3/4/2015 3:05:56 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
I don't doubt that person has an aunt that worked at the Pentagon maybe she was a maid or a janitor or whatever. the point is she has been pulled aside and told by the feds that she saw a plane hit the Pentagon. Remember it's high treason and mass murder if the truth gets out so all kinds of people have been told to back up the official lie or suffer the consequences.
How about the thousands of people who saw the plane in the traffic jam out front. Did they pull all of them aside too? You truly are an idiot. We all saw the second plane hit live. We all saw the wreckage sticking out the side of the wtc. Holograms need to be projected against something, not the air. There's so many holes in your story is amazing you remember to breathe.
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3/4/2015 3:27:50 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Kieler, WI
64, joined May. 2008
online now!
I saw the first plane fly over me when i was in Monticello NY going to work, and watched the second plane live on TV at a co workers house, so yeah, you're a dumb ass.
Yeah, you probly saw a plane....but it sure wasnt Flight 11...because that flight didn't even take off that day according to the NTSB. The one you saw on tv was a hologram..not a real plane..but with your tiny bobbleheaded brain...your incapable of anything less which would require " research and thinking "
3/4/2015 3:35:36 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Toledo, OH
51, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from 57channels:
Yeah, you probly saw a plane....but it sure wasnt Flight 11...because that flight didn't even take off that day according to the NTSB. The one you saw on tv was a hologram..not a real plane..but with your tiny bobbleheaded brain...your incapable of anything less which would require " research and thinking "
You are the geeked out freak on meds who cant function without them....so what happens when you arent on them...hear voices?....see shit?....get parnoid and hermit out on the internet posting about 9/11?
3/4/2015 3:37:49 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Lufkin, TX
54, joined Aug. 2010
I saw the first plane fly over me when i was in Monticello NY going to work, and watched the second plane live on TV at a co workers house, so yeah, you're a dumb ass.
Funny thing how ALL of the jewish members of Dh saw planes that day, isn't it?
Just a coincidence, I'm sure. 
9/11 CNN Pentagon Report - NO PLANE - Only Aired Once
Only minutes after the strike, a television reporter says there is nothing to indicate a plane struck the Pentagon.
Published on Aug 13, 2013
Even with this video evidence, everyday people will still believe the government story. 9/11 changed the world but for the wrong reasons. DO YOU WANT THE TRUTH? ... or are you quite happy watching fake TV and eating fake food....
DO YOU KNOW what your government is capable of ? You only need to look at their past to see what they're doing today and where they're heading for the future.
3/4/2015 3:38:13 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
... And there are actually other members who respond to this conspiracy theory hoax stuff?
3/4/2015 3:46:49 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Lufkin, TX
54, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from cupocheer:
... And there are actually other members who respond to this conspiracy theory hoax stuff
ALL of the faceless, jewish profiles go along w/ the OFFICIAL .... conspiracy theory. Doing their best to protect the government of the State of Israel. 
9/11 – the Zionist created excuse to control the world

If you believe Israel and the West are under attack by Islamic extremism, you are being fooled. There is growing evidence that Israel was involved in the 9-11 attack and is plotting new terror scares to get their Zionist-Neocon agents in power for 2016.
A Report of the German Intelligence Service (BND) says Israel’s Mossad helped the “Arab terrorists.” Germany has not denied that this report is authentic and no one has refuted it.
“These investigations disclosed in late May of 2001 that an attack was to be made against certain specified targets in the American cities of Washington and New York. But it was apparent that the Mossad was not only fully aware of these attacks well in advance but actually, though their own agents inside these Arab groups, assisted in the planning and the eventual execution of the attacks.
That the Israeli government was fully aware of these attack is absolutely certain and proven. Diplomatic traffic between the Israeli Embassy in the Federal Republic and the Israeli Foreign Office made it very clear that Minister President Sharon was fully aware of this pending attack and urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent the attacks.”

Hey cup? Is the Talmudic Law of Moser that prohibits jews from informing on other jews a "conspiracy theory" too? 
How about the Talmudic Kol Nidre prayer that jews sing on the eve of every Yom Kippur that absolves the LIES jews tell to gentiles for the following year?
