9/7/2008 3:43:26 PM |
Thought provoking question. |
Largo, FL
age: 50
many antichrist will rise first
before the real powerful one
oprah is one...obamah another one...many will rise before the lord comes back
9/7/2008 4:00:28 PM |
Thought provoking question. |

Morgan City, LA
age: 54
Another thought provoking question:
There is no doubt that the Bible describes what we have called “The Rapture of the Church” or the calling up of Christ's believers.
Also the mark of the beast becomes an enforced requirement for all mankind for the last 3 ½ years of the Antichrist's rule.
It is explained to John that some of the people he is seeing in the “resurrection” (or the rapture) are those who did not take the mark of the beast in their forehead or hand.
If Christians are “raptured” before this period, how will John see Christians who will refuse the mark of the beast?
The “rapture” happens. The idea that it is a way for Christians to escape having to decide against the Antichrist is part of the deception that you as a Christian don't really have to know all the particulars because you will be gone off the face of the Earth.
[Edited 9/7/2008 4:02:47 PM]
9/7/2008 4:04:00 PM |
Thought provoking question. |
Largo, FL
age: 50
if im not mistaken
its the christians that were luke warm and left behind
i think we are to be raptured out of that before that happens...also he says he makes it shorter for the elect?
so im not 100% clear..but what then are we saved from???? if not the mark?
isnt that what we are running the race up until?
,,,hmmm i need to do some research
and really cappy
lets pray on it
and see what the lord reveals to us
so we can speak the truth
9/7/2008 4:06:34 PM |
Thought provoking question. |
Largo, FL
age: 50
cappy just a question for u ...i was wondering i believe in decoding the bible to check out ancient secrets do u believe that
i have it i can check and it will tell me...let me know what ur opion is on that...
9/7/2008 4:08:15 PM |
Thought provoking question. |

Morgan City, LA
age: 54
One other thing to look for BL is which trumpet is blown that signifies the rapture and what else happens as a result of that particular trumpet.
Clue: it is the seventh trumpet!
I believe Christians are saved from the final wrath of God poured out on the Antichrist and his world, not the tribulations cause by the Antichrist
I'm not sure what I believe as far as "the Bible code". I know there are some amazing results from this study and I don't say it's impossible, but I do not recommend supplementing normal ways of reading and understanding the Bible.
[Edited 9/7/2008 4:21:58 PM]
9/7/2008 4:25:56 PM |
Thought provoking question. |

Morgan City, LA
age: 54
I have to tell you that I did believe in a pre-tribulation rapture for many years.
It was just recently that a few of these things were pointed out to me that caused me to examine what the prophesies were really saying about this and the timing of the rapture and why it's important as a Christian to know for sure when it will happen.
[Edited 9/7/2008 4:26:55 PM]
9/7/2008 4:33:57 PM |
Thought provoking question. |

Denver, CO
age: 43
many antichrist will rise first
before the real powerful one
oprah is one...obamah another one...many will rise before the lord comes back
Hmmm, we actually agree on something...
9/7/2008 4:34:13 PM |
Thought provoking question. |
Christiansburg, VA
age: 41
I sort of believe we may have to go thur a period of tribulation - like maybe 3 and a half years
9/7/2008 4:41:52 PM |
Thought provoking question. |

