5/4/2015 5:21:48 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Vallejo, CA
56, joined Feb. 2008
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test!
1. Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the [holy man] who represents God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged.
2. I decided to order a man to lead the prayer and then take a flame to burn all those, who had not left their houses for the prayer, burning them alive inside their homes.
3. I will fill your mountains with the dead. Your hills, your valleys, and your streams will be filled with people slaughtered by the sword. I will make you desolate forever. Your cities will never be rebuilt. Then you will know that I am God.
4. Fight them until there is no more [disbelief or worshipping of other gods] and worship is for God alone.
5. Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.
6. Whoso fighteth in the way of God, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.
7. Make ready to slaughter [the infidel’s] sons for the guilt of their fathers; Lest they rise and posses the earth, and fill the breadth of the world with tyrants.
8. [God’s messenger]… was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The [holy man] replied, “They [women and children] are from them [unbelievers].”
9. Then I heard God say to the other men, “Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children.”
10. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.
11. Keep [my holiday], for it is holy. Anyone who desecrates it must die.
12. The punishment of those who wage war against God and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement.
13. If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death.
14. It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war until he had made a great slaughter in the land…
15. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
16. I shall terrorize the [heathens]. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them, because they oppose God and his apostle.
17. A [holy man’s] daughter who loses her honor by committing fornication and thereby dishonors her father also, shall be burned to death.
18. So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them.
19. Everyone who would not seek God was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
20. And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true against it, so We destroy it with utter destruction.
21. But if [a girl wasn’t a virgin on her wedding night] and evidence of the girl’s virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance of her father’s house and there her townsman shall stone her to death, because she committed a crime against God’s people by her unchasteness in her father’s house. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.
22. The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say, “O [believer]! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”
23. If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you.
24. God’s Apostle said, “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: ‘None has the right to be worshipped but God.”
25. Cursed be he who does God’s work remissly, cursed he who holds back his sword from blood.
26. God said, “A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. [Prophet], you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But God desires killing them to manifest the religion.”
27. Anyone who blasphemes God’s name must be stoned to death by the whole community of [believers].
28. When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) [your religion]; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them… If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them [a tax]. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek God’s help and fight them.
29. Anyone else who goes too near the [Holy Place] will be executed.
30. Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us.
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5/4/2015 6:23:11 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
I see quotes from all three, what is your point.
5/4/2015 6:29:17 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

53, joined Apr. 2010
I see quotes from all three, what is your point.
Yes ---->>butt<<---- only one ... ummmm ... ideology is killing and fight in half the world 
Something these f**king libturds ALWAYS fail to mention when the say, " see, they're all the same " 

5/4/2015 6:31:05 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test!
30. Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us.
Muldoon .... you numbskull .. hitting the booze a little to hard today.
Is 'this' ... refers to one.
'Passage' ... refers to one.
and you put down '30' of ... 'these' 'passages' ...
so which one you referring to ... or if all 30 ... then sort it out in your mush mouth.
maybe you see it when you sober up ...
I dunno.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
5/4/2015 6:33:43 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Mount Arlington, NJ
31, joined Dec. 2012
Muldoon .... you numbskull .. hitting the booze a little to hard today.
Is 'this' ... refers to one.
'Passage' ... refers to one.
and you put down '30' of ... 'these' 'passages' ...
so which one you referring to ... or if all 30 ... then sort it out in your mush mouth.
maybe you see it when you sober up ...
I dunno.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
Seems you're hitting the pcp pretty hard today. The reason the words this and passage is used is because you're supposed to look at them individually. And yes, there are thirty of them.
5/4/2015 6:40:46 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
I asked for a point to this and received none so I will elaborate a little further.
Saying bible, Qur'an and torah implies 3 religions.
Most of these are from Judism and Islam, and I only saw one from Christianity. a controversial one at that and considered symbolic, as it violates the teachings of the person presenting it.
Judism has the evil writings written 2000 years ago,( Most between 200 AD to 200 BCE) some longer, many of which were written when the romans and good Christians were slaughtering them, so it is unlikely they had much good to say about them.
These writings are history of times past.
