3/9/2015 8:18:03 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Chester, VA
56, joined Mar. 2014
Of course know this is treasonous but should they serve time for this?
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3/9/2015 8:24:57 PM |
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Fort Payne, AL
51, joined Jul. 2014
They might as well tell Iran to not dare build a Death Star or we will have to bomb them.
3/9/2015 8:28:51 PM |
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Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Mar. 2011
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Jenny should know what she/he is posting about before she/he posts..
3/9/2015 8:38:57 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

New Hope, PA
74, joined Feb. 2008
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Sticking their noses in to international affairs and potential treaties where they have no business!
3/9/2015 8:45:07 PM |
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Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Mar. 2011
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Sticking their noses in to international affairs and potential treaties where they have no business!
Congress is supposed to be the legislative branch of our government cumquat! Any deal with Iran should go through them! And who runs congress dipshit? Did you forget already? A loss is NOT a win dumbass!
3/9/2015 8:56:57 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


New York, NY
37, joined Feb. 2014
They might as well tell Iran to not dare build a Death Star or we will have to bomb them.
Death star? Hey now.thats a strain of cannabis 29%THC
3/9/2015 9:12:23 PM |
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New Hope, PA
74, joined Feb. 2008
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The PRESIDENT directs U.S.Foreign Policy through the State Department not the congress!!Just as ONLY congress has the authority to TAX and SPEND the President is in charge of Foreign Policy!
3/9/2015 11:10:41 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Reading, PA
62, joined May. 2013
Absolutely spend time but isn't the penalty for treason death?
3/9/2015 11:27:22 PM |
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Vallejo, CA
56, joined Feb. 2008
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I guess even the Iranian foreign minister sees it as a bullshit ploy.
Some prominent Republicans, including Sen. Bob Corker, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman, declined to sign the letter. An aide to the senator said he’s focused on building support for a bipartisan bill that would require congress to review any nuclear agreement with Iran.
Iran’s foreign minister, meanwhile, dismissed the letter as a “mostly a propaganda ploy.”
3/10/2015 5:52:47 AM |
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Arlington, VA
60, joined Jan. 2011
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Meanwhile from a pretty conservative NY newspaper:
3/10/2015 5:53:43 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Ochopee, FL
57, joined Nov. 2013
They should not have written the letter. If they disapprove of whatever gets negotiated, then don't ratify it. That in itself may be a slippery slope, Obama administration in this case is in charge of the negotiations. If we reach a deal, and then do not ratify it, it sends a bad message to other nations. That we can't be trusted to hold up our end of these agreements when we reach them.
You don't have to be an Obama supporter, I'm not, to realize this will affect future presidents in addition to Obama. We will have a GOP president again someday
3/10/2015 6:35:53 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Springfield, VA
62, joined Sep. 2009
Republicans of modern times, keep doing things like this out of petty jealousy, without thinking through that they are opening the door to having it done to them in turn, when they lose that majority.
And yes, they are ignoring the Constitution, and trying to directly conduct foreign policy by bypassing the executive branch.
3/10/2015 6:55:47 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Gwynn Oak, MD
35, joined Jul. 2012
Republicans of modern times, keep doing things like this out of petty jealousy, without thinking through that they are opening the door to having it done to them in turn, when they lose that majority.
And yes, they are ignoring the Constitution, and trying to directly conduct foreign policy by bypassing the executive branch.
I agree. They want war and its so obvious. How can they turn to something that is in pursuit of peace to write a letter to another world leader basically saying when Obama leaves office the deal is off the table. What's ironic fakin shut down our government andcreate policies for their own citizens. Tim allowing the Israeli prime minister to speak on Congress wasn't disrespectful to Obamait was disrespectful to America
3/10/2015 6:57:15 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Gwynn Oak, MD
35, joined Jul. 2012
Auto spell. Typo.
3/10/2015 7:01:46 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Arlington, VA
60, joined Jan. 2011
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The embarrassing part about the letter is the bit about Congress ratifying the treaty. Under the Constitution, they do NOT have the power to ratify a treaty. They can advise on it, but they absolutely DO NOT have the power to ratify it.
I seriously think that before even running for higher office like the House or Senate, candidates need to take a basic civics and/or Constitution test. That someone like McConnell signed on to this letter with this huge error in it is beyond boneheaded.
Wonder if they ever heard of the Logan Act?
3/10/2015 7:02:43 AM |
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Arlington, VA
60, joined Jan. 2011
online now!