Is that a "conspiracy theory" too? 
Go ahead, cup. Give us all a GOOD laugh and tell me that's a "conspiracy theory too !

3/4/2015 4:19:20 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
We know who you are, and what you want.
We are watching you.
3/4/2015 4:39:16 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Lufkin, TX
54, joined Aug. 2010
Zionists can repeat the mantras “terrorist” and “right to self defense” but who are they fooling but themselves?
Self defense? Israel has lost about six people a year to Hezbollah since leaving Lebanon in May 2000. It loses almost 500 people to traffic accidents annually. They exchanged prisoner with Hezbollah in 2004. Why not now?
Because this war is designed to create the conditions for the bogus “Clash of Civilizations” that the Zio cons have been demanding. Israeli war crimes and atrocities are designed to fan the flames.
Lebanon is another front in the Iraq War that the Zio Cons think needs to be expanded. Prime Minister Olmert even says, “We are fighting Iran and Syria.”
Young Americans and Israelis are cannon fodder for globalist plans to build a “new Middle East,” one that may not even include Israel.
Iran probably has nuclear weapons. If they don’t, they are guilty of criminal negligence. Iraq was invaded because it didn’t have WMD’s.
In 2002, a Russian general said Iran has nuclear weapons.
China and Russia are behind Hezbollah and Iran. The transcript above confirms this. There is no way this is going to turn out well for Israel. Some believe Tel Aviv and Haifa may be sacrificed as an excuse to nuke Iran.
A 63-page on line monograph “Israel’s Sacred Terrorism” (1980) by Livia Rokach, suggests that Israel’s defensive posture is a ruse.
Rokach’s monograph is based on revelations from the personal diary of Moshe Sharett, who was Israeli’s first Foreign Minister from 1948-1956, and Prime Minister from 1954-1956.

3/4/2015 5:00:09 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Denton, TX
50, joined Jun. 2014
Looks like somebody made all of these plane pics up
3/4/2015 6:29:46 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Painesville, OH
56, joined Mar. 2014
57channels. Seeings how your so well informed regarding 911, why not join the crowd?
Id love to chat with any of the truther's who want a real investigation into 9-11. Pilots, scholars, engineers, architects, veterans all for 9-11 truth. All Patriots who refuse to bend over and take the MSM's propaganda up their asses.
Kinda wondering if you would do the things you accuse the government of. I assume accusing "them" of doing reprehensible things you would do is sort of transference. That is, you confront your own moral demons by assuming the government would do what they want to but can't.
BTW, you've offered little in the way of evidence, or source/s of. And what do patriots have to do with all this? Is there more to this than 911?
3/4/2015 6:35:46 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Lufkin, TX
54, joined Aug. 2010
There have been several sites around the web who’ve been posting articles that go back over the last several decades and which have summarized past hysterical, anti-Iran ravings of Netanyahu, where he was trying to get the USA to attack Iran, and the list of those ravings is almost as unbelievable as they are comical. In each one of them, Netanyahu was pinky swearing that Iran was days away from getting the A-bomb and how the USA had to nuke them IMMEDIATELY or else they were going to holoco$t the jews in Israel and, oh, yea, by the way, they would also be firing nukes at the USA and snuff out John Hagee and all of the IQ of minus 100, nose picking, jew anus licking imbeciles in his congregation.
There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that Netanyahu is a mentally insane, delusional, unstable paranoid psychopath and that this slab of jew excrement has an obsession with destroying Iran. And, the chickenshit, cowardly bastard wants the USA to do this for him, so he and his fellow self-chosen slabs of chicken excrement won’t have to do any of the fighting, bleeding, or dying. He wants stupid White men and now White females (thanks to Obama) to do the fighting, bleeding and dying, since that fits in with the greater jewish imperative of killing off the White race by any means possible.
I think this obsession by Netanyahu to con the USA into attacking Iran is an enormously important piece of evidence that proves that Israel was behind the false flag attacks on September 11, 2001. This was their primary objective from the first moment they started conspiring to engineer 9-11 and if we all recall, Ariel Sharon arrogantly ordered the cocaine brain damaged chunk of hyena shit from Crawford, Texas to head straight to Tehran, the day after Baghdad fell. Which means, Netanyahu had to have been intimately involved in the planning of 9-11 and now, he’s basically fingering himself due to his lack of self discipline and by his constant maniacal ravings that are screaming for the USA to attack Iran. This a**hole was screaming the same baloney 20 years ago.
