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9/3/2008 6:06:56 AM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Campbellsville, KY
age: 64
I really don't understand the use of the word "PAGAN" ..When it seems most I have met beleive in some form of deity ,GOD/DESS ..I believe in God /dess so why does that make my labeled (pagan - follower of a polytheistic religion / more the one God ) ..When I hear the word Pagan said ,it means they don't beliefe in God .but they do ??? idontknow::::  
9/3/2008 6:31:35 AM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Dumont, NJ
age: 46
Paganism (from Latin paganus, meaning "country dweller, rustic") is a word used to refer to various religions and religious beliefs from across the world. It is a term which, from a Western perspective, has modern connotations of spiritualist, animistic or shamanic practices or beliefs of any folk religion, and of historical and contemporary polytheistic religions in particular.
The term can be defined broadly, to encompass the faith traditions outside the Abrahamic monotheistic group of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The group so defined includes many of the Eastern religions, Native American religions and mythologies, as well as non-Abrahamic ethnic religions in general. More narrow definitions will not include any of the world religions and restrict the term to local or rural currents not organized as civil religions. Characteristic of pagan traditions is the absence of proselytism and the presence of a living mythology which explains religious practice.
9/3/2008 8:10:31 AM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Atascadero, CA
age: 35
Paganism (from Latin paganus, meaning "country dweller, rustic") is a word used to refer to various religions and religious beliefs from across the world. It is a term which, from a Western perspective, has modern connotations of spiritualist, animistic or shamanic practices or beliefs of any folk religion, and of historical and contemporary polytheistic religions in particular.
The term can be defined broadly, to encompass the faith traditions outside the Abrahamic monotheistic group of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The group so defined includes many of the Eastern religions, Native American religions and mythologies, as well as non-Abrahamic ethnic religions in general. More narrow definitions will not include any of the world religions and restrict the term to local or rural currents not organized as civil religions. Characteristic of pagan traditions is the absence of proselytism and the presence of a living mythology which explains religious practice.
Just wanted to say, excellent reply. Can't really think of anything to add to it other than maybe that the "modern western" view of the term pagan sometimes changes the term to "neo-pagan." Well covered though.
9/3/2008 10:36:16 AM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Shawnee, OK
age: 37
I believe in God even though I don't practice a mainstream mid American religion.
I guess that makes me a pagan even though I am a Buddhist,shouldn't Buddhism be included with the main 3?
9/3/2008 6:32:29 PM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Kearneysville, WV
age: 25
the settlers of ireland was pagan. catholisim has deep roots in paganisim as well.....
sure pagans belive in god(s) didnt study religion in collage so i cant comment much. but i threw my 2 cents in there lol
9/4/2008 5:07:29 AM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Campbellsville, KY
age: 64
Thank you ,littlehenery ..yes that really covers it ...Very interesting stuff ...
I have heard people refer to people that do not belive in GOD as pagans !
So Iwas saying ,,HEY ,pagans do belive in GOD ...I am here in the bible belt !
It is not the Christian God or maybe for some it is, that pagans belive in ...
9/4/2008 6:00:00 AM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Atascadero, CA
age: 35
I believe in God even though I don't practice a mainstream mid American religion.
I guess that makes me a pagan even though I am a Buddhist,shouldn't Buddhism be included with the main 3?
Perhaps it should, but it's not. We're not setting the definition here, just discussing what the traditional and modern definitions are. In some senses of the word, Buddhists would be called pagan. However, I doubt anyone in the modern pagan community would say Buddhists are pagan.
9/4/2008 6:30:37 AM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
Good discussion. As we use the term now, we Buddhists are not Pagan, though as the one person pointed out,
the term was used for anyone who did not accept the Christians' view of the world. This would have included any
of the older religions of Europe, and of course, all the known world, which was not too large in those dark days.
Now, it is used almost endearingly about anyone who loves nature (as the older religions had a deep natural connection), is unconventional, "oh you are such a Pagan!" lusty, and so on. I find great tolerance for my own
views, but on occasion, even in 2008, I will be told that I am "hell bound" or "wrong". Amazing, isn't it? And to the
original poster, yes, I do celebrate "yin and yang" in my garden by statues, lingams, etc of various female and male
dieties. As a Buddhist, I have vowed not to be superstitious, so my garden elements are simply for fun and
to invite discussion and meditation in those who sit in my garden. For you, they might have a deeper meaning.
9/4/2008 11:35:33 AM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Shawnee, OK
age: 37
I believe in God even though I don't practice a mainstream mid American religion.
