8/24/2008 3:59:57 AM |
for the boys only |

Cleveland, OH
age: 31
do you think that it is truely in your nature to be monogamous? do you believe that monogamy is natural for most men? i'm of the view that monogamy is not natural for 90% of all men. bear in mind that infidelity is at epidemic levels. i just think that most men need more (whether they will admit it or not). i believe that men who are monogamous are forced to be this way for fear of consequences from their significant others. i also believe that women who honestly think that their husbands will want them and only them for the rest of their days are terribly mistaken. i grew up the only girl in a house with 3 boys and my brothers aren't exactly gentle about their opinions on this. i've heard them say all of the time "there's no p**sy like new p**sy." obviously if any of you agree with this you'd be more gentle about it lol. but is this true or are my brothers just nuts? i believe that most men want more and i don't belive this makes them pigs or bad guys. i believe that men are meant to have multiple wives. most men in the holy bible and the holy qur'an had many wives. in some cases hundreds. this is why i believe this. i believe that demanding or expecting monagamy from men is cruel and unusual punishment. would you agree? i made this for boys only to keep myself and guys who agree with me from being steamrolled by the girls. lol.
8/24/2008 4:38:23 AM |
for the boys only |

Santa Cruz, CA
age: 32
Actually, I've wondered about this myself. With all the cheating going on and the high divorce rate, I would lean towards monogomy being unatural....If you see two or more people that you're attracted to, I don't think it's human nature to choose one and ignore the others, I think human nature pulls us to pursue whoever we're attracted to. This is why not cheating on your partner (especially in LTR) sometimes takes a lot of discipline.
8/24/2008 4:55:48 AM |
for the boys only |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 47
i think its achoice of the individuall,and btw women do it too,weve got pride and ego invovled and the charcter defect of lust,for myself im totally monagomus hell i went 5 years strait no relationships and no sex either (at the risk of sounding egotistical)i had a couple offers for myself that is not what i want hell i only date one person at a time and if they wanna date others thats ok i just step off,and you mentioned the bible when lust does come up and usually its not a desire for diffrent women it is about looking to medicate lonleyness i go to GOD FOR THAT HE FILLS THE VOID,and like i was gonna say i ask myself what would GOD want me to do and thats just for me....
8/24/2008 5:05:09 AM |
for the boys only |

Charlotte, NC
age: 49 online now!
do you think that it is truely in your nature to be monogamous? do you believe that monogamy is natural for most men? i'm of the view that monogamy is not natural for 90% of all men. bear in mind that infidelity is at epidemic levels. i just think that most men need more (whether they will admit it or not). i believe that men who are monogamous are forced to be this way for fear of consequences from their significant others. i also believe that women who honestly think that their husbands will want them and only them for the rest of their days are terribly mistaken. i grew up the only girl in a house with 3 boys and my brothers aren't exactly gentle about their opinions on this. i've heard them say all of the time "there's no p**sy like new p**sy." obviously if any of you agree with this you'd be more gentle about it lol. but is this true or are my brothers just nuts? i believe that most men want more and i don't belive this makes them pigs or bad guys. i believe that men are meant to have multiple wives. most men in the holy bible and the holy qur'an had many wives. in some cases hundreds. this is why i believe this. i believe that demanding or expecting monagamy from men is cruel and unusual punishment. would you agree? i made this for boys only to keep myself and guys who agree with me from being steamrolled by the girls. lol.
What an interesting take on this subject. I think you very succintly summed it up. Men who do not care about reprisal outwardly and openly have a harem of women. Those that are not open about their sexual prowess only wish they had a harem.
Sorry to disappoint some of you women. But the truth is the truth.
8/24/2008 5:11:31 AM |
for the boys only |

Walled Lake, MI
age: 36
I realize you said this is for the boys only, sorry you felt the need to suppress women expressing their view. Still when one knows truth you can't be silent.
You seem to be giving a pass to people who need a reason to blame their choices on.
Well it's in my nature...ok well lets really look at this...
Human nature by it's very nature is cruel. This is for women too.
So say it's in my nature to kill because I need to do that to survive. I kill for food, I kill another woman because she is competition and I need to protect my own interest.
I steal because well I want or need the object I steal because well it's all about me and why should I care who I harm. My only goal is to protect my interest. After all this is just in my nature.
Also this totally sexist in that only men need to cheat. Ever really met a woman in her
prime. Let me tell you, if all women didn't try to control that we could f**k 7 men at once and still be able to handle more. Do it on a daily basis too! After all we are just giving into our hormones because that's our nature.
See the reality of this excuse is to excuse the desire to be animistic. Now if you feel that's all there is as a human is to be another animal go for it. Personally I have a brain that also by it's very nature is to cause me to THINK. There are reasons better than just nature to do as I please. I want a happy life, my children don't need to suffer because my only goal is my needs and not putting theirs first. I should rise above what's in my nature to just f*ck when it does harm to my family and society. THIS is called being civilized and realizing you are part of a greater culture. Accepting self responsibility. If no one cares and it's all about our nature we would all be dying of AIDS and children born with AIDS will no live long enough to sustain the human race long term.
If we wanted to give into that theory than women would actually benefit MORE by having
2 or 3 husbands. So do we give men a pass to be a**holes and women just lower themselves to being only sex objects? This only fuels that men and women are different. Having babies and our sex organs are the only real difference.
We have the same body's, feelings, needs, desires, because WE ARE HUMAN.
Oh that tell your brothers I SAID....Ain't no D*ck like having 5 big D*cks at once! 
8/24/2008 6:04:16 AM |
for the boys only |