Netanyahu is showing his frustration and I think the fact that 14 years have passed since he pulled off 9-11 and he still hasn’t been able to get the USA to attack Iran is causing this psychopath to begin to become unglued, impatient and dangerously desperate. The guy reminds me of a rabid dog that needs to be put down before it bites someone.
And, when I see our whole congress cheering and clapping their hands after this slab of human shit appears before them and basically threatens the USA with nuclear blackmail – if the US doesn’t attack Iran, this lunatic will start firing nukes and kick off a thermo-nuclear WW3, I think it’s time for this monster to be squashed once and for all.
Even the boss of the MOSSAD says this guy is mentally insane.
3/4/2015 6:36:12 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
He doesn't need evidence.
He has voices in his head.
3/4/2015 6:45:31 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Painesville, OH
56, joined Mar. 2014
He doesn't need evidence.
He has voices in his head.
Either this, or he's unable to tell the difference between good evidence and bad, good sources and bad sources, good analysis and bad analysis, which are key skills that scientists, engineers, historians and other professionals spend years learning whereas he hasn't. Most likely, he just thinks he can pick up professional level analytical skills from watching YouTube and listening to Alex Jones. That's just plain wrong, and symptomatic of his fundamental problem.
[Edited 3/4/2015 6:46:14 PM ]
3/4/2015 6:49:17 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Did you read his stuff, and not just this, he has a serious mental problem.
3/4/2015 6:52:35 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Vancouver, WA
36, joined Apr. 2013
with your tiny bobbleheaded brain...your incapable of anything less which would require " research and thinking "
You don't even know the difference between 'your', and 'you're', and you calling me "tiny brain"(?)You should spend more time in trying to convince everyone there is no sun, we both know it's just a hologram.
[Edited 3/4/2015 6:53:40 PM ]
3/4/2015 7:02:44 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Painesville, OH
56, joined Mar. 2014
Did you read his stuff, and not just this, he has a serious mental problem.
I've read a few, and can only imagine where he gets most his "expertise" from. Not that we haven't gotten cases where conspiracies were proven. Its just that they weren't proven by conspiracy theorists. This points up nicely the ineptitude of CTers.
3/4/2015 7:09:45 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
57 last week proved the earth was flat. He said put a marble on a flat street. It doesn't roll off because the earth is flat. How can you argue with proof like that?
3/4/2015 7:18:12 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Painesville, OH
56, joined Mar. 2014
I prefer to fall short on making fun of 57channels. But would much rather he quit with the "tiny bobblehead tiny brain ~ only patriots refuse to take the MSM's up the ass" bullcrap, and try to get real. After all, the burden of proof is now on him.
3/4/2015 7:20:07 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
57 last week proved the earth was flat. He said put a marble on a flat street. It doesn't roll off because the earth is flat. How can you argue with proof like that?
Why does an allegedly educated man use logical fallacies in place of valid argumentation?
3/4/2015 7:22:13 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Huntsville, AL
51, joined Jul. 2014
Russia has an agreement with Iran to build 8 nuclear reactors and to process nuclear fuel. This is why Satanyahu is so rabid....the neocons had a 20 year window to conquer the countries on their list and they blew it and got delayed. I am sure they thought Syria and Iran would be toast by now. Satanyahu knows that Russia is now too strong, especially now that they are closer to China and India (BRICS) thanks to our sanctions and meddling. The whole neocon plan is backfiring in their faces and it is driving Satanyahu insane.....what was left to drive insane.
3/4/2015 7:23:37 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Painesville, OH
56, joined Mar. 2014
Russia has an agreement with Iran to build 8 nuclear reactors and to process nuclear fuel. This is why Satanyahu is so rabid....the neocons had a 20 year window to conquer the countries on their list and they blew it and got delayed. I am sure they thought Syria and Iran would be toast by now. Satanyahu knows that Russia is now too strong, especially now that they are closer to China and India (BRICS) thanks to our sanctions and meddling. The whole neocon plan is backfiring in their faces and it is driving Satanyahu insane.....what was left to drive insane.