The writings of the OT are also Jewish, though many people try to pretend they are Christian.
These also are history of times past, and if caught doing any of them today will get your sorry a** tossed in jail by the Christian or jewish judge.
Islam however is open ended, and the writings, which are mostly from the 9th and 10th century, are just as valid today as the day muhammed raped his first child.
That makes a huge difference.
If you do them today, you will be rewarded by the church.
5/4/2015 6:43:31 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Fort Payne, AL
52, joined Jul. 2014
Yes ---->>butt<<---- only one ... ummmm ... ideology is killing and fight in half the world
Something these f**king libturds ALWAYS fail to mention when the say, " see, they're all the same "

LOL....Yeah, the US neocon foreign policy is killing millions and entangling themselves all over the globe. Even when armed with US weapons, radical muslims can't come close to neocon savagery.
5/4/2015 6:52:43 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

53, joined Apr. 2010
LOL....Yeah, the US neocon foreign policy is killing millions and entangling themselves all over the globe. Even when armed with US weapons, radical muslims can't come close to neocon savagery.
You really show your ign**gerance with each one of your posts 
U.S. foreign policy is not religious based as it is with the ideology that masquerades
as a religion you ign**gerant fool .... You have that confused with Islam which is in
nearly half the world killing in the name of their fictitious " allah ", may pig pis be
upon him and his believers 

[Edited 5/4/2015 6:53:16 PM ]
5/4/2015 6:52:49 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Just more bullshit from left wing f**ktard atheists:
He wants to pretend that there arent any atheist mass murderers.
Jared Loughner - Atheist
Timothy McVeigh - Atheist
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold - Atheists
Ted Kaczynski - Atheist
Che Guevara - Atheist
Lenin - Atheist
Pol pot - Atheist
Mao - Atheist
5/4/2015 6:56:25 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Lexington, KY
59, joined Nov. 2014
Just more bullshit from left wing f**ktard atheists:
He wants to pretend that there arent any atheist mass murderers.
Jared Loughner - Atheist
Timothy McVeigh - Atheist
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold - Atheists
Ted Kaczynski - Atheist
Che Guevara - Atheist
Lenin - Atheist
Pol pot - Atheist
Mao - Atheist
Hitler- Christian
5/4/2015 6:58:32 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Mount Arlington, NJ
31, joined Dec. 2012
He wants to pretend that there arent any atheist mass murderers.
I think you're the only one doing that.
5/4/2015 6:58:33 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Wherever did you get the idea that Hitler was Christian.
5/4/2015 7:06:57 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Wherever did you get the idea that Hitler was Christian.
LMAO...the left wing...who else?
He's never heard of the Riech Church that worshiped Hitler AS god.
5/4/2015 7:07:45 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
I think you're the only one doing that.
I guess you have to be stoned for that to make sense.
[Edited 5/4/2015 7:08:09 PM ]
5/4/2015 7:09:52 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Hitler youth marching song.
We follow not Christ, but Horst Wessel,
Away with incense and Holy Water,
The Church can go hang for all we care,
The Swastika brings salvation on Earth.
5/4/2015 7:12:11 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Lexington, KY
59, joined Nov. 2014
Although Hitler did not practice religion in a churchly sense, he certainly believed in the Bible's God. He got raised as a Catholic and went to a Catholic school. Much of his philosophy came right out of the Bible, and more influentially, from the Christian Social movement.
5/4/2015 7:13:32 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Lexington, KY
59, joined Nov. 2014
Hitler held many hysterical beliefs, which not only include God and Providence but also Fate, Social Darwinism, and politics. He spoke, unashamedly, about God, fanaticism, idealism, dogma, and the power of propaganda. Hitler held strong faith in all his convictions. He justified his fight for the German people and against Jews by using Godly and Biblical reasoning. Indeed, one of his most revealing statements makes this quite clear:
"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: *by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.*"
5/4/2015 7:14:01 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Mount Arlington, NJ
31, joined Dec. 2012
I guess you have to be stoned for that to make sense. 
Well then it should be easy for you to point out where in this thread it was implied that atheists do no bad. The only place I see it is in your post.