You don't have to be an Obama supporter, I'm not, to realize this will affect future presidents in addition to Obama. We will have a GOP president again someday
But probably not for a very, very long time.
3/10/2015 7:02:44 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Gwynn Oak, MD
35, joined Jul. 2012
and conservatives knowing in their gut that they're wrong. There cop out is saying that this administration is anti Semitic because they don't want peace.F**k Israel for disrespecting America
3/10/2015 7:04:57 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Gwynn Oak, MD
35, joined Jul. 2012
You don't have to be an Obama supporter, I'm not, to realize this will affect future presidents in addition to Obama. We will have a GOP president again someday
But probably not for a very, very long time.
I agree. that movie was beyond selfish and stupid. Moves like that they are not thinking for the greater well being of the future of the country and the world for that matter. a conservative with any common sense would know that that move was stupid
3/10/2015 7:07:20 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Gwynn Oak, MD
35, joined Jul. 2012
moves like that let's me know the Conservatives know that they are out gunned not just politically but by the citizens of this nation
3/10/2015 7:45:25 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
A treaty with a muslim country is senseless anyway.
They don't have to keep it, their god says so.
3/10/2015 7:51:22 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Al-Tabari's (838-923 AD) Tafsir, or Quranic exegeses, is essentially a standard reference in the entire Muslim world.
Regarding 3:28, he wrote: "If you [Muslims] are under their [infidels'] authority, fearing for yourselves, behave loyally to them, with your tongue, while harbouring inner animosity for them... Allah has forbidden believers from being friendly or on intimate terms with the infidels in place of believers – except when infidels are above them [in authority]. In such a scenario, let them act friendly towards them."
Regarding 3:28, the Islamic scholar Ibn Kathir (1301-1373) wrote: "Whoever at any time or place fears their [infidels'] evil, may protect himself through outward show."
If Islam must be in a constant state of war with the non-Muslim world – which need not be physical, as radicals among the ulema have classified several non-literal forms of jihad, such as "jihad-of-the-pen" (propaganda), and "money-jihad" (economic) – and if Muslims are permitted to lie and feign loyalty to the infidel to further their war efforts, offers of peace, tolerance or dialogue from extremist Muslim corners are called into question.
3/10/2015 7:56:22 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Gwynn Oak, MD
35, joined Jul. 2012
Al-Tabari's (838-923 AD) Tafsir, or Quranic exegeses, is essentially a standard reference in the entire Muslim world.
Regarding 3:28, he wrote: "If you [Muslims] are under their [infidels'] authority, fearing for yourselves, behave loyally to them, with your tongue, while harbouring inner animosity for them... Allah has forbidden believers from being friendly or on intimate terms with the infidels in place of believers – except when infidels are above them [in authority]. In such a scenario, let them act friendly towards them."
Regarding 3:28, the Islamic scholar Ibn Kathir (1301-1373) wrote: "Whoever at any time or place fears their [infidels'] evil, may protect himself through outward show."
If Islam must be in a constant state of war with the non-Muslim world – which need not be physical, as radicals among the ulema have classified several non-literal forms of jihad, such as "jihad-of-the-pen" (propaganda), and "money-jihad" (economic) – and if Muslims are permitted to lie and feign loyalty to the infidel to further their war efforts, offers of peace, tolerance or dialogue from extremist Muslim corners are called into question.
Oh Shut Up. How do you know they won't.
3/10/2015 7:59:21 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Just a wild guess.
3/10/2015 8:02:53 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


New York, NY
37, joined Feb. 2014
A treaty with a muslim country is senseless anyway.
They don't have to keep it, their god says so.
You really hate Muslims don't ya?
3/10/2015 8:06:39 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
You really hate Muslims don't ya?
Muslims are human beings.
What I hate ,Islam.
3/10/2015 8:09:46 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Arlington, VA
60, joined Jan. 2011
online now!
Iran's foreign minister (who is a moderate and not a hardliner) weighing in on this, and for the #47Traitors, well, it's not good:
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has published an official response to the Republican letter to Iran's leaders, signed by 47 Senators, warning that Congress or a future president might overturn a nuclear deal if they dislike the terms. (You can read the full text of the letter, organized by Sen. Tom Cotton, here.)
