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9/6/2008 4:26:21 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Denver, CO
age: 43
Do you have any sacred cows?
If you have one, it's one too many.
It isn't a popular thing to do, nor is it politically correct to point out who false teachers are, but it must be done.
The apostle Paul made it very clear.
Act 20:28 "Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.
Act 20:29 "For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.
Act 20:30 "Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.
Act 20:31 "Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.
If the apostle Paul warned people night and day with tears for three years, don't you think it's just a little important.
Many people on this site and in so called evangelical Christianity are quick to defend those who preach another gospel than the gospel of Christ.
Shouldn't we defend Christ rather than false teachers?
Jesus died on the cross for us. He suffered more than the accumulative sufferings of all mankind.
And He did it for us.
Yet there are false teachers and false prophets who continue to drag the precious name of Jesus through the mud while people on this site continue to defend them.
They turn a blind eye and probably don't even investigate if the accusations are true.
All because they have their sacred cows that can't be touched.
I am not going to put my trust in man.
I will trust the LORD and I will measure what people teach against the Word of God.
9/6/2008 5:05:10 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Morgan, VT
age: 66
yes sacred cow is too many...
would that include the bible,or
the teachings permeated by Saul of Tarses...
did the folowers of our Lord Jesus fight over
doctrine before the bible was created?
let each man pounder the words of Jesus alone,
not Saul/Paul,the Sanhedrin,Pharisees...and we would be far beter off.
our God doesn't need to be defended by us.He doesn't need a defence,He is!
Love and brotherhood, not primitave racial doctrines and religions of exclusion.
[Edited 9/6/2008 5:05:57 PM]
9/6/2008 7:35:35 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Denver, CO
age: 43
yes sacred cow is too many...
would that include the bible,or
the teachings permeated by Saul of Tarses...
did the folowers of our Lord Jesus fight over
doctrine before the bible was created?
let each man pounder the words of Jesus alone,
not Saul/Paul,the Sanhedrin,Pharisees...and we would be far beter off.
our God doesn't need to be defended by us.He doesn't need a defence,He is!
Love and brotherhood, not primitave racial doctrines and religions of exclusion.
ALL of the Bible is the Word of God. Paul's words are as equally valid as Jesus' words.
2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
2Ti 3:17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
9/6/2008 8:17:52 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Chehalis, WA
age: 55 online now!
You bring up a good point brother! I have been here a short while yet it becomes evident the 'sacred cow manmade doctrines' vs the doctrine of Christ that are being promoted on here. And just after you posted, there was a good example. A person says listen to what Jesus said but don't listen to Paul, he is not telling the truth! Now to any true spiritually born again Christian who believes the Word of God as true and God cannot lie, we KNOW what Paul wrote was SCRIPTURE! He received direct revelation from Jesus Christ Himself. Peter confirmed that what Paul wrote was SCRIPTURE. Peter was used greatly by the Lord Jesus Christ in the early stages of the church's growth. So was Paul.
2 Timothy 3:14-17 But as for you, continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them & that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God & is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Peter 3:15-18 Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him; speaking of this as he does in all his letters. There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant & unstable twist to their own destruction, AS THEY DO THE OTHER SCRIPTURES. You therefore, beloved, since you know these things beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.
Galatians 1:1 Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead.
Galatians 1:11 But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST.
1 Thessalonians 2:2 We had previously suffered & been insulted in Philippi, as you know, but with the help of our God we dared to tell you HIS gospel in spite of strong opposition. For the appeal we make does not spring from ERROR or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you.
Keep up the good fight of faith brother and continue to speak the truth of the Word in love and grace and patience, seasoned with salt (not to burn someone but to bring 'flavor' and savor when preaching the gospel of truth.
Let us continue to pray: "For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power & in the Holy Spirit & in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake." In the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Doc
9/6/2008 9:55:12 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Denver, CO
age: 43
Thanks Doc 
9/7/2008 2:26:45 AM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Morgan, VT
age: 66
well brothers i guess the bible and paul are the start of YOUR little herd  
with a little more fodder you can creat much more bull.
sending all the outsiders too hell...even your own.

9/7/2008 12:17:45 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Largo, FL
age: 50
BIBLE..definition...think about this please what does it stand for and why do we have it.
THIS IS WHAT ITS REALLY show us how to live and act and what to know about the darkness and light,,,the differences,,and what to expect with trials and tribualations
how to fight the good fight with the words god gave us...he was opening secrets to his children ..the rest of the world is blind to the truths...and even shows us what to look for the signs before the son of god comes look at it that way god will reveal all truth to his own and the other ones will be in total darkness,,,there are no scared ..we are not to argue of truth ..we are all here together ,,so we need to stand as 1 love only ...
9/7/2008 12:55:46 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Denver, CO
age: 43
well brothers i guess the bible and paul are the start of YOUR little herd   
with a little more fodder you can creat much more bull.
sending all the outsiders too hell...even your own.