You don't have to be stoned. You just have to be slighty more intelligent than mulch.
5/4/2015 7:16:02 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Wherever did you get the idea that Hitler was Christian.
Hitler was as Christian as most American social conservatives, certainly.
Of course none of the bunch follow the example of Christ, but that's not what "Christian" means in today's vernacular.
5/4/2015 7:17:20 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Hitler youth marching song.
We follow not Christ, but Horst Wessel,
Away with incense and Holy Water,
The Church can go hang for all we care,
The Swastika brings salvation on Earth.

Good one!
5/4/2015 7:20:01 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Although Hitler did not practice religion in a churchly sense, he certainly believed in the Bible's God. He got raised as a Catholic and went to a Catholic school. Much of his philosophy came right out of the Bible, and more influentially, from the Christian Social movement.
That is totally false.
He was born into a catholic family but rejected the church in his early 20's.
when he wrote Mein Kamph, he actually resourced the Qur'an, having a fascination with Islam, not for the religion, but for the control of the people.
Hitler was a much better writer than the authors of the Qur'an, and he re-wrote the quotes into the proper language of the times.
5/4/2015 7:22:25 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Lexington, KY
59, joined Nov. 2014
Hitler's anti-Semitism grew from his Christian education. Christian Germany in his time took for granted the belief that Jews held an inferior status to German Christians. Jewish hatred did not spring from Hitler, it came from the preaching of Catholic priests, and Protestant ministers throughout Germany for hundreds of years. The Protestant leader, Martin Luther, himself, held a livid hatred for Jews and their Jewish religion. In his book, "On the Jews and their Lies," Luther set the standard for Jewish hatred in Protestant Germany up until World War II. Hitler expressed a great admiration for Martin Luther.
[Edited 5/4/2015 7:24:02 PM ]
5/4/2015 7:23:31 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
And BTW, Hitler needed the support of the Christian country to even get into power, and used religion in politics, much like politicians use religion today.
Once in, he had no use for it anymore, other than propaganda purposes.
5/4/2015 7:24:39 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orange, TX
44, joined Jun. 2010
Yet Muslims killed more people in the name of religion this week than all others have in 100's of years..
5/4/2015 7:25:50 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orange, TX
44, joined Jun. 2010
And BTW, Hitler needed the support of the Christian country to even get into power, and used religion in politics, much like politicians use religion today.
Once in, he had no use for it anymore, other than propaganda purposes.
Hitler aligned with the Muslim brotherhood once in power..
5/4/2015 7:26:28 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Hitler held many hysterical beliefs, which not only include God and Providence but also Fate, Social Darwinism, and politics. He spoke, unashamedly, about God, fanaticism, idealism, dogma, and the power of propaganda. Hitler held strong faith in all his convictions. He justified his fight for the German people and against Jews by using Godly and Biblical reasoning. Indeed, one of his most revealing statements makes this quite clear:
"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: *by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.*"
Actually what he used were the teachings of Martin Luther who was branded an aposate by the catholic church...Luther was a raging anti semite.
Hitler was as much a "christian" as muldork is.
5/4/2015 7:27:41 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Not to sure if it was under that name, but he aligned with the grand pubah of jerusulem and received 20,000 troops.
Hitler claimed they made, "The perfect soldier, wanting to die in battle."
5/4/2015 7:29:07 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Yet Muslims killed more people in the name of religion this week than all others have in 100's of years..
Actually the muslim death count is about 360 million, more than anyone, even Christianity had a 700 or so, year headstart.
5/4/2015 7:29:23 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Hitler aligned with the Muslim brotherhood once in power..
1937 to be exact.
