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so said-------> (thebestman)
This guy gives good advice...you should listen...
[Edited 9/8/2008 6:50:01 PM]
9/8/2008 5:00:07 PM |
A man who most recently played with my heart |

Alexandria, VA
age: 62 online now!
Did you have exclusive rights to this guy?
9/8/2008 5:23:10 PM |
A man who most recently played with my heart |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 27
I spent the best part of 7 weeks here chatting with a man from down south...He started the chat, by winking at me...Things were going well for awhile...He seeked me out because he travels to Ct., occassionally, for work....So he says...Even though he was to come here in Aug., he said that wasn't going to work out...Now all of a sudden, he's gone...Invisible...Deleted me as a friend...Gone!!! For the last couple of weeks, things haven't seemed right...He seemed a little distant...From the get go, I'd never hear from him on the weekends, and only a couple of times at nite, during those 7 weeks, during the week...An IM on Yahoo...I have wondered over the last couple of weeks, Is he married?? Is he connecting with someone else on DH?? I guess I'll never know....Why is it that some men just get off playing games?? Playing with a women's heart...Some advice, please... 
You shouldn't sweat it too much if you've never met the guy. All you can do at this point is keep on steppin'.
9/8/2008 5:34:14 PM |
A man who most recently played with my heart |

Sun City, CA
age: 19
You know he sounds really far emotionally, mentally, and physically i think that you are a very attractive woman that deserves someone that will be there with you in all ways. I totally understand where you are coming from because i too suffered from a situation similar. I think you should keep looking and you will find what the eprson that you are searching for. Good luck
9/8/2008 6:27:03 PM |
A man who most recently played with my heart |

Marion, OH
age: 60 online now!
One thing I have learned is whether you meet a guy on line or in person they will always play games. Now I know I am going to get flack about that comment. Right now I am going through a horrible emotional devastation. Yours was 7 weeks, try 4 months. Dates set up not once but 3x and getting stood up. I know, who is the fool, yes I know me. Another woman would have kicked him to the curb after being stood up the first time, but I thought I saw something more, well I was fooled. The games played.
The coward has the nerve to tell me now that he never lead me on. I sent him his emails and asked him to read them and to stop lying to himself. Mind you this from a 60 yr old man who still doesn't know what he wants and still playing games BIG TIME. He said he cancelled his membership on Match.com yeah right. He took my heart, chewed it up and spit it out. The best is I can never really get over him because his sons live in the same town as I do and only 20 blocks away from me. So at any given time he could very well be there visiting.
When will women learn, that is a mystery to me. This internet dating gives them more capabilities to play games than any other form of meeting. No conscience, no emotions because you are only using words. There is no interaction face to face. When will we get it. They can say anything they want. Ladies we all need to stop letting them do this. You would think someone my age would know better by now, but I have always worn my heart outside. Well this time I finally listened, I have put my heart back inside, locked it up and hid the key. I will mend, I will survive. but the infamous word TRUST I don't know if I can or will again. 
All this big issue with someone you never met face to face?
9/8/2008 6:45:58 PM |
A man who most recently played with my heart |

Adger, AL
age: 29
yea Im sure thats a good question...Ive tlked to someone on here for 2mths,met him hung out with him and still tlk to him,next thing I know he said something I didnt like I told him bye,well he said goodnight and I didnt get that,so he got bck on there and called me a few names,what was so funny...this was just lastnight,theres this thing that popped up on there asking a request to put me on his messenger,lol he deleted me now wants it back,men are so confusing,u cant live with them,and u just cant shoot them!!!!
9/8/2008 6:48:22 PM |
A man who most recently played with my heart |

Austin, TX
age: 55
The same reason why some women get off playing games. Both genders do it. Who knows why he did this. I can sympathize with what happened to ya. Hold ya head up, heal, and move on... |
9/8/2008 6:48:31 PM |
A man who most recently played with my heart |