Pretty sure your in the wrong thread here.
3/4/2015 7:27:37 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
Pretty sure your in the wrong thread here.
Pretty sure he isn't!
3/4/2015 7:47:50 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Painesville, OH
56, joined Mar. 2014
Pretty sure he isn't!
Then prove it.
3/4/2015 7:48:41 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
Quote from nadboyprinciple:
Why does an allegedly educated man use logical fallacies in place of valid argumentation?
Why does a nit wit even bother me as a thinking person? I've spent my whole life analyzing materials data. You freak shows came at us with "it couldn't have reached the melting point of steel" until we explained that wouldn't matter. Now is evolved to holograms on live TV that make noise and are 3 d yet not projected on anything. It is possible to have a non projected hologram if it comes from a solid 3 d object inches below it and about 10 times is size, but that wasn't there either. We hear about the live TV feed being doctored, but that was the same thing the people who saw it live saw.
Further if it was a hologram, why would they doctor the feed of the people on the street saw the "hologram" and swallowed it? You are simply a failure.
You losers are just a total fail.
So tell me, why would you claim such idiocy? Please, post the technology that allows a hologram the size of a plane to make noise and crash into building causing a massive impact damage spot with NO visible equiptment?
Then explain how you studying english makes technology appear that hasn't been invented yet.
You truly are an idiot.
3/4/2015 7:49:42 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
Nit wit can't prove anything
3/4/2015 7:52:40 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
Then prove it.
I can see why government apologists might wish to examine connected events in a vacuum
3/4/2015 8:02:11 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
Nit wit, not much of a response for my specific allegations. I Figured as much
[Edited 3/4/2015 8:02:34 PM ]
3/4/2015 8:10:01 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Painesville, OH
56, joined Mar. 2014
I can see why government apologists might wish to examine connected events in a vacuum 
I can see how some conspiracy theorists have a phobia of the Government based upon the vacuum in which they exist.
3/4/2015 8:10:23 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Vancouver, WA
36, joined Apr. 2013
I found our culprit, this robot needs to get arrested right away

3/4/2015 8:11:23 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Lufkin, TX
54, joined Aug. 2010
Why does an allegedly educated man use logical fallacies in place of valid argumentation?
giss is jewish. He will NEVER admit Israel did 911; or that jews have been covering up for Israel since 911.
It's that Talmudic Law of Moser thing again. 
[Edited 3/4/2015 8:11:52 PM ]
3/4/2015 8:13:04 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
Here nitwit, I'll repost the questions
Why does a nit wit even bother me as a thinking person? I've spent my whole life analyzing materials data. You freak shows came at us with "it couldn't have reached the melting point of steel" until we explained that wouldn't matter. Now is evolved to holograms on live TV that make noise and are 3 d yet not projected on anything. It is possible to have a non projected hologram if it comes from a solid 3 d object inches below it and about 10 times is size, but that wasn't there either. We hear about the live TV feed being doctored, but that was the same thing the people who saw it live saw.
Further if it was a hologram, why would they doctor the feed of the people on the street saw the "hologram" and swallowed it? You are simply a failure.
You losers are just a total fail.
So tell me, why would you claim such idiocy? Please, post the technology that allows a hologram the size of a plane to make noise and crash into building causing a massive impact damage spot with NO visible equiptment?
Then explain how you studying english makes technology appear that hasn't been invented yet.
You truly are an idiot.
3/4/2015 8:14:20 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Kieler, WI
64, joined May. 2008
online now!
Kinda wondering if you would do the things you accuse the government of. I assume accusing "them" of doing reprehensible things you would do is sort of transference. That is, you confront your own moral demons by assuming the government would do what they want to but can't.
Would I do things that the govt. does?? No, I don't think so. Its called integrity and trying to save this country from self-desructing by at least trying to wake up sheeple or rabble. Thats what I have been doing ever since 9-11 when within an hour I knew 9-11 was an inside job of some sort.