During the unsuccessful 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine, which was instigated by mass Jewish migration to Palestine, Husseini and his allies took the opportunity to strengthen relations with the Third Reich and enforced the spread of Nazi customs and propaganda throughout their strongholds in Palestine as a gesture of respect. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood would follow al-Husseini's lead. Hitler's influence soon spread throughout the region, but it was not until 1937 that the Nazi government agreed to grant al-Husseini and the Muslim Brotherhood's request for financial and military assistance
Nazi-era Minister of Armaments and War Production Albert Speer acknowledged that in private, Hitler regarded Arabs as an inferior race and that the relationship he had with various Muslim figures was more political than personal. During a meeting with a delegation of distinguished Arab figures, Hitler learned of how Islam motivated the Umayyad Caliphate during the Islamic invasion of Gaul and was now convinced that "the world would be Mohammedan today" if the Arab regime had successfully taken France during the Battle of Tours, while also suggesting to Speer that "ultimately not Arabs, but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire."
In speeches, Hitler made apparently warm references towards Muslim culture such as: "The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France"
5/4/2015 7:30:34 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Lexington, KY
59, joined Nov. 2014
Hitler did not have to prove his belief in God, as so many American Christians do now. He did not have to justify his Godly belief against an Atheist movement. He took his beliefs for granted just as most Germans did. He did not have to preach God to his audience. His thrust aimed at politics, not religion. Although, through his politics he had wanted to create a German Reich Church to instill dogmatic beliefs in the German populace.
5/4/2015 7:33:34 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
You are speaking as though you knew him personally, because everything you say goes against all documentation.
5/4/2015 7:37:25 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Hitler did not have to prove his belief in God, as so many American Christians do now. He did not have to justify his Godly belief against an Atheist movement. He took his beliefs for granted just as most Germans did. He did not have to preach God to his audience. His thrust aimed at politics, not religion. Although, through his politics he had wanted to create a German Reich Church to instill dogmatic beliefs in the German populace.
Copied and pasted from an atheist website!
[Edited 5/4/2015 7:37:36 PM ]
5/4/2015 7:40:24 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Fort Payne, AL
52, joined Jul. 2014
You really show your ign**gerance with each one of your posts
U.S. foreign policy is not religious based as it is with the ideology that masquerades
as a religion you ign**gerant fool .... You have that confused with Islam which is in
nearly half the world killing in the name of their fi

I don't give a f**k why muslims kill other muslims or christians or jews. My point is they can't come close to neocon death totals. Do you really think ISIS has killed 2-3 million muslims yet? Do you really think all of those dead souls give a rat f**k whether they died because of religion or oil?
5/4/2015 7:40:29 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Lexington, KY
59, joined Nov. 2014
Many passages in the book "Mein Kampf" were related to passages in the Bible
Their sword will become our plow, and from the tears of war the daily bread of future generations will grow.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
Note: "Their sword will become our plow" appears to paraphrase Micah 4:3 about beating swords into ploughshares, but his tears of war more resembles Joel 3:9-10 "Beat your plowshares into swords."
I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal. –
Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
I thank Heaven that a portion of the memories of those days still remains with me. Woods and meadows were the battlefields on which the 'conflicts' which exist everywhere in life were decided.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
5/4/2015 7:44:10 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
walt, he does have Christian quotes, he is speaking to a Christian public.
5/4/2015 7:51:35 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Fort Payne, AL
52, joined Jul. 2014
The Islamophobes are ok with killing millions of muslims as long as religion is not used as an excuse. Oil pipelines, coups, Zionist land grabs, NATO aggression, etc are all perfectly fine reasons to slaughter millions though.
Neocons put the sick in sick f**ks
5/4/2015 7:57:00 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Lexington, KY
59, joined Nov. 2014
walt, he does have Christian quotes, he is speaking to a Christian public.