Morgan City, LA
age: 54
Something for Againstthewind to research. (you are more right than you may realize)
The "conformation of the covenant" with Israel is for 7 years.
The Antichrist's tribulations begin when he breaks this covenant after 3 1/2 years.
The "tribulations" the Antichrist imposes on the world IS ONLY for 3 1/2 years (42 months) before the return of Christ!
Assuming this is true, this means there is no such thing as a "mid-tribulation" rapture as this believes Christians are raptured mid way through the 7 year period. Since the Tribulations doesn't actually happen until the Antichrist sits in the temple at the 3 1/2 year mark this would still be a pre-tribulation rapture. It just happens later than what those that believe the rapture happens at the conformation of the covenant.
[Edited 9/7/2008 4:52:00 PM]
9/7/2008 4:45:58 PM |
Thought provoking question. |
Christiansburg, VA
age: 41
Thanks Captpappy I will study it more
9/7/2008 4:51:53 PM |
Thought provoking question. |
Largo, FL
age: 50
i feel the same to
3 1/2..yr period..i need really to pray and see..i cant answer for sure,,,
9/7/2008 4:57:49 PM |
Thought provoking question. |
Largo, FL
age: 50
yes but after the peace treaty is broken i believe the amrk will be made known ...not before..i believe he will be as a labmb
....also alSO,,,wait!>..something in my spirit is saying a spell OVER the unbelievers they will believe the lie,,, but the believers will know the difference ..ok i think its when the peace is declared and people are going to trust this man but we will know its a lie he is a anti christ ,,i believe thats what the spirit of god is revealing to me writting this to u ....wow...so we will know ,,when no one else will know...we wont fall for his antics PRAISE THE LORD,,,HE IS OUR PROTECTOR WOW!!!!THAT WAS CLEARLY STATED STRONG TO ME AS WRITTING TO ALL OF U ...THE LORD HAS REVEALED ALL THIS TO ME....PRAISE GOD!!!ISNT HE AWSOME!...WOW
9/7/2008 6:48:16 PM |
Thought provoking question. |

Janesville, WI
age: 68
How Long
I stand on the river bank,
Looking at the other side.
How much longer O Lord, before I can cross,
And forever with you abide?
How long before all eyes will be dry,
The tears no more to fall?
How long before the trumpet sounds,
And we hear the Savior call?
How long before a wicked world,
Is punished for it’s ways?
How long before we greet our Lord?
Is it minutes, hours, or days?
So I stand on the river bank,
And wait to go across.
My heart is very heavy,
For the souls that will be lost.
But it won’t be very long now,
Till all sorrows washed away.
For my Lord he is very real,
And he’s coming any day.
I believe when enough of God's people fall to their knees praying for the return of Jesus
He will not be able to resist His children. Come Lord Jesus, come today.
God Bless
Danny Boy
9/7/2008 10:32:14 PM |
Thought provoking question. |

Austin, TX
age: 31
To all who responded to this thread - would any of you be so certain you are interpreting this passage exactly as God intended? Can you guarantess me 100% that your
timetable, places, people, etc. are exactly accurate?
Have any of you studied the historical interpretations of this book through the history of the Church and their claims and the certitude thereof?
I recommend that a sound knowledge base of apocalyptic literature precede any present day applications of this sacred book to our day and times. It appears many of you do not know about the relationship between scriptural interpretation and the importance of the historical context and literary genre of each book you all are trying to convince others you have an inerrant, Spirit-led knowledge of what God is telling you (and everyone else by extension!) is the truth. The "fruit" of this literalist, sole-competency approach is an undeniable cacophony of Christians continually factioning-off into congregations, which most closely reflect what the individual believer holds as the indisputed truth of the time - until another popular, speculative, theology book hits the store and...it starts again...
Catholicsm present a refreshing approach, one which identifies what events and message the sacred author was trying to convey to the persecuted, Christian community of his day and yet the affirmation of future fulfilment as well
9/7/2008 10:51:37 PM |
Thought provoking question. |

Cohoes, NY
age: 51 online now!
When Christ comes, He is going to come gloriously and victoriously with billions upon billions of His saints and every eye on earth will see Him.
There will be no doubt about His identity.
But of course those who don't read their Bible could be easily be suckered into believing someone else is the Christ, just like the whacko's in Waco believed about David Koresh.
And this is also working on the assumption that the antichrist or beast is yet to come.
hey wheres it say billions upon billions of his saints..what are you talking about..
is this your interpretation..hhmmm and Did You Discover something yet??
I think your reflection isnt showing..or is it?...
[Edited 9/7/2008 10:55:35 PM]