Zarif's response is presented as an official government statement, so it's written in an awkward third-person, but Zarif still fires off some zingers. Here is the full text, with the most notable lines bolded (the main points are summed up below):
Asked about the open letter of 47 US Senators to Iranian leaders, the Iranian Foreign Minister, Dr. Javad Zarif, responded that "in our view, this letter has no legal value and is mostly a propaganda ploy. It is very interesting that while negotiations are still in progress and while no agreement has been reached, some political pressure groups are so afraid even of the prospect of an agreement that they resort to unconventional methods, unprecedented in diplomatic history. This indicates that like Netanyahu, who considers peace as an existential threat, some are opposed to any agreement, regardless of its content.
Zarif expressed astonishment that some members of US Congress find it appropriate to write to leaders of another country against their own President and administration. He pointed out that from reading the open letter, it seems that the authors not only do not understand international law, but are not fully cognizant of the nuances of their own Constitution when it comes to presidential powers in the conduct of foreign policy.
Foreign Minister Zarif added that "I should bring one important point to the attention of the authors and that is, the world is not the United States, and the conduct of inter-state relations is governed by international law, and not by US domestic law. The authors may not fully understand that in international law, governments represent the entirety of their respective states, are responsible for the conduct of foreign affairs, are required to fulfil the obligations they undertake with other states and may not invoke their internal law as justification for failure to perform their international obligations.
The Iranian Foreign Minister added that "change of administration does not in any way relieve the next administration from international obligations undertaken by its predecessor in a possible agreement about Irans peaceful nuclear program." He continued "I wish to enlighten the authors that if the next administration revokes any agreement with the stroke of a pen, as they boast, it will have simply committed a blatant violation of international law."
He emphasized that if the current negotiation with P5+1 result in a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, it will not be a bilateral agreement between Iran and the US, but rather one that will be concluded with the participation of five other countries, including all permanent members of the Security Council, and will also be endorsed by a Security Council resolution.
Zarif expressed the hope that his comments "may enrich the knowledge of the authors to recognize that according to international law, Congress may not modify the terms of the agreement at any time as they claim, and if Congress adopts any measure to impede its implementation, it will have committed a material breach of US obligations.
The Foreign Minister also informed the authors that majority of US international agreements in recent decades are in fact what the signatories describe as "mere executive agreements" and not treaties ratified by the Senate.
He reminded them that "their letter in fact undermines the credibility of thousands of such mere executive agreements that have been or will be entered into by the US with various other governments.
Zarif concluded by stating that "the Islamic Republic of Iran has entered these negotiations in good faith and with the political will to reach an agreement, and it is imperative for our counterparts to prove similar good faith and political will in order to make an agreement possible."
The substantive points here are that the US has a commitment to uphold its international agreements even if it changes administrations, or if Congress doesn't like it, or of the deal is an executive agreement rather than a full treaty. He also points that any agreement would technically be not just with Iran but with the other states that are party to the Iran talks: the UK, France, Germany, Russia, and China.
It's also noteworthy that Zarif defends the Obama administration against the letter and clearly states that he understands it was meant to undermine the president. This is surely deliberate, and aimed both at reassuring the Americans that he understands what's happening, and perhaps also at Iranians who might not see it as readily.
A number of the lines, though, are just Zarif having fun with Sen. Cotton, whose letter took on a strangely condescending tone given that Zarif and many other members of the Iranian government were educated in the US.
3/10/2015 8:15:35 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Eventually humans will evolve to the point they are not depend on invisible "Sky Daddies", from the bronze age, to make their daily decisions for the,.
Unless we destroy ourselves first.
The religions of Judism and Christianity, have evolved to the point most people don't take them seriously, for their exact literal meanings, and these two leave the door open for learning about the real world around you.
Islam is different in the sense it does not allow knowledge, restricts learning anything that is not of the religion itself.
ie, more books were translated into Spanish last year, than were translated into Arabic in it's entire lifetime.
Combine this with praying 5 times a day, and adjusting your very existence to a theology,
Ad in, the theology is pure evil, and commands the death of all who do not comply, and you end up with a volatile mixture.
3/10/2015 8:25:41 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
What many people fail to recognize is that iran is openly, and behind the scenes, supporting terror all over the world, sending off their weapons, and people to preach their religion of terror.
It does not take a rocket scientist to know they will send off better weapons once they have the ability to produce them.
Yes, we will see it here, though the odds say it will be Sunni who does the next major attack here, as they have done the others, giving Iran a nuke is a game changer.
