8/28/2008 12:42:58 AM |
Suicide Prevention |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
I felt compelled to start this thread because everyone's been screaming for it forever, and also because I have a complication in my life with suicide.........here, we can taqlk about it.....prevent it....PREVENTING IT is my main goal.
8/28/2008 2:37:50 AM |
Suicide Prevention |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 43
I'm not a widower but you and I have talked about this before. Depression and thoughts of suicide are never fun nor are they the solitary realm of the widowed. People have a tendency to look at you and tell you to 'suck it up'. Too bad it isn't that simple.
Each person is unique, what works for one may not work for another. I can only share what has worked for me.
Constant contact with those I am closet to and who know me best. Complete honesty with them as to where my head was at any particular moment in time. Having them remind me over and over again of the many blessings in my life, even if I couldn't or wouldn't see them for myself at the time. Therapy with a professional who I felt comfortable with. Someone without intimate ties to me or my situations who could look at them dispassionately and guide me. Counseling with a spiritual or religious leader. And finally the conscious and deliberate choice to stop feeding the negative influences in my life, to grab hold of anything and everything positive no matter how small, and to finally come to a place of being able to tell those of a negative bend that I was not going to tolerate it anymore.
All that was way easier to type than it was sometimes to do.
Anytime you wanna talk, drop me a line.

8/28/2008 9:00:14 AM |
Suicide Prevention |

Gig Harbor, WA
age: 37
I've suggested a suicide group/forum in the past.... I think it would be a great thing to have here to discuss.
8/29/2008 10:34:33 PM |
Suicide Prevention |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
wazzup you2?
8/30/2008 12:33:02 AM |
Suicide Prevention |

Gig Harbor, WA
age: 37
wazzup you2? 
I've been on both sides of the fence with suicide.... having bipolar and all. I've had close friends commit suicide, I've attempted it several times, and I've helped people "off the edge" before.
I'm with you, Libra.... PREVENTION. That's why I think it's a good idea for a forum to be started about this. Love, feeling alone, and heartbreak are a HUGE factor in a person feeling like they want to die. Some people here are perfectly empathetic and sympathetic, enough to befriend a person and try to help.
Great post, my friend.
8/30/2008 8:42:48 PM |
Suicide Prevention |

El Paso, TX
age: 51
I will not committ suicide. Period. I could not prevent my husbands death, I loved him, but he would not have wanted that for me.
I take comfort in this phrase: "Even tho I could not spend the rest of my life with my true love, he spent the rest of his with his true love, for I know he loved me for the rest of his life".
Just something to think about.
Many prayers to you all.

9/1/2008 7:42:05 AM |
Suicide Prevention |

Stateline, NV
age: 55
I will not committ suicide. Period. I could not prevent my husbands death, I loved him, but he would not have wanted that for me.
I take comfort in this phrase: "Even tho I could not spend the rest of my life with my true love, he spent the rest of his with his true love, for I know he loved me for the rest of his life".
Just something to think about.

What wise words 3crosses...I believe this also..My husband could not be with me, but he would not want me to end my life, he wanted me to live for the both of us, since he could not be here with me. And what does give me great comfort is that like the saying goes, he did spend the rest of his live with the one he loved. I think there are people that think about suicide, and especially right after they lose their spouse, but it takes strength and courage to keep your life going. I know it has been hard, but I hope other people will think of what their families would go through if they were to take their own lives. I am also for a forum on Suicide prevention.
9/18/2008 5:51:27 PM |
Suicide Prevention |

Durant, OK
age: 54
xlibra my family were concerned about me when my husband died and I felt I had to go for counseling just to appease them. In hindsight I realize it was the best thing for me. When he (psychiatrist) asked me if I had thoughts of suicide I was able to answer very quickly...NO..but he suprised me by saying "There are many ways/forms of suicide and I can see that you would be the one to commit "emotional" suicide. Not knowing what he meant I became very angry but after he explained I understood and probably have done that very thing. He stated it is when you have withdrawn from everyone around you, won't allow anyone close enough to hurt you and certainly will not feel enough for anyone to feel the pain if something should happen to them. I am trying to finally recover from this existence but it is very difficult. Please seek help if you are having ANY type of withdrawn behaviors or thoughts of suicide. It is easy for me to say when I did the very thing he warned me of...but I wish better for you! God Bless You.
9/21/2008 10:28:51 AM |
Suicide Prevention |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
xlibra my family were concerned about me when my husband died and I felt I had to go for counseling just to appease them. In hindsight I realize it was the best thing for me. When he (psychiatrist) asked me if I had thoughts of suicide I was able to answer very quickly...NO..but he suprised me by saying "There are many ways/forms of suicide and I can see that you would be the one to commit "emotional" suicide. Not knowing what he meant I became very angry but after he explained I understood and probably have done that very thing. He stated it is when you have withdrawn from everyone around you, won't allow anyone close enough to hurt you and certainly will not feel enough for anyone to feel the pain if something should happen to them. I am trying to finally recover from this existence but it is very difficult. Please seek help if you are having ANY type of withdrawn behaviors or thoughts of suicide. It is easy for me to say when I did the very thing he warned me of...but I wish better for you! God Bless You.
WHOA!!! I'm not sayin' Im ready for the big ride just yet.......I just started this thread so people could discuss thier thoughts on this.....
9/23/2008 5:08:45 PM |
Suicide Prevention |

