he ain't already legal
and the ones that are legal... i'd be re verifying
clean the whole thing up/out
get our own security in order... then start allowing ppl back in, CONTROLLED
all this spills over to other serious aspects
like jobs, housing, education, medical... AND MORE
3/1/2015 12:38:44 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Vale, OR
60, joined Oct. 2013
All I know is Hitler had good seats at the 1936 German Olympics that did not go unnoticed by Banker Joseph P Kennedy or Flyer Charles Lindbergh or Henry Ford for that matter.
aren't u suppose to be at mass or synogog or something today?
3/1/2015 12:38:55 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Wellston, OK
47, joined Apr. 2014
yet if you get caught in mexico coming from el salvador you go to prison,,,,even the Mexicans are smart enough to shut their border down,,,or do they think only they can come here
[Edited 3/1/2015 12:40:14 PM ]
3/1/2015 12:40:59 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Pittsburgh, PA
61, joined Feb. 2014
There are probably people here that would want Superman deported as an illegal alien, no matter how much good he did.
Or they would rush to give them a green card no questions asked.
The Chinese have a workaround on this via John Kerry and UPMC Medical center next to Heinz Chapel which is next to the Chinese Christian Church setup for the Sun family of Dr Sun Yet Sen MD who was Christian. Everything is near the Nixon Theater. Ever since the Sun family helped us and the Roosevelt family in the Doolittle raid, getting green cards or US Citizenship is really very EZ.
It's supprising how many Chinese were at FDR's Funeral.
3/1/2015 12:42:17 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Isle Of Man
United Kingdom
18, joined Apr. 2012
FDR himself is surprising
3/1/2015 12:42:33 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Suwanee, GA
56, joined Mar. 2007
Barry,-I don't care what their color or where they come from. The reason that Mexico is a sore spot is because they are taking advantage of the system, have multiple children, send more money out of this country, don't learn English, education is not a priority. Some of the other people you speak of are high wage earners who still pay into the system.
Viper- I promise you it's there as it showed up as an option on my tax return. Look at turbo tax or google.
If you live and work here you must file a return even if you don't owe taxes.
3/1/2015 12:44:18 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Pittsburgh, PA
61, joined Feb. 2014
FDR himself is surprising
Well everyone in the word is connected to Alice Lee Roosevelt and her wedding photographer William Edward Myers.
3/1/2015 12:45:12 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Baltimore, MD
51, joined Dec. 2007
Thanks for the education Rocket. There is no way I know anything about the Federal Govt.
3/1/2015 12:45:35 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Pittsburgh, PA
61, joined Feb. 2014
Barry,-I don't care what their color or where they come from. The reason that Mexico is a sore spot is because they are taking advantage of the system, have multiple children, send more money out of this country, don't learn English, education is not a priority. Some of the other people you speak of are high wage earners who still pay into the system.
Viper- I promise you it's there as it showed up as an option on my tax return. Look at turbo tax or google.
If you live and work here you must file a return even if you don't owe taxes.
The Irish were the same way during the Civil War.
3/1/2015 12:47:21 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Jeannette, PA
56, joined Dec. 2013
But illegals DON'T FILE.
So how are they getting a tax credit?
Does the IRS pull their name out of a hat?
Barry,-I don't care what their color or where they come from. The reason that Mexico is a sore spot is because they are taking advantage of the system, have multiple children, send more money out of this country, don't learn English, education is not a priority. Some of the other people you speak of are high wage earners who still pay into the system.
Viper- I promise you it's there as it showed up as an option on my tax return. Look at turbo tax or google.
If you live and work here you must file a return even if you don't owe taxes.
Oh wow. You, as a woman, want to tell women how many children they can have??
Want to follow the Chinese model and drown the female babies?
[Edited 3/1/2015 12:49:38 PM ]
3/1/2015 12:49:03 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Isle Of Man
United Kingdom
18, joined Apr. 2012
But illegals DON'T FILE.
So how are they getting a tax credit?
Does the IRS pull their name out of a hat?
double edged sword
you got to file in order to get the tax break/credit
3/1/2015 12:50:20 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Wellston, OK
47, joined Apr. 2014
maybe mexico needs to pull its head out of its ass,,they have every tool to become a 1st world country,,oil,,beautiful beaches,,tourism,,a beautiful culture of people,,and location/location/location,,,,yet it has resigned itself to being Americas 35 year old loser child that lives in moms basement playing playstation and smoking dope all day
name another free country on earth who's claim to fame is drugs and the proud deportation of its own citizens.
its time to cut off mamas tit and make the son move out of the basement and stand on his own & aspire to be something other than Americas ghetto
[Edited 3/1/2015 12:50:56 PM ]
3/1/2015 12:53:41 PM |
OT: How Do You Guys Feel About Illegal Immigration? |
Isle Of Man
United Kingdom
18, joined Apr. 2012
"name another free country on earth who's claim to fame is drugs and the proud deportation of its own citizens. "
several asian countries
most of central america
some of s america
guessing about 1/4 of africa
and to a degree u.s. istelf
[Edited 3/1/2015 12:55:20 PM ]