3/10/2015 8:57:01 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Berwyn, IL
59, joined Jan. 2009
Iran must be denied nuclear weapons period.
Why is that so hard to understand?
The nukes Iran produces will most surely be used on Israel.
3/10/2015 9:01:35 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Saudi Arabia is also a prime target.
Yes, we can also bet they will be smuggled into gaza
3/10/2015 9:16:13 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Arlington, VA
60, joined Jan. 2011
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Our right wing wants war, period. They care only about that and couldn't give a damn about our country. #47Traitors.
3/10/2015 9:18:20 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
The problem is that war will come weather you want it or not.
It cannot be avoided, but we do not have to let the opponents get stronger while we wait.
3/10/2015 9:34:10 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Fort Payne, AL
51, joined Jul. 2014
What many people fail to recognize is that iran is openly, and behind the scenes, supporting terror all over the world, sending off their weapons, and people to preach their religion of terror.
It does not take a rocket scientist to know they will send off better weapons once they have the ability to produce them.
Yes, we will see it here, though the odds say it will be Sunni who does the next major attack here, as they have done the others, giving Iran a nuke is a game changer.
Arming Hezbollah and Hamas to fight back against Israeli agression is far from terrorist activities you jackass. One person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. I wonder what Iranians say about the US supporting ISIS, Al-Nusra, etc. I did not think hypocrisy shit could be piled this high until you showed up in these forums.
3/10/2015 9:35:57 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
That was just plain stupid, but expected, from you.
3/10/2015 9:37:03 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Fort Payne, AL
51, joined Jul. 2014
Iran must be denied nuclear weapons period.
Why is that so hard to understand?
The nukes Iran produces will most surely be used on Israel.
More fox news scare tactics
Israel 300
Iran 0
Awwww....poor little Israel....who is going to protect her and change her poopie diapers.
3/10/2015 9:38:18 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Why do you spend so much time on Fox news, there is a real world out there.
3/10/2015 9:40:49 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Fort Payne, AL
51, joined Jul. 2014
A treaty with a muslim country is senseless anyway.
They don't have to keep it, their god says so.
They will have no choice because every facility is inspected and is watched 24 hours a day with cameras.
Of course, that leaves the fox news/neocon/satanyahu crowd who believe that Iran has a secret underground base somewhere where ufo's are being back engineered, a death star is being built, and a biological weapon is being produced that will wipe out every jew on earth.
3/10/2015 9:43:07 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
As I said, why do you spend so much time on fox news, there is a real world out there.
3/10/2015 9:50:56 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Vallejo, CA
56, joined Feb. 2008
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How about we just consider "Fox" a euphemism for the right wing
media bubble at large since it's at the epicenter of it all?
And yes, there is a real world outside the right wing media bubble.
3/10/2015 10:06:43 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Fort Payne, AL
51, joined Jul. 2014
As I said, why do you spend so much time on fox news, there is a real world out there.
Because that is the media outlet the neocons choose to push their war agendas. If I just ignored them, I might end up glowing in the dark with a russian nuke up my a** and a chinese nuke down my throat. Hell, at least my Raytheon stock will go up.
3/10/2015 10:13:44 AM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Because that is the media outlet the neocons choose to push their war agendas. If I just ignored them, I might end up glowing in the dark with a russian nuke up my a** and a chinese nuke down my throat. Hell, at least my Raytheon stock will go up.
I have never seen you comparing, and evaluating other sources, seems like fox is the only one you watch, and just don't like the events around you, so you mindlessly b*tch about them.
3/10/2015 2:11:43 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Fort Payne, AL
51, joined Jul. 2014
I have never seen you comparing, and evaluating other sources, seems like fox is the only one you watch, and just don't like the events around you, so you mindlessly b*tch about them.
Most of those events only happen in fox news delusional world......putin invades ukraine....putin shoots rival...putin downs jet....iran wants to destroy israel...iran has a nuke....etc etc....I find more real stories on the cartoon network.
3/10/2015 2:21:53 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Brockton, MA
51, joined Sep. 2011
the current GOP can not be trusted
no wonder Clinton chose to keep her server private
3/10/2015 2:25:06 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Congress is supposed to be the legislative branch of our government cumquat! Any deal with Iran should go through them! And who runs congress dipshit? Did you forget already? A loss is NOT a win dumbass!
It sounds like you don't understand what "Legislative" means. A treaty is not a law. This whole post is based on a lack of understanding of how your government works.