No fighter jets searching the skies. The POTUS lolligagging around Booker school instead of seeing the Secret Service grab him right away and put him on AF1. You dont need anymore proof than that. YOU DONT NEED ANYMORE PROOF THAN THAT!!!!!! If you are open minded and can detach your mental psyche from loving Merica and face the f**king truth.
I had a bumper sticker on my car for 10 years that read 9-11 was an inside job www.truthout.org A few people gave me a thumbs up but unfortunately the sheeple outnumber the Patriots
3/4/2015 8:16:08 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Cincinnati, OH
40, joined Jul. 2014
Maybe those were big birds that blew up the trade towers. 
3/4/2015 8:16:47 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Lufkin, TX
54, joined Aug. 2010

Russian satellite evidence proving the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center using “special weapons” was reviewed by a VT editor while in Moscow. The article below was forwarded to us for publication in the US and translated from Russian. It is 3 days old, published on February 7, 2015.)
Moscow (Pravda): American experts believe that despite the fact that relations between the US and Russia reached the worst point since the Cold War, Putin delivered until Obama only minor troubles. Analysts believe that this is the “calm before the storm.” Putin is going to hit once, but he’s going to hit hard. Russia is preparing the release of evidence of the involvement of the US government and intelligence services in the September 11 attacks.
The list of evidence includes satellite images.
Published material can prove the US government complicity in the 9/11 attacks and the successful manipulation of public opinion. The attack was planned by the US government, but exercised using her proxy, so that an attack on America and the people of the United States looked like an act of aggression by international terrorist organizations.
The motive for deception and murder its own citizens served US oil interests and the Middle East state corporations.
The evidence will be so convincing that it utterly debunks the official 9/11 cover story supported by the US government.

Russia proves that America is no stranger to using false flag terrorism against its citizens in order to achieve a pretext for military intervention in a foreign country. In the case of “the September 11 attacks,” the evidence will be conclusive satellite imagery.
If successful, the consequences of Putin’s tactics would expose the US government’s secret terrorist policies. The government’s credibility will be undermined and should bring about mass protests in the cities leading to an uprising, according to American analysts..
And as the United States will look on the world political arena? The validity of America’s position as a leader in the fight against international terrorism will be totally undermined giving immediately advantage to rogue states and Islamic terrorists.
The actual development of the situation could be much worse, experts warn.
3/4/2015 8:21:38 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Kieler, WI
64, joined May. 2008
online now!
So tell me, why would you claim such idiocy? Please, post the technology that allows a hologram the size of a plane to make noise and crash into building causing a massive impact damage spot with NO visible equiptment?
google " ghostplane " Watch the whole 5-6 minute video, then come back and apologize. The author lays it out pretty simple. The media are the bad guys that inserted the hologram of the alleged plane...so they had a recording of all the horrible screams and such to fit in with their " treasonous reporting " Dont need a whole lot of people in on the " fake video " However...gotta line up a bunch of schmuks saying they saw a plane and ignore most all of them that just heard " explosions "
Now...go hide
3/4/2015 8:22:49 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
Nit wit, not much of a response for my specific allegations. I Figured as much
Why should I attempt to debate a person who repeatedly uses logical fallacies? Wouldn't I be a fool to expect an honest debate? I see two possible reasons for your repetitive usage of fallacies. Either ignorance, or deception. Since I have repeatedly informed you of the fallacies you've use against me, we can most likely dismiss ignorance. That just leaves deception. Convince me I'm wrong and explain to me why an educated man repeatedly abuses logic? Furthermore, please explain why you continue to use them after their usage is pointed out to you?
3/4/2015 8:25:59 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Kieler, WI
64, joined May. 2008
online now!
Russia proves that America is no stranger to using false flag terrorism against its citizens in order to achieve a pretext for military intervention in a foreign country. In the case of “the September 11 attacks,” the evidence will be conclusive satellite imagery.
If that comes to light....I'm sure we can thank Edward Snowden for that!!!
3/4/2015 8:27:03 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Which chanel is a direct link to the mother ship.