That's my point, he promoted his hatred of the Jews by using versus in the Bible to convince an entire nation that hatred was justified
5/4/2015 7:59:14 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Vallejo, CA
56, joined Feb. 2008
Key: Odd numbered quotes are from the Bible, even numbers from the Quran or Hadith. 1. Deuteronomy17:12 NLT; 2. Bukhari 11:626; 3. Ezekiel 35:7-9 NLT; 4. Quran 2:193; 5. Matthew 10:34-35; 6. Quran 4:74; 7.Isaiah 14:21 NAB; 8. Bukhari 52:256; 9. Ezekiel 9:5 NLT; 10. Quran 8:12; 11. Exodus 31:12-15 NLT; 12. Quran5:33; 13. Leviticus 20:10 NLT; 14. Quran 8:67; 15. Numbers 31: 17-18 KJV; 16. Quran 8:12; 17. Leviticus 21:9 NAB; 18. Quran 9:5; 19. 2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB; 20. Quran 17:16; 21. Deuteronomy 22:20-21 NAB; 22.Bukhari 52:177; 23. Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB; 24. Bukhari 8:387; 25. Jeremiah 48:10 NAB; 26. Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 484; 27. Leviticus 24:16 NLT; 28. Muslim 19:4294; 29. Numbers 1: 51 NLT; 30. Tabari 9:69
5/4/2015 8:01:43 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
That's my point, he promoted his hatred of the Jews by using versus in the Bible to convince an entire nation that hatred was justified
You sound more like you are backpeddaling. We know he used the religion on a Christian public, but he was not a Christian.
he did this in 1933 and 34.
would you like me to post some of his many quotes denying the religion.
5/4/2015 8:05:28 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Key: Odd numbered quotes are from the Bible, even numbers from the Quran or Hadith. 1. Deuteronomy17:12 NLT; 2. Bukhari 11:626; 3. Ezekiel 35:7-9 NLT; 4. Quran 2:193; 5. Matthew 10:34-35; 6. Quran 4:74; 7.Isaiah 14:21 NAB; 8. Bukhari 52:256; 9. Ezekiel 9:5 NLT; 10. Quran 8:12; 11. Exodus 31:12-15 NLT; 12. Quran5:33; 13. Leviticus 20:10 NLT; 14. Quran 8:67; 15. Numbers 31: 17-18 KJV; 16. Quran 8:12; 17. Leviticus 21:9 NAB; 18. Quran 9:5; 19. 2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB; 20. Quran 17:16; 21. Deuteronomy 22:20-21 NAB; 22.Bukhari 52:177; 23. Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB; 24. Bukhari 8:387; 25. Jeremiah 48:10 NAB; 26. Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 484; 27. Leviticus 24:16 NLT; 28. Muslim 19:4294; 29. Numbers 1: 51 NLT; 30. Tabari 9:69
So it was misleading from the start.
You said Qur'an, but mostly quoted Ishaq, Bukhari, muslim.
And then you quoted the bible, implying it is Christian, but Is really jewish.
I only see one Christian quote in there.
5/4/2015 8:06:23 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Lexington, KY
59, joined Nov. 2014
Post away, doesn't change the fact that using Christianity to convince a population that hating and killing people of another faith is what "God" wants us to do is what seems to be happening in many parts of America today....and that's SCARY!
5/4/2015 8:09:15 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
Hitler paid lip service to Christianity to sucker votes, and donations, out of church goers....like Repubtards do today in America. He was, however, a Pagan. He worshipped Himself, the god that he was trying to become, and various lesser gods...Baal,Thor, etc.
[Edited 5/4/2015 8:09:48 PM ]
5/4/2015 8:12:04 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Post away, doesn't change the fact that using Christianity to convince a population that hating and killing people of another faith is what "God" wants us to do is what seems to be happening in many parts of America today....and that's SCARY!
Which is 180 degrees of what you first stated, that being, Hitler was a Christian.
All religions are used as a call to arms, by all societies.
5/4/2015 8:18:24 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Lexington, KY
59, joined Nov. 2014
Which is 180 degrees of what you first stated, that being, Hitler was a Christian.
All religions are used as a call to arms, by all societies.
Him being Christian or not is irrelevant, using Christianity to further your ideological points of view in the persecution of other faiths is spreading in America, thus my using Hitler as an example
Doesn't this concern you?
5/4/2015 8:19:00 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
Seems you're hitting the pcp pretty hard today. The reason the words this and passage is used is because you're supposed to look at them individually. And yes, there are thirty of them.
thanks for the translation .... another numbskull has set me free ...
I got a witness.
whooooooo ... hoooooooooo
answer key
half are from the bible ... half are from the Quran .. none are from the Torah ...
pick and choose your questions and all Hail the Virgin Mary that has baby sex with the Ghost of her Father in Heaven....