The Bible is divine rather that human in origin and this can be demonstrated through the overwhelming manuscript evidence, archaeological evidence, predictive prophecy, and the science of statistical probability.
It is in fact wholly, and holy God's Word.
9/7/2008 1:06:53 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Austin, TX
age: 31
well brothers i guess the bible and paul are the start of YOUR little herd   
with a little more fodder you can creat much more bull.
sending all the outsiders too hell...even your own.

The Bible is divine rather that human in origin and this can be demonstrated through the overwhelming manuscript evidence, archaeological evidence, predictive prophecy, and the science of statistical probability.
It is in fact wholly, and holy God's Word.
Who wrote the bible: God or human authors?
Both were invloved in the production of the divine writings. One can clearly come to know more about the human personality of St. Paul, by studying his writings - would you not agree? Does this diminish the veracity of their inspiration? Not any more than the Incarnation does the Omnipotence of God - don't you agree?
9/7/2008 1:11:06 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Denver, CO
age: 43
well brothers i guess the bible and paul are the start of YOUR little herd   
with a little more fodder you can creat much more bull.
sending all the outsiders too hell...even your own.

The Bible is divine rather that human in origin and this can be demonstrated through the overwhelming manuscript evidence, archaeological evidence, predictive prophecy, and the science of statistical probability.
It is in fact wholly, and holy God's Word.
Who wrote the bible: God or human authors?
Both were invloved in the production of the divine writings. One can clearly come to know more about the human personality of St. Paul, by studying his writings - would you not agree? Does this diminish the veracity of their inspiration? Not any more than the Incarnation does the Omnipotence of God - don't you agree?
God is the Author of the Bible and He used men to pen His Words.
9/7/2008 3:32:16 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Austin, TX
age: 31
well brothers i guess the bible and paul are the start of YOUR little herd   
with a little more fodder you can creat much more bull.
sending all the outsiders too hell...even your own.

The Bible is divine rather that human in origin and this can be demonstrated through the overwhelming manuscript evidence, archaeological evidence, predictive prophecy, and the science of statistical probability.
It is in fact wholly, and holy God's Word.
Who wrote the bible: God or human authors?
Both were invloved in the production of the divine writings. One can clearly come to know more about the human personality of St. Paul, by studying his writings - would you not agree? Does this diminish the veracity of their inspiration? Not any more than the Incarnation does the Omnipotence of God - don't you agree?
God is the Author of the Bible and He used men to pen His Words.
Ok, but how did they pen these Words of God is what I'm getting at. How does this method differ from say Islam's view of angelic dictation - do you believe in dictation? If not than how exactly? You did not respond to my other questions about the Incarnation and its relationship w/ authorship, or with the insights we can obtain on the personality, education, cultural influences, etc. of the human authors of the sacred scriptures...
9/7/2008 3:36:59 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Largo, FL
age: 50
holy spirit inspired the men to write all they needed to know to let us know what god expected of us.. and how to live... and act... and wanted us know what god was about..who he really was..
9/7/2008 3:37:53 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Denver, CO
age: 43
I don't think God dictated His Word although in many cases He did.
I believe God allowed the writers of the Bible to use their own style and personalities.
9/7/2008 3:40:02 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Largo, FL
age: 50
well when u pray doesnt the spirt of god speak to u ?...if he didnt how would he direct ur paths and order ur steps,,,as he does mine
i need to hear clearly his voice of i believe he did with the bible ,,its god inspired..
9/7/2008 7:56:53 PM |
Touching sacred cows. |

Austin, TX
age: 31
I don't think God dictated His Word although in many cases He did.
I believe God allowed the writers of the Bible to use their own style and personalities.
"Allowed"?! Don't you think it would be more accurately expressed as "willed"?
Doesn't it seem consistent that the Incarnational Principle that governs the salvific message contained in the scriptures, also be represented in the theology of the inspiration of that same salvific message?
Where did he dictate in the scriptures? If you are refering to the "Thus says the Lord" messages - one can still acknowledge a personal demension of the prophet or writer within the sacred text. I get the impression that this human element of the scriptures you find suspect and that it detracts from the equally true acknowledgment of the divine aspect of them? Am I right about your hesitations and if so why is this threatening to you?
[Edited 9/7/2008 7:57:21 PM]