3/4/2015 8:33:46 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
So tell me, why would you claim such idiocy? Please, post the technology that allows a hologram the size of a plane to make noise and crash into building causing a massive impact damage spot with NO visible equiptment?
google " ghostplane " Watch the whole 5-6 minute video, then come back and apologize. The author lays it out pretty simple. The media are the bad guys that inserted the hologram of the alleged plane...so they had a recording of all the horrible screams and such to fit in with their " treasonous reporting " Dont need a whole lot of people in on the " fake video " However...gotta line up a bunch of schmuks saying they saw a plane and ignore most all of them that just heard " explosions "
Now...go hide
That would be cool, but the technology doesn't exist. Other than that you might not be a joke.
So what about your other bogus claims?
3/4/2015 9:01:09 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Kieler, WI
64, joined May. 2008
online now!
That would be cool, but the technology doesn't exist.
Are you the guy that said you cant do a hologram in daylight?? Maybe it wasnt you?? I believe the 1st down lines in football are holograms and we see them in broad daylight. The technology that the military has control is far beyond what you or I or just about anyone can think of is so far advanced.
Someday I predict that satellites will line up in such a way that huge holograms of " God " will be seen all over the planet with God saying Oh blessed be my Israel [ something to that effect. In fact they most likely have that technology right now.
3/4/2015 9:06:07 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Lufkin, TX
54, joined Aug. 2010
The Architecture of Terror – Mapping the Israeli network behind 9-11
by Christopher Bollyn
This chapter of Solving 9-11 reveals a very significant part of the extensive Israeli and Zionist criminal network, which the evidence indicates was behind the crime of the century.

The information in this chapter, which comes from material in the public domain, strongly supports the thesis that senior officers from Israeli military intelligence agencies were the chief architects of the false-flag terror of 9-11.

The spectacular explosions that accompanied the crashes (WTC 2) produced light flame and whitish smoke (seen on left; impact area), which is indicative of Thermite in the two computer rooms struck.
“But now, nearly seven years since 9/11, it’s past time to be moving on.” - “Only Dust Remains,” New York Post, July 9, 2008
There is no reason good can’t triumph over evil, if only angels will get organized along the lines of the Mafia. - Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country, 2005
These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. – Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, 1776

Thomas Paine was the most popular and inspirational writer of the American Revolution. “The cause of America,” Paine wrote in Common Sense (1776), “is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.”
In 1787, having “stood out the storm of one revolution,” i.e. the American, and with “no wish to embark in another,” Paine returned to Europe and wound up playing a role in the French Revolution – and nearly losing his head.
To the Citizens of the United States is a series of letters written by Paine in 1802-03, when he returned to America after an absence of almost 15 years.
In the first letter, Paine wrote:
“But while I beheld with pleasure the dawn of liberty rising in Europe, I saw with regret the lustre of it fading in America. In less than two years from the time of my departure some distant symptoms painfully suggested the idea that the principles of the Revolution were expiring on the soil that produced them.”
“A faction, acting in disguise, was rising in America; they had lost sight of first principles,” Paine wrote. “They were beginning to contemplate government as a profitable monopoly, and the people as hereditary property.”
Two hundred years later, as an American student of history, I made the same observation: A faction, acting in disguise, was rising in America. This faction also viewed government as a profitable monopoly, which they sought to control.
The rising faction I noticed taking control in the 1980s was primarily Jewish by ethnicity and Zionist by ideology.

3/4/2015 9:07:34 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Winnipeg, MB
62, joined Sep. 2008
I get to be 101 person on this post. Cool eh?
3/4/2015 9:12:37 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Painesville, OH
56, joined Mar. 2014
I get to be 101 person on this post. Cool eh?
Dammit. You went ahead and beat me to it. 
3/4/2015 9:12:49 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Lufkin, TX
54, joined Aug. 2010
“I want to tell you something very clear. Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America and the Americans know it.”
- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, October 2001

Our "ally" ??? 
After spending several years in Europe, Israel, and the Middle East, I returned to the United States in the late 1970s and found the discourse in the media about Zionism to be extremely one-sided and distorted.
Zionism, a racist ideology if ever there was one, was grossly misrepresented in the U.S. mass media as being a progressive and democratic movement of national liberation while Israel was depicted as being a kosher slice of America in the Middle East. It was very clear that the people distorting the view of the Middle East were themselves Jews devoted to the very un-American political and racial agenda called Zionism, the violent and chauvinistic nationalism of Eastern European Jews which has brutally occupied Palestine since 1948.