Ahhhhh-Men !!!
and f**k the women..
5/4/2015 8:24:46 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Him being Christian or not is irrelevant, using Christianity to further your ideological points of view in the persecution of other faiths is spreading in America, thus my using Hitler as an example
Doesn't this concern you?
Your exact quote was "Hitler was a "Christian", which he was not.
Using the religion, or any religion, to promote conquest is another story altogether.
People have been doing this since before recorded history.
It is not so easy with Christianity anymore if it is t be the aggressor, because people can read now, and will say it goes against the religion.
However we will need the support of the Christian community to fight off Islam.
5/4/2015 8:26:15 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Lexington, KY
59, joined Nov. 2014
However we will need the support of the Christian community to fight off Islam.
And so it begins
5/4/2015 8:27:52 PM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Ahhhhh-Men !!! are from the bible ... half are from the Quran .. none are from the Torah ...
actually that is not quite correct.
Only a few are from the Qur'an, most are from the hadieth, and the first 5 books of the bible are the first 5 books of the torah, though all of the OT is jewish.
5/5/2015 8:41:46 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
So it was misleading from the start.
You said Qur'an, but mostly quoted Ishaq, Bukhari, muslim.
And then you quoted the bible, implying it is Christian, but Is really jewish.
I only see one Christian quote in there.
I've explained this to you before - The entire Bible (Old and New Testaments) is embraced by Christianity. If any Christians disavow the Old Testament (Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, Jonah, the 10 Commandments, etc), they are a tiny minority.
I think there's a movie coming out (or recent) that is about Moses in Egypt, the flight, parting of the sea, etc. Do you imagine that southern Christians will turn their noses up at it because it's entirely set in Old Testament times? Or will they claim it as a Christian movie? (In fact the timeframe for that story predates both Christianity and Judaism.)
Now mind you, you'll be hard pressed to find the passages Muldoon cited as subject matter for any sermons at an Ottawa Methodist or Cathoic service... Just like you aren't likely to find any of those Islamic passages preached on at a Toronto mosque.
The take-away for you is that the Christian holy texts are just as violent and depraved as the Islamic ones, which doesn't mean all Christians act accordingly, any more than it means all Muslims do.
[Edited 5/5/2015 8:43:24 AM ]
5/5/2015 9:23:20 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
I know you have explained it before, but that does not make your concept correct.
The OT to Christians is little more than a history book of times past.
The new covenant and the coming of Jesus, is a change from the old ways,
Now you
Love they enemy
Casting the first stone, etc.
The teachings of Jesus, as opposed to the events of the past people, are the main points of the religion.
5/5/2015 9:25:01 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
I posted this on the first page.
I asked for a point to this and received none so I will elaborate a little further.
Saying bible, Qur'an and torah implies 3 religions.
Most of these are from Judism and Islam, and I only saw one from Christianity. a controversial one at that and considered symbolic, as it violates the teachings of the person presenting it.
Judism has the evil writings written 2000 years ago,( Most between 200 AD to 200 BCE) some longer, many of which were written when the romans and good Christians were slaughtering them, so it is unlikely they had much good to say about them.
These writings are history of times past.
The writings of the OT are also Jewish, though many people try to pretend they are Christian.
These also are history of times past, and if caught doing any of them today will get your sorry a** tossed in jail by the Christian or jewish judge.
Islam however is open ended, and the writings, which are mostly from the 9th and 10th century, are just as valid today as the day muhammed raped his first child.
That makes a huge difference.
If you do them today, you will be rewarded by the church.
5/5/2015 9:28:59 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
I know you have explained it before, but that does not make your concept correct.
The OT to Christians is little more than a history book of times past.
The new covenant and the coming of Jesus, is a change from the old ways,
Now you
Love they enemy
Casting the first stone, etc.
The teachings of Jesus, as opposed to the events of the past people, are the main points of the religion.
True for me.
False for most social conservatives who self-identify as Christians.
Ask them where they read that being gay is sinful, and they will point to Sodom and Gomorrah. Ask them where they read that the earth was created in 7 days and there's no evolution, and they will point to Genesis. Etc, etc.