Arlington, TX
age: 37
As the internet goes, it's easy enough to disappear and reappear as you please. I had the same thing happen to me over the summer. I met a guy online, talked to him via Yahoo messenger, phone calls during the day-- and even met him in person where he worked.
I thought we were really hitting it off when he asked if I'd like to go out in two weeks to an Art Fair. Great!
He disappeared-- quit talking to me, deleted all his profiles (there were several sites that we were "friends" on--he invited me to a couple, I invited him to a couple), and no longer answers the phone.
An old saying that I've heard long before the internet came into play::::
Move on-- Next!
9/8/2008 8:58:44 PM |
A man who most recently played with my heart |

Orlando, FL
age: 46
I've learned through experience that If you really love someone and they just cant seem to respect or treat you right "You must let them go". If they return corrected, they were meant to be in your life...
For it is important to remember that "God corrects those that are His and He isn't the author of messes, mistakes or confusion". "He rectifies them"... So Sweetie you might not want to know the reason he has cut you off (some things are better left alone & unknown). Do you get my drift?.. May you be blessed and prosperous in all that you do...
9/9/2008 3:14:17 AM |
A man who most recently played with my heart |

North Bergen, NJ
age: 59
One thing I have learned is whether you meet a guy on line or in person they will always play games. Now I know I am going to get flack about that comment. Right now I am going through a horrible emotional devastation. Yours was 7 weeks, try 4 months. Dates set up not once but 3x and getting stood up. I know, who is the fool, yes I know me. Another woman would have kicked him to the curb after being stood up the first time, but I thought I saw something more, well I was fooled. The games played.
The coward has the nerve to tell me now that he never lead me on. I sent him his emails and asked him to read them and to stop lying to himself. Mind you this from a 60 yr old man who still doesn't know what he wants and still playing games BIG TIME. He said he cancelled his membership on Match.com yeah right. He took my heart, chewed it up and spit it out. The best is I can never really get over him because his sons live in the same town as I do and only 20 blocks away from me. So at any given time he could very well be there visiting.
When will women learn, that is a mystery to me. This internet dating gives them more capabilities to play games than any other form of meeting. No conscience, no emotions because you are only using words. There is no interaction face to face. When will we get it. They can say anything they want. Ladies we all need to stop letting them do this. You would think someone my age would know better by now, but I have always worn my heart outside. Well this time I finally listened, I have put my heart back inside, locked it up and hid the key. I will mend, I will survive. but the infamous word TRUST I don't know if I can or will again. 
All this big issue with someone you never met face to face?
Yes that's right because of the games he played with his words and his excuses. I was the fool to trust him when he said he was not like other men. That is a mistake I will not make again. After dating, marriage and then dating again I have finally gotten all the games that men do play and now have in some way become bitter and will not allow myslf to be trapped. You may ask then why am I here, well I am here because I have made and met some wonderful friends they are the ones that have been supportive now and are helping me heal. So sir, yes all this for a man that I did not meet, imagine if we had met how much more I would have been devastated.
9/9/2008 3:42:53 AM |
A man who most recently played with my heart |

Salem, NH
age: 37
This is internet dating.. you don't have to tell anybody anything about why you stopped talking.. 90% of the time it would be something that she'd rather have not known that would drive her to a second tub of ice cream:
"I found someone better looking"
"You bored me"
"I was just looking for sex and lying"
Would that make you feel better than just someone gradually fading away?
No, you don't have to tell anybody anything, but we are still people behind our computer monitors and keyboards, and I think we all too often forget that. Internet dating or meeting in a bar, after 7 weeks of getting to know a person, you wouldn't just vanish if it was phone calls and dinner and the movies on saturday nights, would you? You'd at least have the decency to say "this isn't working out for me". Same amount of communication, same length of time, just no face time, why couldn't a person develop some feelings? If you don't, I'd say either you are too cold and might want to try opening yourself up to feeling, or you are talking with the wrong person, because if it was really clicking for you, then after 7 weeks, you should feel something. And why shouldn't there be the same (or similar) level of courtesy and consideration given when (if) it comes to an end? Remember, we're still human beings, computer screen in front of our faces or otherwise.
9/9/2008 4:19:02 AM |
A man who most recently played with my heart |

Columbus, OH
age: 42
this happens to me ...but it's usually after I have gone out with them....heeheehee
...some I delete, some delete themselves (with the last one deleting himself as I was driving back home!)
It's just the way life goes .....enjoy it while it lasts and don't sweat the small stuff...
It gets easier.... I promise. 