Waldo, OH
age: 39
Men are naturally pigs
But when a woman gives a man what
makes him a better man
Most men do not want for another woman
I am certain
that I will have a lady that makes me feel that
I will never put my hands on another
Because I will settle for nothing less
8/24/2008 6:15:00 AM |
for the boys only |

Clayton, NC
age: 40
awakeing I have to applaud your post I bet you are opening a lot of eyes with this LOL It's funny how people fail to realize women have animal instincts too
8/24/2008 7:16:59 AM |
for the boys only |

Tallahassee, FL
age: 42
You can find monogamous, promiscuous and polygamous examples in nature so it's not too hard to believe that we as human beings are going to share those traits along with cultural traditions.
8/24/2008 7:38:27 AM |
for the boys only |

Springfield, IL
age: 29
I agree with you that most men(and women) are not worth a shit when it come to being monogamous.
We are born into sin therefore lust is something we have to control.
I have always beeen for monogamy and always will be. It is our nature to want lust, but we have to use our will power to not cheat.
8/24/2008 9:22:25 AM |
for the boys only |

Pico Rivera, CA
age: 49
do you think that it is truely in your nature to be monogamous? do you believe that monogamy is natural for most men? i'm of the view that monogamy is not natural for 90% of all men. bear in mind that infidelity is at epidemic levels. i just think that most men need more (whether they will admit it or not). i believe that men who are monogamous are forced to be this way for fear of consequences from their significant others. i also believe that women who honestly think that their husbands will want them and only them for the rest of their days are terribly mistaken. i grew up the only girl in a house with 3 boys and my brothers aren't exactly gentle about their opinions on this. i've heard them say all of the time "there's no p**sy like new p**sy." obviously if any of you agree with this you'd be more gentle about it lol. but is this true or are my brothers just nuts? i believe that most men want more and i don't belive this makes them pigs or bad guys. i believe that men are meant to have multiple wives. most men in the holy bible and the holy qur'an had many wives. in some cases hundreds. this is why i believe this. i believe that demanding or expecting monagamy from men is cruel and unusual punishment. would you agree? i made this for boys only to keep myself and guys who agree with me from being steamrolled by the girls. lol.
why is it natural in 90% of men to cheat and not the other 10% and what is or isnt occuring naturally in men to determine whether they cheat or not,seeing that you believe that its natural then the male would have to be born with whatever you believe causes infidelity as with women that cheat the same would apply,if it cant be proven that infidelity is a natural act as you stated then that would place you entire statement into question
8/24/2008 10:52:26 AM |
for the boys only |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
Not a boy but being a public forum I will answer.
Gee I have two brothers and neither one have ever said anything like that to me. In fact, my brothers would not speak to me in that manner because they were raised to be respectful. Hmmmmm that included guidance in how to respect them self and their significant other. Both are happily married and long term.
OP are you saying it's ok to break up homes..yours and others...no matter who it hurts. It's ok to spread that seed around thoughtlessly, men have needs, urges that they have no ability to tame, after all they're only doing whats natural? Men need not be respectful of you as a partner but being female is not your nature so you must be only with him while he's out gettin it on with whomever? I find that thought process insulting. As for the bible and men having many wives. Yeah it says that, imo, written and interpreted by man. Men of that time held women as being unequal, so naturally they'd feel that way about having multiple women. I love and believe in God with all my being. My God doesn't have double standards, nor does he count me less as a human because I'm female. Cruel and unusual punishment to expect men to be respectful, caring, think of consequence verses action. I think not.
Ask any child from a broken home, was it right if dad couldn't keep it in his pants? Have you suffered and done without because he had urges and needs that needed to be met without care of how it affected you? Then you tell me if it is right or natural?
Just suppose it were your child hurt in this world because your husband/the father of your child had to give in to his needs. How is it going to feel when someone comes to your door pregnant and by the way it's your husbands kid. Then income comes out of your home to support the others he's fathered and your kid does without? Another womans kids come into your home for visitation with dad. They don't have a full time dad, natural? What do you say to your child...sorry baby, daddy had urges that had to be met? Oh please... Or a child looks up his father that you thought was faithful...how will you feel...your kids??? Or when hubby or s/o brings home HIV or herpes or whatever? I mean after all he was only fulfilling what he is destined to do right? If it's natural for 10%, it's natural for all to be monogamous, some have no respect or self control, some do.
We as women have the same urges and needs. We are met with the same challenges to be faithful. Yet some are, some aren't. Is a choice we all make.
8/24/2008 9:19:40 PM |
for the boys only |

