Linton, IN
age: 22

Merrimack, NH
age: 22
I think most women are suspicious of nice guys because they want to know what the "catch" is. It seems to good to be true. Which is maddening for men because all women say they want is the nice guy they see in the movies. Also, women are afraid of nice guys (at first) because if they let their guard down with this guy who treats them great, and then he does somthing to hurt them in the furture, then it will really screw up their view of love. Women are cautious about being tricked. Nobody likes to get hurt.
Also, as someone mentioned earlier, "bad boys" appear to women to be "damaged" . They need nurturing. (Not to say ALL women are born nurturers, but in general) Women have a desire to nuture and heal whatever is making this bad boy bad, so they can have the satisfaction of knowing they helped him find out "who he really is". Trouble is, bad boys don't need or want to be changed so it's a lost cause.
I would encourage the nice guys to keep at it. don't change who you are because you think its the only way to meet a girl. THe right girl for you will see who you are and know how great you are, even if it takes her some time.

Fountain, CO
age: 19
but what if there is a normal nice guy treating the girl like he thinks she should be treated. for me a girl should always be treated in high respects and treated like a queen. if shes said try to get her to laugh. Make the day easier for her. I do anything out of kindness for woman and i think that will never change..
Halifax, VA
age: 26
I would take a nice guy over a bad guy any day!! nice guy's treat there women with respect, and bad boys usually just use them!! I am still looking for my nice guy!!

Lancaster, WI
age: 22
still looking for my nice guy too im done and tired with the bad boy image. nice guys kep their women longer than bad boys do cause they will do anything just to have a nice girl around