5/5/2015 10:35:23 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Vallejo, CA
56, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
There's a reason we don't let Christian leaders have actual power anymore.
It wasn't that long ago that they were burning and drowning witches.
It's easy to think "that was then and this is now", but religious leaders
with absolute power that think they're on a mission from God are dangerous.
I don't care what book they're waving around.
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5/5/2015 10:38:50 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
That's right, Christianity ahs evolved from the bronze age, and people just don't buy that crap any more.
Sure there are hanger on's, but for the most part they are just humored, and tolerated.
We would never let a person like Robertson have controls to the red button.
The rest of the Christian country, would overrule the few hardliners.
5/5/2015 10:39:33 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Ocala, FL
57, joined Jul. 2013
There's a reason we don't let Christian leaders have actual power anymore.
It wasn't that long ago that they were burning and drowning witches.
It's easy to think "that was then and this is now", but religious leaders
with absolute power that think they're on a mission from God are dangerous.
I don't care what book they're waving around.
You're ridiculous.
5/5/2015 10:44:14 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Vallejo, CA
56, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
That's right, Christianity ahs evolved from the bronze age, and people just don't buy that crap any more.
Sure there are hanger on's, but for the most part they are just humored, and tolerated.
We would never let a person like Robertson have controls to the red button.
The rest of the Christian country, would overrule the few hardliners.
Christianity hasn't evolved from the bronze age.
Merely stripped of power and muzzled.
5/5/2015 10:50:43 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
maybe saying the religion evolved, was a poor choice of word.
The people have evolved and just don't buy it anymore, leaving the church in droves.
5/5/2015 10:58:16 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Fort Payne, AL
52, joined Jul. 2014
That's right, Christianity ahs evolved from the bronze age, and people just don't buy that crap any more.
Sure there are hanger on's, but for the most part they are just humored, and tolerated.
We would never let a person like Robertson have controls to the red button.
The rest of the Christian country, would overrule the few hardliners.
If Pat Robertson was president and he wanted to nuke Iran just for the hell of it.....I doubt very few Christians would speak up and try to stop him. This is the problem with Islamophobes when they say Christians would never tolerate radical muslim violence by fellow Christians. I will admit that muslims are more direct in their reasons for violence but Christians just indirectly go around it using false flags, 9/11, oil pipelines, NATO, Putin paranoia, CIA coups, Iraq lies, etc to justify their violence. For Christians, slaughtering one million Iraqi's is perfectly ok as long as its done for a lie and not religion.
5/5/2015 11:21:54 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Ocala, FL
57, joined Jul. 2013
idk nor. I think people learned since that going into Iraq moment. But yet... we the people have put our trust in people with alterior motives we are not privy to. That's the sad part.. and in the future, I believe whole-heartedly, far more objection and accountability will be needed beforehand or yes, I believe christians will RAISE HELL about battling/war.
5/5/2015 11:35:51 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Vallejo, CA
56, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
idk nor. I think people learned since that going into Iraq moment. But yet... we the people have put our trust in people with alterior motives we are not privy to. That's the sad part.. and in the future, I believe whole-heartedly, far more objection and accountability will be needed beforehand or yes, I believe christians will RAISE HELL about battling/war.
I wouldn't count on that.
Lot's of amnesia going on round here.

5/5/2015 11:41:19 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Ocala, FL
57, joined Jul. 2013
Well, doon...the right is making damn sure about DEALS..
And thanks for that lil blue square.lol
5/5/2015 11:48:21 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Vallejo, CA
56, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
Well, doon...the right is making damn sure about DEALS..
And thanks for that lil blue square.lol
Well, if you hadn't bought your smart phone from Toys -R- Us........
5/5/2015 12:51:35 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


New York, NY
62, joined Dec. 2010
Islamaphobia? Or Christianphobia?
Just three months ago, over the course of just a few hours a mob of hundreds of Muslim radicals destroyed almost 70 churches, killed ten people and injured hundreds more. Today, the Christians living in the area are trying to move on, preaching the Gospel and forgiving those who’ve done them such great harm.