[Edited 5/5/2015 9:30:02 AM ]
5/5/2015 9:39:32 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
Lets look at the post of ezekial
This was written about 600 years BCE, By the Hebrews, not the Christians, but the predecessors of the jews, or at least represents that time.
This is a primitive society when all of this is happening.
Do you think mainstream Christianity would allow the killing of all the men, women, and children.
the teachings of jesus would deny this behavior of the past.
And in modern practice would get you thrown in jail.
but the teachings of Islam are valid today and tomorrow, for anything the pervert muhammed did.
5/5/2015 9:46:16 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
True for me.
False for most social conservatives who self-identify as Christians.
Ask them where they read that being gay is sinful, and they will point to Sodom and Gomorrah. Ask them where they read that the earth was created in 7 days and there's no evolution, and they will point to Genesis. Etc, etc.
Good point, lets look at it.
Most Christians, and jews, will deny the teachings of Genesis, with the garden as being myth, but yes there are many who will stand by it, as a "HISTORY", lesson.
They will not kill anyone over it.
Sodom and Gomorrah, represent all that is evil, but do you see Christians stoning gays.
Sure you will get the occasional nutcase who might, but I can't recall an incident.
also the teachings of jesus, the next book, and the event of Christianity, counters this.
BYW, they still stone and hang gays, in many Islamic countries.
5/5/2015 9:50:06 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orange, TX
44, joined Jun. 2010
Many passages in the book "Mein Kampf" were related to passages in the Bible
Their sword will become our plow, and from the tears of war the daily bread of future generations will grow.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
Note: "Their sword will become our plow" appears to paraphrase Micah 4:3 about beating swords into ploughshares, but his tears of war more resembles Joel 3:9-10 "Beat your plowshares into swords."
I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal. –
Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
I thank Heaven that a portion of the memories of those days still remains with me. Woods and meadows were the battlefields on which the 'conflicts' which exist everywhere in life were decided.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
Who did Hitler align himself with? Christians? No the Muslim brotherhood..
5/5/2015 9:52:31 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
And BTW Lobo.
They have gay Christian churches in America.
Do you know what would happen, if you opened a gay Christian church in Iran.
5/5/2015 10:06:23 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Lets look at the post of ezekial
This was written about 600 years BCE, By the Hebrews, not the Christians, but the predecessors of the jews, or at least represents that time.
This is a primitive society when all of this is happening.
Do you think mainstream Christianity would allow the killing of all the men, women, and children.
the teachings of jesus would deny this behavior of the past.
And in modern practice would get you thrown in jail.
but the teachings of Islam are valid today and tomorrow, for anything the pervert muhammed did.
Tell the police to stand aside, and start a rally in (insert southern US red state) riling the Christians up to drag a lot of gays out and stone them, and it would happen with great gusto!
The problem for Social Conservative fundamentalist Christians is that Liberalism has taken firm hold over the past 50 years or so. Laws have been passed that prohibit the stoning of gays and blacks and so on, and the government has backed them up with action until people caught on that it wouldn't be tolerated any more.
In places like Saudi Arabia where the government is still social conservative fundamentalist, they are still free to let their freak flags fly so they do.
5/5/2015 10:10:35 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Who did Hitler align himself with? Christians? No the Muslim brotherhood..
lol no. Christians, atheists and Shinto/Buddhists.
This has to be one of your most amusingly ridiculous claims (and that's saying something, with your post history!)
Of the Axis powers is it Russia, Italy, or Japan that you imagine were run by Muslims?

[Edited 5/5/2015 10:11:31 AM ]
5/5/2015 10:16:59 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Ocala, FL
57, joined Jul. 2013
Google "hitler and muslims history"... husseini....
5/5/2015 10:17:06 AM |
Is this violent passage from the Bible, Torah or Quran? Take the test! |

Seattle, WA
61, joined Dec. 2014
and you really believe Christians would stone gays, in todays world, huh.
sorry Lobo, I just can't agree with that.
Sure you will always find a nutcase who will do it, but not a Christian organization.