I guess that makes me a pagan even though I am a Buddhist,shouldn't Buddhism be included with the main 3?
Perhaps it should, but it's not. We're not setting the definition here, just discussing what the traditional and modern definitions are. In some senses of the word, Buddhists would be called pagan. However, I doubt anyone in the modern pagan community would say Buddhists are pagan.
true.My point was I have my Pagan roots with my Mother but chose for myself,
and that in the backwoods of Oklahoma being something that isn't "good time southern religion" is looked down on and if this were 300 years ago I would even find myself on the stake even when I am not prancing around the moon on a solstice or chasing spirits in the woods,burning incense and chanting in meditation might as well be the same to these folks.
I have even been accused by my ex wife of doing spells and practicing black magic even though all I was doing was sitting in my spot after yoga,meditating.
see,this is the mentality of the general populace here ,if you aren't sitting in a pew on Wednesday and Sunday you are among the unbelievers.
[Edited 9/4/2008 11:39:47 AM]
9/4/2008 4:08:15 PM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Atascadero, CA
age: 35
I believe in God even though I don't practice a mainstream mid American religion.
I guess that makes me a pagan even though I am a Buddhist,shouldn't Buddhism be included with the main 3?
Perhaps it should, but it's not. We're not setting the definition here, just discussing what the traditional and modern definitions are. In some senses of the word, Buddhists would be called pagan. However, I doubt anyone in the modern pagan community would say Buddhists are pagan.
true.My point was I have my Pagan roots with my Mother but chose for myself,
and that in the backwoods of Oklahoma being something that isn't "good time southern religion" is looked down on and if this were 300 years ago I would even find myself on the stake even when I am not prancing around the moon on a solstice or chasing spirits in the woods,burning incense and chanting in meditation might as well be the same to these folks.
I have even been accused by my ex wife of doing spells and practicing black magic even though all I was doing was sitting in my spot after yoga,meditating.
see,this is the mentality of the general populace here ,if you aren't sitting in a pew on Wednesday and Sunday you are among the unbelievers.
I knew the U.S. had some backwards areas and I've known some backwards people, but to know there are parts as bad as you describe does not instill hope in the future of this country.
9/4/2008 4:49:10 PM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Shawnee, OK
age: 37
well Oklahoma is the buckle of the bible belt *smirks*
9/4/2008 5:47:32 PM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Marietta, GA
age: 53
I think the dictionary definition is really misleading. Basically, I believe a Pagan is a person who bows down (or worships) something made by or tended by man. In other words instead of finding out who made him or her and give credit where credit is due; the person prefers to worship something made by a member in the man family or some object (such as a cow or tree) that could not have possible created us;themselves; nor the other fantastic things we experience with our senses.
9/4/2008 7:22:58 PM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
Don't you think we create a god in man's image, since we are men? A sentient raccoon would naturally create
an image of all-great raccoon. From Zeus to Jesus to Odin, many gods and goddesses seem to me to be simply
aspects of human nature. The Greeks realized this when they made gods for all aspects of man's life. The fact
that they (the gods and goddesses) walk, talk, and concern themselves with men's follies and grace does not
detract from their wonderment, for their powers are, like, godlike!
9/5/2008 3:50:30 AM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Campbellsville, KY
age: 64
"this is the mentality of the general populace here ,if you aren't sitting in a pew on Wednesday and Sunday you are among the unbelievers"
You got it right this is how you are viewed here too ! And yes I would be run out of town right NOW if i really told peolpe what i think ..It is very hard to have conversation if you think "outside the box " .
Hey, AiceKathleen ,what are lingams ? nice that you got in on this conversation ...
9/5/2008 6:51:59 AM |
Pagan / what does it mean ? |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
Liingams (hope I spelled it right) are anything upright that suggest a male emblem, energy, if you get my drift!
For example, a staff against the wall in the garden brings male energy, nice if you have a statue of a goddess
or many flowers. We use big pieces of driftwood in the garden. Try it and see! The garden, to me, is where
we can experience our connection with nature even in the city, even in the tiniest space. So I like to add many
elements to the garden to include nature's forces, including yin and yang. You will notice that if a house is too
"frilly", it is overbearing, and also too austere is the same. Balance is when we have both yin and yang, and harmony
can be felt. Just my feelings, of course! Have you ever seen a drawing of a giant penis sculpture, sorry to be
vague, think it was Greek. About 10 ft tall! Now, there was a lingam!