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8/30/2008 8:02:30 PM Obama is the future .  
Janesville, WI
age: 44

Actions speak louder than words...

8/30/2008 8:03:57 PM Obama is the future .  

Natchitoches, LA
age: 45

who eber the next poligamist is has a bunch of easy targets for followers.... just look at the obummernites..... go get em David Coresh or the next one just like him, you have your new compound all fully stocked with these people and they'll believe just your words, you don't have to back nothing up or even explain anything to them, just throw them words........

8/30/2008 8:43:48 PM Obama is the future .  

Red Deer, AB
age: 46

Our last Canadian government were caught with lies, cover ups, and misuse of public purse. We voted them out. Americans should do the same when they were told that Iraq had weapons of mass destructions, and the need to send American troops. Obama is correct when he says we should have devoted our resources in finding Bin Laden. The U.S. government also try to associate Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein as a possible partnership. How can this be possible when the two are on the extreme opposite in religious beliefs and constantly bombing each other in Iraq. I say vote for the politicians who mislead the world. By the way, I personally don't like politicians, and at the present time, Obama is all talk, but he hasn't yet mislead the American people.

8/30/2008 9:18:25 PM Obama is the future .  
Binghamton, NY
age: 38

Well, I didn't even know we had a senator and never even heard of Barack Obama before. He just came out of the wood work. Now I am a registered democrat. I have been all my life. I do like some republicans. I do like Senator McCain. He served our country with honor, and he was a POW which must of been horrible torture. But he keeps bragging about it. Alot of POW's never came home, and got their heads chopped off. Enough alread about the war on terror. Like Barack said, you went after the wrong man, be brave enough McCain to smoke Osama out of his cave. Eight years is enough, and McCain is just going to be a repeat of eight years of bush. McCain dont care about healthcare, or teachers, or middle class citizens, or anybody for that matter. He cares about the rich. He does not care about your needs. He is all war. He is all bush. Everything that man says is all about terrorism. ENOUGH! This VP he picked does not stand a chance, and Joe Biden is going to tear her apart. She knows nothing on foreign policy, nothing on the war on terror. Who is she going to call when this country is in trouble? What countries? Name them? Who do we call? Who do we call in a crisis? You don't think she would be a good leader do you? McCain would of had a better chance if he picked Romney or Huckabee, or that other senator, whatever his name is. But I am going to watch the republican convention just to make fun of the both of them. LOL.......Forty million people watch Barck Obama's democratic convention, and that is alot. He is right, McCain just dont get it, and the republican parties just don't get it. I believe people heard his word, republican voters and all who are changing, it is time for a change. It is time for a new America. Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. Together, they will bring change to America.

8/30/2008 9:36:55 PM Obama is the future .  

Natchitoches, LA
age: 45

just a question, but why does everyone care so much about foreign policy,? if our country was independent then the policy would be ours to write. and I'm sorry I'm american, excusese me, an american native,i was born here and i believe in america and what america can become again when it's not being sold or traded to other countries for some policy. I want america taken care of, don't hand me second rate health care and unless you can guarentee me the same health care that senator Kennady got for his tumor. then i don't want what you have to offer. do you really think that is the health care either side will give you? i hope not. I don't want to be like england or brittan, if i did i would go there, i don't want my children if i ever have anymore to be forced to learn a language from somewhere else, they may never go there to use it, and forcing things like that no matter how small it may seem, it's still communism, it's not free will. it's not american, and don't you dare force it on me...................

8/30/2008 9:59:47 PM Obama is the future .  

Natchitoches, LA
age: 45

always get em when you ask direct questions..........must be know one wrote the answers for them to read or quote yet.... maybe?

8/31/2008 6:51:19 AM Obama is the future .  
York, ON
age: 46

Quote from rig216:
Our last Canadian government were caught with lies, cover ups, and misuse of public purse. We voted them out. Americans should do the same when they were told that Iraq had weapons of mass destructions, and the need to send American troops. Obama is correct when he says we should have devoted our resources in finding Bin Laden. The U.S. government also try to associate Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein as a possible partnership. How can this be possible when the two are on the extreme opposite in religious beliefs and constantly bombing each other in Iraq. I say vote for the politicians who mislead the world. By the way, I personally don't like politicians, and at the present time, Obama is all talk, but he hasn't yet mislead the American people.

Tell them my fellow Canadian tell them .
Corruption and lies in politics and religion must never ever be tolerated .
The past 8 years the US politics saw a barrage of lies and pretexts to the point where people are asking : what on earth happened to this nation ?.
I tell you what happened : You have a bunch of of liars who have no regards to any laws and get away with it such as : G.W Bush , Rumsfeld , Cheney , Powell , ....and the rest of their entourage . McCain is from this gang of politicians and no one can deny the reality as it is . The world can remember their imaginary speeches day after day , month after month , week after week and year after year . Do you really want them to keep on chanting the same non sense and propaganda decade after decade and century after century ??? !.

8/31/2008 6:58:44 AM Obama is the future .  
Clinton Township, MI
age: 36 online now!

Quote from sdcentaur:
Thank you for your support.

Since your Canadian anyway

8/31/2008 8:00:01 AM Obama is the future .  

Durham, NC
age: 75

I too will help pay the shipping and handling charges to get the Obamas sent to Canada.

8/31/2008 8:47:54 AM Obama is the future .  
York, ON
age: 46

Quote from jim19452:
I too will help pay the shipping and handling charges to get the Obamas sent to Canada.

So live the crap with the GOP and their bunch of lies and arrogance .
So live with them in a fantasy world .
Oops the intelligent and smart people want change for better .
The change for better will come only with the right honourable Sir Obama .

8/31/2008 9:05:39 AM Obama is the future .  