Cleveland, OH
age: 31
i would like to thank you all for your insight into this matter, including the women on here who are utterly phobic when it comes to polygamy. i don't fault them however. to address another post. as far as my brothers go, i was raised with a house full of boys and we all talk to each other at times like drunken sailors or truck drivers. it doesn't mean we love or respect each other any less. my brothers are extremely protective of me. it's amazing how bitter and personal women get on this matter when one has a differing opinion. i was even accused of attempting to oppress women. oh yeah, i'm oppressing women because i want boys opinion on the issue. get off your phucking feminazi soap box and get a phucking life odious shrew. i have no problem with people having differing opinions than my own but i WILL NOT tolerate personal attacks. i can disagree with a person without making it personal and i'm sorry that others on here can't. i will not have my character assasinated because certain women are over possesive strumpets. i happen to believe that love is not possesive. i looked forward to comments from girls as well but i never imagined the bitter, hateful and vitriolic statements. i was hoping that we could all disagree constructively. apparently not. very tragic. as usual the boys responded to this logically (even those who disagreed with me), but it makes us girls look really bad when we respond to issues with knee jerk emotions instead of logic. as girls we cannot afford the luxury of thinking with our hearts. this is when illogical behavior and statements come in when normally it would not be that way. we have brains for a reason. logic and reason is the only thing that matters. how one FEELS is irrelevant.
[Edited 8/24/2008 9:24:44 PM]
8/24/2008 9:38:49 PM |
for the boys only |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 48
If it's part of the culture and the wife(wives) are agreeable to it then I have no problem with any marriage arrangement as long as it's among consenting adults. I understand the urge and I think most men if they were honest would admit to it.
If a man enters into a monogamous marriage then he should be able to exercise enough self control to keep his "urges" at home. Not use "nature" to excuse his actions even if it's "just cyber".
8/24/2008 10:58:25 PM |
for the boys only |

Oakland, MS
age: 51
I realize you said this is for the boys only, sorry you felt the need to suppress women expressing their view. Still when one knows truth you can't be silent.
You seem to be giving a pass to people who need a reason to blame their choices on.
Well it's in my nature...ok well lets really look at this...
Human nature by it's very nature is cruel. This is for women too.
So say it's in my nature to kill because I need to do that to survive. I kill for food, I kill another woman because she is competition and I need to protect my own interest.
I steal because well I want or need the object I steal because well it's all about me and why should I care who I harm. My only goal is to protect my interest. After all this is just in my nature.
Also this totally sexist in that only men need to cheat. Ever really met a woman in her
prime. Let me tell you, if all women didn't try to control that we could f**k 7 men at once and still be able to handle more. Do it on a daily basis too! After all we are just giving into our hormones because that's our nature.
See the reality of this excuse is to excuse the desire to be animistic. Now if you feel that's all there is as a human is to be another animal go for it. Personally I have a brain that also by it's very nature is to cause me to THINK. There are reasons better than just nature to do as I please. I want a happy life, my children don't need to suffer because my only goal is my needs and not putting theirs first. I should rise above what's in my nature to just f*ck when it does harm to my family and society. THIS is called being civilized and realizing you are part of a greater culture. Accepting self responsibility. If no one cares and it's all about our nature we would all be dying of AIDS and children born with AIDS will no live long enough to sustain the human race long term.
If we wanted to give into that theory than women would actually benefit MORE by having
2 or 3 husbands. So do we give men a pass to be a**holes and women just lower themselves to being only sex objects? This only fuels that men and women are different. Having babies and our sex organs are the only real difference.
We have the same body's, feelings, needs, desires, because WE ARE HUMAN.
Oh that tell your brothers I SAID....Ain't no D*ck like having 5 big D*cks at once!  
8/24/2008 11:12:26 PM |
for the boys only |

Wyandotte, MI
age: 43
There are evolutionary advantages to breeding more than one female in the tribe. There are also evolutionary advantages to killing your younger brothers and even your sons.
Are we living in caveman times?
God has evolved us so that we can evolve our social behaviors.
As far as I am concerned, monogamy IS my natural behavior and that of at least 35% of the male population according to the studies I have seen released.
The OPs position is pessimistic and extreme.
So consider all of the evolutionary that God put into play. She knew what she was doing.
I know this: I can control only MY actions in this exact moment in time. I choose to endorse monagamy by example. I have exactly room for one woman in my life. When I find her that position will be closed and I will not be wandering.
One God, One Man, One Woman