"They took pews, Bibles, chairs and sound equipment then set them on fire. They did this while chanting, 'Allahu Akbar!' I felt so sad. I started to cry,” said Pastor Musa Issa of Bethel Horizon Church in Naimey, Niger. "I feel horrible when I watch the video. I ask myself 'Why'? Why did they do this to us? What did we do to deserve this?' We spent years building the church. Within minutes it was all gone!"
The head of the Alliance of the Evangelical Churches in Niger, Boureima Kimso, gave an interview to CBN discussing the extent of damage done to the Christian Church in Niger.
"Sixty-nine churches and 11 homes were destroyed. That's a total of 80 Christian buildings within a few hours… Absolutely, it was premeditated. It was organized. It was shocking because systematically in a few hours churches were targeted and houses attacked, so it means that someone organized and executed this plan.
I tell our brothers and sisters that we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities. We have to encourage ourselves because persecution is part of the life of the Church. There is no church that existed without persecution."
But now the Christians in Niger are doing something amazing. They are moving forward and as a community they are choosing to forgive their attackers!
One woman had this to say, "My prayer is that they would come to know Jesus and that the Lord would touch them even in a dream. I want God to do to them what He did to Paul the Apostle when he persecuted Christians. God touched him on his way to Damascus. I want those men to experience the same touch from God!" Her husband concurred with his wife and added, "The Lord is training us; He's building us. There cannot be increase without hardships. If you want to go to the next level you have to go through hardship,"
Amen. Oh, that the Christian church in America would learn such lessons without the pain of persecution that is happening around the world. There is a very real attack happening on Christians the world over, and if we choose not to recognize that fact, and then to respond in accordance with it… we risk losing much of our influence in many corners of the globe. The church is supposed to be salt and light all over the planet; will we allow the flame of our brothers and sisters to be extinguished without a fight? (And by fight, I do not mean in the physical sense…)
Read more at http://eaglerising.com/18094/violent-muslims-in-niger-burn-69-christian-churches-kill-ten-christian-and-injure-hundreds-more-you-wont-believe-how-the-christians-respond/#mC1GuZlUelLipGuv.99
5/5/2015 1:05:10 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Castle Rock, CO
58, joined Jan. 2009
C'Mon who cares really what the Bible, Torah, or Quran has to say. What does the new Messiah Lord Obama say? His words are all we need anymore.
5/5/2015 1:09:12 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Baltimore, MD
34, joined Dec. 2012
Thanks op, because some of them want to pretend the Qur'an is violent but the bible isn't.
5/5/2015 2:01:06 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Thanks op, because some of them want to pretend the Qur'an is violent but the bible isn't.
The Qur'an is only 14% of Islamic text, and the violence does not stop there.
Muhammed was arguably the most disgusting person in recorded history.
5/5/2015 4:22:40 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
The Qur'an is only 14% of Islamic text, and the violence does not stop there.
Muhammed was arguably the most disgusting person in recorded history.
Yes, that would be arguable all right, considering some of the competition one can find on any super-max cell block. 
What percentage of "Christian text" would you say the Bible makes up? How big is the Vatican Library, just for starters?
[Edited 5/5/2015 4:23:36 PM ]
5/5/2015 5:04:35 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Yes, that would be arguable all right, considering some of the competition one can find on any super-max cell block.
What percentage of "Christian text" would you say the Bible makes up? How big is the Vatican Library, just for starters?
Bad example.
Islamic text, for the purpose of the religion, consists of 5 sources.
Qur'an, ishaq, taburi, Bukhari, and muslim.
These 5 sources are the religion, and only a tiny fraction of other related material.
Even the schools of jurisprudence are larger in volume.
5/5/2015 5:09:45 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
The bible, for the most part consists of 64 books, that's all
Islam consists of 5 books.
These are the only ones in consideration, not addons, or oppinions of later.
5/5/2015 5:13:12 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Vallejo, CA
56, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
You're splitting hairs Yas.
But that's OK. We all understand you're a bit OCD when it comes to
this kind of shit.
(I'm pretty sure that's covered by Obamacare)
5/5/2015 5:21:16 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Bad example.
Islamic text, for the purpose of the religion, consists of 5 sources.
Qur'an, ishaq, taburi, Bukhari, and muslim.
