9/9/2008 1:31:04 PM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
has any one had one of those days where everything you do you had to do twice,an it still wasnt rite
9/9/2008 2:39:47 PM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
well son of a b*tch gess what i jus got,someone ask me to be friends with them an its a man, i hate f*gs,im sorry but thats jus the way i am,naawww he is gay,that mo.......r
9/9/2008 2:42:15 PM |
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Richmond, VA
age: 30
so why do guys, whom you have never spoken to, send you an email asking for sex? Guys, do you really think this will work?
9/9/2008 2:53:50 PM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
yea thats what i say,they need to be drug from behind a truck,i hate f*gs 
9/9/2008 2:54:57 PM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
sorry i got a bad temper
9/9/2008 3:11:54 PM |
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Richmond, VA
age: 34
well son of a b*tch gess what i jus got,someone ask me to be friends with them an its a man,  i hate f*gs,im sorry but thats jus the way i am,naawww he is gay,that mo.......r
I know what u mean red. I got one a couple of weeks ago about how the pic of me with spongebob was a turn on. blocked and deleted him.
9/9/2008 3:30:33 PM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
thats cool dad,but i think im well nevermind every things cool
9/9/2008 3:48:01 PM |
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Richmond, VA
age: 30
pet peeve of the day...
running out of hard cider 
9/9/2008 3:53:21 PM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
its all good,everyday is dif,ya jus gota roll with it
9/19/2008 6:27:07 AM |
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Richmond, VA
age: 30
Pardon me while I vent this morning....
I hate cars that breakdown...then seem perfectly fine for 24 hours...then breakdown again...leaving you stranded on the side of the road.  
I dislike when friends let you down.
I hate paying for health insurance that doesn't cover crap.
I hate Rx compainies that charge 1700 dollars for one dose of a medication.
UGGGGGGGG.... sorry... it has been a rough couple of days...  
9/19/2008 9:49:07 AM |
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Henry, VA
age: 51
Look at it this way red..... SOMEBODY.... likes you.
9/19/2008 11:08:49 AM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
yea i like to know who,hhaaahhaahhaa
9/19/2008 11:52:33 AM |
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Ashland, VA
age: 46
Awwww Red, it's all good. We kinda sorta like ya in here...
9/19/2008 5:56:20 PM |
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Burke, VA
age: 46
pet peeve of the day...
running out of hard cider 
lol. Kat, I'm not sure what hard cider is, but that does sound like a drag!
I've got one. How about when you go to get something out of the microwave oven only to find that its splattered all over the friggin place?!?!?! I HATE it when that happens!
Great Thread! I feel better already! Thank you!
9/28/2008 7:17:46 AM |
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Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
the thing that boils my water,the price of huntin liceness 18 dollars a peace,big game,small game,trapin,an muzzleloadin thats 72 dollars jus to hunt where is all that money goin,the indians didnt need them to hunt 