Honest and unbiased coverage of Israel and the Middle East became increasingly difficult to find in the U.S. during the 1980s and 1990s. The sale of Ted Turner’s progressive Cable News Network (CNN) to Gerald Levine of AOL Time Warner and the transformation of the informative Christian Science Monitor marked the end of the last independent and unbiased news outlets covering the Middle East. An ethnic minority group with a foreign agenda – Zionism – had gained monopoly control over the U.S. mass media.

The Jewish monopoly of the U.S. media coincided with the United States being drawn more deeply into the Arab-Israeli conflict as the primary supporter, financier, and political ally of the Zionists.
This combination has been extremely detrimental for America and disastrous for the people of the region, as the criminal Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 clearly showed.
Concurrent with the rise of the Jewish-Zionist faction in the U.S. media was the significant increase in Jewish power in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.
3/4/2015 9:13:41 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
That would be cool, but the technology doesn't exist.
Are you the guy that said you cant do a hologram in daylight?? Maybe it wasnt you?? I believe the 1st down lines in football are holograms and we see them in broad daylight. The technology that the military has control is far beyond what you or I or just about anyone can think of is so far advanced.
Someday I predict that satellites will line up in such a way that huge holograms of " God " will be seen all over the planet with God saying Oh blessed be my Israel [ something to that effect. In fact they most likely have that technology right now.
First of all a line in the ground isn't a 3 hologram appearing in thin air. Second of all the line isn't there at the football game, it's added and only on tv. Facepalm. Can you people try just a little to think before I need to give you the answers?
3/4/2015 9:14:18 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Painesville, OH
56, joined Mar. 2014
That would be cool, but the technology doesn't exist.
Are you the guy that said you cant do a hologram in daylight?? Maybe it wasnt you?? I believe the 1st down lines in football are holograms and we see them in broad daylight. The technology that the military has control is far beyond what you or I or just about anyone can think of is so far advanced.
Someday I predict that satellites will line up in such a way that huge holograms of " God " will be seen all over the planet with God saying Oh blessed be my Israel [ something to that effect. In fact they most likely have that technology right now.
And as if you weren't confused enough.
3/4/2015 9:20:04 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
That would be cool, but the technology doesn't exist.
Are you the guy that said you cant do a hologram in daylight?? Maybe it wasnt you?? I believe the 1st down lines in football are holograms and we see them in broad daylight. The technology that the military has control is far beyond what you or I or just about anyone can think of is so far advanced.
Do you have trouble tying your shoes.
3/4/2015 9:34:08 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Kieler, WI
64, joined May. 2008
online now!
. Second of all the line isn't there at the football game, it's added and only on tv. Facepalm. Can you people try just a little to think before I need to give you the answers?
I wouldnt know if the line was there at the football game or not. Never been to one, and never will go to one. I want to see a real game....I'll watch my grandkids play. So...the alleged plane we all saw crash into the south tower was only on tv. Thats what I've been saying all along. The media added it to the mix. I always thought it was a misille that hit the pre-positioned spot--but it could have been the " ball " that hit the prepositioned spot on each tower.
I wonder how many times the networks " fade to black " like they did on 9-11 to carry out their scripts to add the so-called plane?? Or do this or do that. Video trickery...its here, its been here for a long time and it's not going away.
3/4/2015 9:41:10 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Just a stab in the dark.
I'll bet you were not in NY. when the plane's hit either.
3/4/2015 10:04:11 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Kieler, WI
64, joined May. 2008
online now!
Just listened and watched a video where these 2 guys are talking about how it was totally impossible for a plane to meld into the south tower. Of course they are talking about the law of physics here. The alleged plane doesnt decerlerate when it hits the tower---nothing breaks off the plane or the tower. The tower just swallows the plane And Im the dumb one. Then they talk about all these people near the WTC and many of them never heard the roar of a 767 and didnt really hear anything which must raise an eyebrow or two.