These 5 sources are the religion, and only a tiny fraction of other related material.
Even the schools of jurisprudence are larger in volume.
So you're saying nobody listens to anything Islamic leaders say today, if it doesn't come straight from one of these five books?
Ridiculous. What makes up Islam is the collective belief of its adherents. I know you don't want to believe it, but this does inevitably change over time. Just as the first example that pops into my head - The idea of the US as "The Great Satan" did not exist even a few decades ago.
Out of curiosity, do the five books spell out the Sharia-sanctioned forms of insurance that have cropped up over the years for Muslims? I'm guessing not, so that would be another quick example.
5/5/2015 5:25:39 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Berwyn, IL
59, joined Jan. 2009
Yes ---->>butt<<---- only one ... ummmm ... ideology is killing and fight in half the world
Something these f**king libturds ALWAYS fail to mention when the say, " see, they're all the same "

Quite right only one is acting out on it.
But libturds will make great converts.
So great they can hear the call from far away.
They hear as mold goof does.
5/5/2015 5:26:48 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
So you're saying nobody listens to anything Islamic leaders say today, if it doesn't come straight from one of these five books?
Ridiculous. What makes up Islam is the collective belief of its adherents. I know you don't want to believe it, but this does inevitably change over time. Just as the first example that pops into my head - The idea of the US as "The Great Satan" did not exist even a few decades ago.
Out of curiosity, do the five books spell out the Sharia-sanctioned forms of insurance that have cropped up over the years for Muslims? I'm guessing not, so that would be another quick example.
don't make up what I am saying, It is safe to say all mosques have their clerics who make their own sermons,
and no The sharia sanctioned anything, comes from the schools of jurisprudence, and sharia law, which is in compliance with the 5 sources I just named.
5/5/2015 5:32:01 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
And as I pointed out, these are addons to the religion.
But any addons have to agree with these sources.
a good example would be the apostasy laws.
These laws are defined in depth in the schools, and sharia, and change slightly, from imprisonment, to execution, but the original orders come from the head pervert himself, in the 5 mentioned sources.
all of the schools maintain these laws, and to change them, would make you an apostate yourself, for changing the religion and the orders of muhammed.
5/5/2015 5:34:56 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
You're splitting hairs Yas.
But that's OK. We all understand you're a bit OCD when it comes to
this kind of shit.
(I'm pretty sure that's covered by Obamacare)
I have no idea WTF you are talking about, do you.
5/5/2015 5:43:00 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
And Lobo.
I am not sure what you are trying to get at here, but in a simple explanation.
Islam is or all time and cannot change. (Qur'an and sunnah)
You cannot make up new rules that are in contradiction to the 5 sources.
Everything must be derived from them, in compliance.
5/5/2015 6:00:37 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
don't make up what I am saying, It is safe to say all mosques have their clerics who make their own sermons,
and no The sharia sanctioned anything, comes from the schools of jurisprudence, and sharia law, which is in compliance with the 5 sources I just named.
Thank you. Therefore there is more to Islam than five books.
5/5/2015 6:29:30 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
There is a 1200 to 1400, year history to Islam.
But there are only 5 sources to the tenants of the religion itself.
5/5/2015 6:42:41 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
And text written by a muslim, is not considered Islamic text, any more than a book by Billy Graham is considered Christian text.
5/5/2015 8:08:56 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Martinsburg, WV
49, joined Apr. 2009
Hitler- Christian
(Oh my...a historically ignorant liberal re-writing history....that's odd)
Both of Hitlers parents were religious but by his teen years he stopped attending services and his disgust with religion grew. Hitler was fascinated in his early years by the occult and symbolism but this is as religious as he ever got.
Early on, in his speeches Hitler acted as an opportunistic pragmatist appealing to the vast majority of the population of who were Bible thumping church go'ers by 95% of the population in order to gain power he needed from the Volk (the people). In a 1928 speech, he said: "We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity ... in fact our movement is Christian." Laurence Rees wrote that "The most persuasive explanation of these statements is that Hitler, as a politician, simply recognized the practical reality of the world he inhabited... Had Hitler distanced himself or his movement too much from Christianity, it is all but impossible to see how he could ever have been successful in a free election" Yet just as every American President attends church every Sunday, it's done to appease the religious voters. Imagine that! A politician that misrepresents himself!