3/10/2015 4:25:22 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
It sounds like you don't understand what "Legislative" means. A treaty is not a law. This whole post is based on a lack of understanding of how your government works.
A treaty, or even a law, does not have to be followed, or even kept, by an Islamic country.
Their God gives them permission to break it.
3/10/2015 5:47:48 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Gwynn Oak, MD
35, joined Jul. 2012
Happy to see true Americans
3/10/2015 5:56:51 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Gwynn Oak, MD
35, joined Jul. 2012
.America if we don't give Iran a chance" How would we ever know? 47 senators shamed us as Americans. Let's have common sense. We went to war yea but let's stand up against grudges while we can
3/10/2015 5:58:05 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Gwynn Oak, MD
35, joined Jul. 2012
The 47 Congress men that wrote that letter to Iran we're not leading by example what America is really about actually it's un- American
3/10/2015 5:58:52 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Nukes don't give second chances.
Especially when you advertise you are going to use them.
3/10/2015 6:01:30 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Gwynn Oak, MD
35, joined Jul. 2012
Nukes don't give second chances.
Especially when you advertise you are going to use them.
question who got nuked in the past 80 years? what you're against Islam and and for Iran to be moderate
3/10/2015 6:03:32 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
as usual, made no sense
3/10/2015 6:05:20 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Tupelo, MS
34, joined Aug. 2013
The 47 Congress men that wrote that letter to Iran we're not leading by example what America is really about actually it's un- American
3/10/2015 6:05:40 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Gwynn Oak, MD
35, joined Jul. 2012
as usual, made no sense
typo... auto spell. do you agree with Israel's policies over your own countries
3/10/2015 6:09:00 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Gwynn Oak, MD
35, joined Jul. 2012
as usual, made no sense
so you agree with Israel?
3/10/2015 6:23:48 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Bunker Hill, WV
43, joined Jul. 2013
Republicans of modern times, keep doing things like this out of petty jealousy, without thinking through that they are opening the door to having it done to them in turn, when they lose that majority.
And yes, they are ignoring the Constitution, and trying to directly conduct foreign policy by bypassing the executive branch.
Ignoring the Constitution???
You are talking about Obamanation right?
3/10/2015 6:27:12 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Tupelo, MS
34, joined Aug. 2013
Obama? Do you mean the constitution scholar?

3/10/2015 6:30:20 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |

Reading, PA
62, joined May. 2013
PYONGYANG (The Borowitz Report)—The North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un said on Tuesday that he feels “snubbed” by the decision of forty-seven Republican senators to write a letter to Iran but not to him, the official North Korean news agency reported.
In an unusually forthcoming interview with the Korean Central News Agency (K.C.N.A.), Kim said it was “hurtful” that the Republicans would send a letter to one of the United States’ most longstanding enemies while “totally snubbing” another.
“Let’s just call it what it is: they’re playing favorites with enemies,” Kim said. “I try not to take things personally, but it’s hard to see them sending letters to Iran without feeling a little bit hurt.”
Kim said that over the past two days he had his aides checking his mailbox on an hourly basis in hopes of finding a letter from the Republicans, but now he has “pretty much given up hope.”
“Honestly, I thought I’d at least rate a text or something, but … ,” he said, his voice trailing off.
“I don’t like to beat myself up, but part of me is like, ‘What does Iran have that I don’t have?’ ” he said. “I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like, when you actually get nuclear weapons, people start taking you for granted.”
3/10/2015 6:30:48 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Bunker Hill, WV
43, joined Jul. 2013
.America if we don't give Iran a chance" How would we ever know? 47 senators shamed us as Americans. Let's have common sense. We went to war yea but let's stand up against grudges while we can
Give Iran a chance O' wise one????
That's like saying , hey let that pedophile hang out with your children, give him a chance.
You do not have a clue about true Americans you bitter racist fool.
Iran calls us the big Satan!!!
They burn our flag (s) every f**king day dumbass!!!
Oh, let us give them a chance.
F**king idiots... 
They had their f**king chance for the last f**king 36 years you f**king ignorant anti- American f**k!!!
3/10/2015 6:33:34 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Tupelo, MS
34, joined Aug. 2013
All the warmongers deserve to be on the front lines.
It should be mandatory.
3/10/2015 6:36:17 PM |
GOPigs write love letter to Iran. |


Bunker Hill, WV
43, joined Jul. 2013
Define warmonger?