Then of course........the feds had to plant some schumks that heard and saw Flight 11 and Flight 175...you know to back up the official lie so the rabble can sleep at night and join the service to go fight those big bad Arabs
3/4/2015 10:04:40 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Kieler, WI
64, joined May. 2008
online now!
3/4/2015 10:20:30 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Albuquerque, NM
59, joined Jan. 2013
Just listened and watched a video where these 2 guys are talking about how it was totally impossible for a plane to meld into the south tower. Of course they are talking about the law of physics here. The alleged plane doesnt decerlerate when it hits the tower---nothing breaks off the plane or the tower. The tower just swallows the plane   And Im the dumb one. Then they talk about all these people near the WTC and many of them never heard the roar of a 767 and didnt really hear anything which must raise an eyebrow or two.
Then of course........the feds had to plant some schumks that heard and saw Flight 11 and Flight 175...you know to back up the official lie so the rabble can sleep at night and join the service to go fight those big bad Arabs
I have a good friend, a PA who lived in NY and was working at a hospital, that was along the path of one of the supposed planes. He was in an office with the window open and said "if there was airliner flying that morning-I would have heard it." He heard nothing. I won't give the guys name out on here, although I'm positive he wouldn't mind, since he had a public access show for 5yrs about the events of 9/11.
[Edited 3/4/2015 10:22:41 PM ]
3/4/2015 11:31:18 PM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Kieler, WI
64, joined May. 2008
online now!
Thanks for the back up Mark I'm sure your friend that never heard a thing that morning-- wouldn't get the time of day on any national radio or television show unless it was maybe Alex Jones or somebody like that.
3/5/2015 2:47:09 AM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Salem, OR
62, joined Nov. 2013
Planes, or no planes, Bush, or Al-Qaeda, etc...no one who matters gives a shit. The past is past. The present, and the future, are what count.
3/5/2015 6:40:32 AM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
. Second of all the line isn't there at the football game, it's added and only on tv. Facepalm. Can you people try just a little to think before I need to give you the answers?
I wouldnt know if the line was there at the football game or not. Never been to one, and never will go to one. I want to see a real game....I'll watch my grandkids play. So...the alleged plane we all saw crash into the south tower was only on tv. Thats what I've been saying all along. The media added it to the mix. I always thought it was a misille that hit the pre-positioned spot--but it could have been the " ball " that hit the prepositioned spot on each tower.
I wonder how many times the networks " fade to black " like they did on 9-11 to carry out their scripts to add the so-called plane?? Or do this or do that. Video trickery...its here, its been here for a long time and it's not going away.
No the alleged plane that hit the towers, one on live tv being filmed by 100 news crews were all doctored? Since the technology doesn't exist to project a 3 hologram into space without equiptment actually containing the object, then the object appears to hover right above the container, but only if observed from nearly directly above. You are giving nut jobs. The NFL can't even find a way to project a line on a football field. I do now understand what the problem is. You are too old to think and altzheimers is kicking in.
3/5/2015 6:42:00 AM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
online now!
Thanks for the back up Mark I'm sure your friend that never heard a thing that morning-- wouldn't get the time of day on any national radio or television show unless it was maybe Alex Jones or somebody like that.
Yes, "someone" "near by" proves, I mean compared to the tens of thousands of people who watched it live and in person.
3/5/2015 8:23:03 AM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Huntsville, AL
51, joined Jul. 2014
Anything to take the focus off of the real culprits.
3/5/2015 10:50:29 AM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Painesville, OH
56, joined Mar. 2014
For most "truthers" conspiracy theories are like Lays potato chips. They cannot stop at just one.
3/5/2015 11:12:47 AM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |


Kieler, WI
64, joined May. 2008
online now!
Dr. giss
so the technology doesn't exist to project a 3d image of an airplane haha it didn't exist back in 2001 huh Dr giss???
gosh folks we have an expert amongst us one that no doubt has been to area 51 and knows all the latest technology that the military had back in the late nineties in the early 2000 so tell me Dr giss what was the ball--- a small kind of spaceship or what was it made of-- how fast does go?? How many projectors were used??
3/5/2015 11:17:03 AM |
No planes on 911 isnt a theory...its a fact |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
No, the tech you are trying to sell did not exist back then, in fact, it does not exist today.