Over time Hitler intended to replace the allegiance shown to God by the people into allegiance to the State and later as he began to demand the support of the religious leaders, those who refused were removed and jailed.
To those who questioned his religion Hitler repeatedly stated that Nazism was a secular ideology founded on science, which in the long run could not "co-exist with religion"
In fact Hitler had more in common with Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin's views on religion than the West at that time. Stalin considered religion to be a materialistic outlook "based on the nineteenth century rationalists' who were certain certainty the progress of science would destroy all myths and had already proved Christian doctrine to be an absurdity".
In spite of the attempts to muddy the waters that liberalism's move to the left is opposite the direction of Nazism, Hitlers biggest ideological opponent who closely paralleled his own was the battle he raged against Communism. National Socialism even went to far as to ensure the official flag of the Reich was presented on a red field to confuse those supporters of Bolshevism. Hitlers larger ally's included citizens who attended Mass who were not prepared to reject God for the State as the Communist had. Hitler even declared he would stay out of the affairs of the Church most agree to placate potential criticism from the Church but over time the Nazi movement became "increasingly hostile to the churches". Leaving only "the vaguest impression combined with anti-Jewish prejudice... Hitler's "religious" views are not recognized as any form of "true Christianity".
There is no evidence that Hitler himself, in his personal life, ever expressed any individual belief in the basic tenets of the Christian church". So you can stop making shit up.
5/5/2015 8:13:31 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Martinsburg, WV
49, joined Apr. 2009
Although Hitler did not practice religion in a churchly sense, he certainly believed in the Bible's God. He got raised as a Catholic and went to a Catholic school. Much of his philosophy came right out of the Bible, and more influentially, from the Christian Social movement.

5/5/2015 8:41:29 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
And text written by a muslim, is not considered Islamic text, any more than a book by Billy Graham is considered Christian text.
But books written by Billy Graham are in fact considered Christian text. And what about the Book of Mormon?
Papal decrees sure as heck are, and are taken so seriously that they have triggered far-away wars and the butchery of whole cities where "heresy" had taken hold.
Social conservative American Christians seem to universally believe that abortion is a sin, yet that opinion cannot be found in the Bible, Old Testament or New. I honestly can't figure out what writing that came from... They seem to have picked it up from the radio, which is juuuust a bit scary.
[Edited 5/5/2015 8:43:15 PM ]
5/5/2015 8:51:11 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
I fail to see hos Billy grahams books are considered Christian text, any more than just a preacher explaining his views, sure he uses established text, to explain his points, but he cannot re-write the religion.
You can watch any televangelist spewing his views, but hardly altering the religion.
Of course we have all the offshoots of Christianity, the different sects, which are nothing more than altering the existing religion.
The same applies with Islam, we have all the offshoots creating their own sects, but these are the addons I spoke of, and the reason they are killing each other.
Of course all the offshoots still have the 5 main sources.
I am not sure what you are trying to point out here, or if you are backpedaling, but the fact still remains, there are only 5 sources for the religion.
5/6/2015 12:07:07 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Martinsburg, WV
49, joined Apr. 2009
It wasn't that long ago that they were burning and drowning witches.
"Salem witch trials"...1690's....so yeah.....seems like only yesterday!
What else did they believe in 1700? Science in the 18th Century!
Bathing in water was considered unhealthy. A person could go from cradle to grave without ever immersing themselves in water.
Feces, urine and liberal ideas would stink up the house in a "chamber pot" until someone finally decided to throw them out a window!
To rid themselves of bed bugs, people wiped mattresses down with kerosene.
The use of a tooth pick was "proper oral hygiene" of its day and then only if food was causing discomfort to your teeth and gums.
Lice was rampant during 1700 but have no fear! The best science of the day recommended a good rubdown with mercury to keep the critters at bay! (Until you went bat shit crazy and died)
5/9/2015 8:46:48 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

New York, NY
66, joined Jan. 2010
yikes, too violent for me. I failed the test