Spring, TX
age: 55

Quote from bellamente:
Well, I didn't even know we had a senator and never even heard of Barack Obama before. He just came out of the wood work. Now I am a registered democrat. I have been all my life. I do like some republicans. I do like Senator McCain. He served our country with honor, and he was a POW which must of been horrible torture. But he keeps bragging about it. Alot of POW's never came home, and got their heads chopped off. Enough alread about the war on terror. Like Barack said, you went after the wrong man, be brave enough McCain to smoke Osama out of his cave. Eight years is enough, and McCain is just going to be a repeat of eight years of bush. McCain dont care about healthcare, or teachers, or middle class citizens, or anybody for that matter. McCain does care about healthcare, he just doesn't believe, like most Americans, that our government can handle it. Geesh, Name one government agency that is successful? I forget who said it, but the quote goes something like: Be afraid when someone comes to you and says, I'm from the government and I'm here to help. He cares about the rich. He does not care about your needs. He is all war. He is all bush. whats up with this Bush being for war? Perhaps if Clinton or Gore had done something we wouldn't have had this problem. We have Gore grilling Ollie North over his home security and joking how could anyone be so afraid of Osama. We are in a war. The congress and senate had the same information and passed the resolution to crank it up over there. Everything that man says is all about terrorism. ENOUGH! This VP he picked does not stand a chance, and Joe Biden is going to tear her apart. She knows nothing on foreign policy, nothing on the war on terror. Obama knows nothing about foreign policy. So, I guess Biden's selection is for what? Foreign policy? Or the same ole same ole bigger government that Biden's supported in his LONG tenure at the senate? Who is she going to call when this country is in trouble? What countries? Name them? Who do we call? Who do we call in a crisis? You don't think she would be a good leader do you? I think you'll find many Americans would vote for her if she was on the Presidential ticket, over Hillary or Obama. Talk about losers that want to suck us dry. McCain would of had a better chance if he picked Romney or Huckabee, or that other senator, whatever his name is. But I am going to watch the republican convention just to make fun of the both of them. LOL.......Forty million people watch Barck Obama's democratic convention, and that is alot. He is right, McCain just dont get it, and the republican parties just don't get it. I believe people heard his word, republican voters and all who are changing, it is time for a change. It is time for a new America. Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. Together, they will bring change to America.
I sure hope you know the change obama and biden want to bring, because he certainly hasn't let anyone else know!

peace... don't be hatin'

8/31/2008 9:07:04 AM Obama is the future .  

Natchitoches, LA
age: 45

it's real easy to praise a candidate when once he gets into office you don't have to follow his rules or policies. toyup or whatever it is you call yourself, your canadian and a fool that will fall for anything, i'm sure there is another Charles Manson out there somewhere that could use your support also. you praise and say he's gonna do all this to make our lives better and you don't live here to know how we have it now, you just here things from biased media and think it's gospel. it amases me that people can believe in a person like obummer, yet they fight tooth and nail not to believe in god........refuse to see past the pretty little words he speaks. I'm glad the rest of the world likes him and accepts him so warmly, you can afford to, you don't have to live under his communism. why don't you stay in your country with your policies and leave ours alone, we don't want to be like you or we would invade your countries like you do ours.obummer makes president, then i might move to your country, how would you like that, if we don't like the president that you help to elect that we all move to your country and change your life???? how much of a winer would you be then, you would start crying about imigration and how bad it was that everybody ran from the policies of this jerk you like so much. how much would you like obummer then?

8/31/2008 9:11:12 AM Obama is the future .  
York, ON
age: 46

Obama program is open for all to see and had its criticisms while McSame has the same old stuff .
So a change for better is more than welcome .

8/31/2008 9:11:15 AM Obama is the future .  

Spring, TX
age: 55

Quote from tohyup:
Quote from rig216:
Our last Canadian government were caught with lies, cover ups, and misuse of public purse. We voted them out. Americans should do the same when they were told that Iraq had weapons of mass destructions, and the need to send American troops. Obama is correct when he says we should have devoted our resources in finding Bin Laden. The U.S. government also try to associate Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein as a possible partnership. How can this be possible when the two are on the extreme opposite in religious beliefs and constantly bombing each other in Iraq. I say vote for the politicians who mislead the world. By the way, I personally don't like politicians, and at the present time, Obama is all talk, but he hasn't yet mislead the American people.

Tell them my fellow Canadian tell them .
Corruption and lies in politics and religion must never ever be tolerated .
The past 8 years the US politics saw a barrage of lies and pretexts to the point where people are asking : what on earth happened to this nation ?.
I tell you what happened : You have a bunch of of liars who have no regards to any laws and get away with it such as : G.W Bush , Rumsfeld , Cheney , Powell , ....and the rest of their entourage . McCain is from this gang of politicians and no one can deny the reality as it is . The world can remember their imaginary speeches day after day , month after month , week after week and year after year . Do you really want them to keep on chanting the same non sense and propaganda decade after decade and century after century ??? !.

na.. we are against those of you with the new nonsense propaganda. Change is a good thing, but let the voters determine which direction we go. Define change for us. Folks like you would jump from the frying pan into the fire. Obama's empty promises are just that. You cannot give 95% of Americans tax breaks, increase taxes on the other 5% and pay for new healthcare, give state school teachers raises..ha ha, increase the police force.. See, empty promises.

peace... don't be hatin'

8/31/2008 9:20:21 AM Obama is the future .  

Natchitoches, LA
age: 45

obummers policy is open to what? how is it open? Oh, you mean he hasn't wrote or created his policy yet. i gotcha,or should i say no ones created it for him yet, i can't believe that you can't see that he is just a puppet for someone else behind the scenes. stay in your country please, so he has an open policy to god knows what and thats cool with you? send him your money to pay for it stop volunteering ours.

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