9/28/2008 7:44:57 AM |
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Front Royal, VA
age: 24
Deadbeat dads as in the one I have to deal with  
9/28/2008 7:52:56 AM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
yea theres alot of them out there
9/29/2008 8:58:16 AM |
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Reston, VA
age: 52
I can not stand it when people use pictures from a long time ago on their profile, I think they are misleading!
9/29/2008 9:09:50 AM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
yes i run across that too
10/12/2008 11:46:10 AM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
it is getin so this place sucs,has anybody notice that,its alota new people
on here that dont know what there talkin about,i thought this was a dam datein site
not a play ground 
10/12/2008 12:34:58 PM |
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Stafford, VA
age: 42
Okay here goes. My first posting. I hate when you meet someone on this site and they stand you up! This one guy stood me up the first time we were supposed to go out on a date. He apologized and I gave him a second chance. Last night he did it again! Seriously, are there any nice, honest people left?????
10/12/2008 6:36:37 PM |
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Ashland, VA
age: 46
I think there are probably some nice ones left Puddin...I've chatted with a few of them here and there...as for honest ones...who knows if they are telling the truth or not. I agree with Red though. This place is more like a playground than a dating site.
10/12/2008 6:52:40 PM |
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Stanardsville, VA
age: 21
My pet peeve.......the list...
people that get rude when your trying to help them out...
People that cut you off because you won't have sex with them....
People that can't drive.....
Backstabbers, fake people... and people that cheat...
It has been a long week...... lol
10/12/2008 11:30:30 PM |
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Chesapeake, VA
age: 25
I'm kind of really doped up on meds right now.. which is why i'm up so friggin late.
but yeah, felt the need to throw in my two cents.
1. Roommates that don't pay their money on time.. And then have the nerve to get mad at you because you're mad at them. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
2. Doctors who tell you that you've got severe neck pain (duh) but they don't know the cause, so here, take some Valium and hopefully you'll feel better. (which, to make matters even worse, does nothing but make me throw up and fall asleep.. but my neck pain.. still a 9 on a 10 point scale.)

10/13/2008 2:07:16 AM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
Okay here goes. My first posting. I hate when you meet someone on this site and they stand you up! This one guy stood me up the first time we were supposed to go out on a date. He apologized and I gave him a second chance. Last night he did it again! Seriously, are there any nice, honest people left?????
good ta see ya on Va chat puddddiiinn,how ya been
10/13/2008 1:33:57 PM |
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Midlothian, VA
age: 47
i dont understand why married people are on this site, that just chaps my a** . or people that are in a relationship, come on people this is called Date Hook Up. 
10/13/2008 2:23:09 PM |
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Stafford, VA
age: 42
I just had to come back and say that after reading everyone's pet peeves, makes me feel a little better about myself. I am not alone! Thanks!
10/13/2008 4:36:25 PM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
pudin come on back there is good people on here,sweetpea is the first iv meet
on here she is a very wise person,an my friend,come post whats on ya mind we,r all friends here.an try to help one another
10/13/2008 5:53:53 PM |
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Ashland, VA
age: 46
awwww...thank you for the nice words Red. I kinda think you are an a-ok person too.
Don't go away Puddin....stick around and socialize for a while. There seems to be a good bunch in here for the most part. Hope to hear more from ya.
10/15/2008 8:53:50 AM |
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Ashburn, VA
age: 58
hi everybody, i really have no complaints other than i wish i had a million dollars i try to find humor in even the crappiest situations, stop and think about it when some one is road raging you or just being rude , take a good look at their face, its funny. i always try to find good in every person that i meet. have a nice day{re bon jovi}