Grady, AL
age: 48
xlibra my family were concerned about me when my husband died and I felt I had to go for counseling just to appease them. In hindsight I realize it was the best thing for me. When he (psychiatrist) asked me if I had thoughts of suicide I was able to answer very quickly...NO..but he suprised me by saying "There are many ways/forms of suicide and I can see that you would be the one to commit "emotional" suicide. Not knowing what he meant I became very angry but after he explained I understood and probably have done that very thing. He stated it is when you have withdrawn from everyone around you, won't allow anyone close enough to hurt you and certainly will not feel enough for anyone to feel the pain if something should happen to them. I am trying to finally recover from this existence but it is very difficult. Please seek help if you are having ANY type of withdrawn behaviors or thoughts of suicide. It is easy for me to say when I did the very thing he warned me of...but I wish better for you! God Bless You.
I don't know why I came in here. I am not a widow but had someone just walk out of my life. No arguments, no explanation. So to me it's like someone you love dying in an accident leaving you a widow. I use to say even death would be easier than that. At least there would be some form of closure. I sort of attempted suicide. It was more a game to me, a taunting of God for I felt he had made a game of my life. I saw a counselor, and I lied like you did. I walked away. I've gotten a lot better but there was always something that never seemed to me like I was the person I use to be. My family and friends still say the same, yet cannot explain to me what is different.
EMOTIONAL SUICIDE. Now, I maybe know why I came in here. There is always a reason for everything and maybe there is a reason I came into this forum tonight. Is there more information on this topic "emotional suicide"???
9/23/2008 8:04:06 PM |
Suicide Prevention |

Etoile, TX
age: 41
That is how i lost my wife was she committed suicide , never saw it coming still hard to believe now, last we spoke she was fine and happy and looking forard to vacation. why she chose to do that i will never know. we had even discussed this before too, about how hard it would be if one of was to pass away. it had to be hard for her to do it knowing she would be leaving me and the kids to finish raising. i myself would never consider that a way out. i have to much left to do in this life.
9/23/2008 8:23:06 PM |
Suicide Prevention |
Findlay, OH
age: 50
suicide group would be great,,,,,as i really hate life now and have thought about it many times like a lot of us on here
9/23/2008 8:33:25 PM |
Suicide Prevention |

Grady, AL
age: 48
I would NEVER contemplate it now. And cannot believe I even entertained the idea then. I believe we can get into a place so low and so far away that sometimes it seems the only way to stop the pain. At that point your not thinking clearly and your not even thinking of those you love or what it will do to them. I thank God that at that moment in time, he showed me all those things and when I needed him he was there. I am thankful that I had the faith and upbringing and thought to talk to him during this "game" I played.
9/23/2008 8:48:45 PM |
Suicide Prevention |

Maspeth, NY
age: 37
I'm not quite sure what drew me to this particular grouping, as I have not lost a spouse or significant other.
I do however, battle depression, anxiety and panic on a daily basis. Anyone that truly wants to talk about these things, feel free to email me.... I'll help as much as I can. I have found methods that help me, including cutting out the toxic ones.... I have far fewer "friends" now, and am less apt to use that label for newly met people... It's a title that has to be earned.... The friends I still have are the absolutely the best friends anyone could want!!!! I also have a dog, who is so very intuned to my emotions that he can predict a panic attack or a depressive episode before I realize they are coming.
I can help anyone interested to train a dog to help them deal with this too....
Anyway, that's just my deal.... for now....
9/24/2008 6:46:54 PM |
Suicide Prevention |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
That is how i lost my wife was she committed suicide , never saw it coming still hard to believe now, last we spoke she was fine and happy and looking forard to vacation. why she chose to do that i will never know. we had even discussed this before too, about how hard it would be if one of was to pass away. it had to be hard for her to do it knowing she would be leaving me and the kids to finish raising. i myself would never consider that a way out. i have to much left to do in this life.
I sure am sorry that happened, man. It was the same w/ my wife. No warning signs or anything.