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9/17/2008 7:26:28 PM |
Heartbreaking but true story |

Denver, CO
age: 43
I was listening to a man tell the sad story of his mother today.
His mother found a lump in her breast but she refused to go to the doctor.
Finally, her breast cancer got so bad that it became an oozing open sore and when she finally was convinced she needed to go to the doctor, it was too late.
I think the man said she died six months later.
Why didn't she go and get medical attention?
Because she was listening to Word of Faith teachers like Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, etc.
She was convinced by these false teachers that all she needed was her faith and that would heal her.
This happens time and time again to people who get duped by these false teachers.
People are making life decisions based on what they hear, and sadly some end up dead.
My friend used to go to Marilyn Hickey's "church" and he lost three of his family members within a short period of time.
The response of the people at this cultic church was "you didn't have enough faith brother!"
How cruel is this???
That is why I speak against these heretics.
9/17/2008 8:25:51 PM |
Heartbreaking but true story |
Janesville, WI
age: 68
I believe God works through faith, and through medical Dr.s. You do not limit God as to how he heals. It is not for us to make that decision.
God Bless
Danny Boy
9/17/2008 8:34:39 PM |
Heartbreaking but true story |
Largo, FL
age: 50
9/17/2008 8:45:21 PM |
Heartbreaking but true story |
Janesville, WI
age: 68
Are you saying God can't use Dr.s? I believe he can use either or both. I do not understand your comment on this. Please explain.
God Bless
Danny Boy
9/17/2008 8:59:00 PM |
Heartbreaking but true story |

Henderson, NV
age: 33
I do believe that are a lot of false religions out there and false prophets but to come out and blame that persons death on those other people is not right either. I have not posted in the religious forum much partly because my walk with Christ is not the strongest and i am not an avid Bible reader. But lately I have been more interested in reading what is said on here. Even if I don't believe some of the posts I still enjoy the spark it ignites inside me. But back to the point I was trying to make, My father is an avid Bible reader and is not attending any church establishment, nor has he for a long time. Understanding this he is a devout christian yet he has had several heart attacks and refuses to go to the doctors. He and my mom have decided that they are going to do it the natural way with herbs and such and when he passes he passes. They are not lead by anyone except their own free will that God gave them. Now I myself am not happy with their decisions but I still honor my mother and father even if the choices they make are not ones I would make. I ahve expressed my concern, as have the rest of the family but they are addamant in their way.
My point is that that woman may have been advised that her Faith is the most important thing in the pursiut of recovery and she may also have been told she didn't need doctors (that part I dont know) but in the end it was still her own free will that prevented her from going to see a doctor.
So my true reason for this is because when we as a family stopped going to establiched churches, it was because of the reasons of the finger pointing and the people that made it a point to ridicule anothers teachings in open. To me it is slander and I am sure God does not intend to use us as vessels of Slander. Again though, I am not a scholar and am not the strogest person out there when it comes to my walk with Christ.
God Bless you all anyways.
9/18/2008 8:39:47 AM |
Heartbreaking but true story |
Largo, FL
age: 50
its his stupid comment on joyce meyers and etc,,,,had nothing to do with them,,,,everyone has a brain....
9/18/2008 8:40:33 AM |
Heartbreaking but true story |
Largo, FL
age: 50
fuzz blames everyone,,,hes the only right one ,,,
9/18/2008 9:14:12 AM |
Heartbreaking but true story |

Denver, CO
age: 43
The false teachers brainwash people into believing their lies, and as a result some people do in fact, end up dead.
9/18/2008 11:38:50 AM |
Heartbreaking but true story |

Henderson, NV
age: 33
The false teachers brainwash people into believing their lies, and as a result some people do in fact, end up dead.
I will agree that false teachings can mislead but the people listenening were also given the same free will that God gave all of us. So in reality these people are just as guilty for being mislead and the misleader is. Just my opinion though and I do want you to know I want you to have your own opinions as well. That is what makes us free thinkers.
9/18/2008 1:57:54 PM |
Heartbreaking but true story |

Grethel, KY
age: 65
Fuzz if you told me faith would heal me and i didn't get healed i couldn't blame would be i didn't have enough faith or it wasn't his will at that time.your like the man on top of a two story house and the flood kept raising.A boat came by and offered help and he said no the Lord would save him Another boat came by to help and he said no i am trusting in my Lord.finially as the water was coming up over him a hellacopter thru down a net and once again he said no i'm trusting in my Lord.He died and stood at the pearly gait,and he said Lord i trusted you why didn't you save me. the Lord said i tried i sent two boats and a hellacopterand you wouldn't get in.Thats the way some on here is they gag at a nat and swallow a camel
9/18/2008 3:47:10 PM |
Heartbreaking but true story |

Columbia, SC
age: 54
Fuzz while it is sad that people die because of taking things too far we hear of it time and time again and sometimes it isn't something they are hearing from a pastor but the voices in their own head.
As for the comment about Joyce and Joel ....Good Grief Fuzz, get a grip !!!!!!! ..... If you want to badmouth someone, then badmouth satan ...... why not fill the pages of what he does to people, how he takes their lives and families. Get to the source of evil. With your persistence of going on and on and on and on about how bad and false Joyce and Joel are ...... why not be that persistent in what the devil is doing. Right now he is using you. You know how that is, because of your persistence in the quest to pointing fingers and judging against people that have brought a lot of people to the Lord with their "encouragement" and faith in Christ that they share to help them walk to the Lord ...... you are pushing peoples buttons when it is not necessary. You are on a mission alright, but it's not of the Lord, it's not bearing good fruit.
I think I'm going to have to reframe from reading anything you post because ... I'm human and I was tempted to lose my cool and I have. And if I'm to point to the source, don't flatter yourself and think You are the source, it satan, it's him I'm ticked at, not you, he's just using you. And truth be told his has used me as well, because I've let his plan get to me, but only for a moment. See fuzz ....... THAT'S EVIL, THAT'S how satan works to take light from the Lord by getting his children to go against one another. It's not in my heart to disagree and argue. No more than I think it is in your heart. That's how evil uses all of us ....... if we don't stay in the word and stay focused on the love of God and walking in His ways to do His will to His glory in Jesus name.
ok, I've spoke my mind, I'm ok now. 
9/18/2008 3:48:08 PM |
Heartbreaking but true story |

Columbia, SC
age: 54
This is from the page of Joyce Meyers site titled “Enjoying Everyday Life” Joyce Meyer Ministries. Sounds like good common sense all the way around. Take close of the last noted part.
You can win the battle against colds, flu and sinus infections.
by Don Colbert, M.D.
You have an amazing shield of defense that God has provided for your body. A healthy, intact immune system can take on even the most deadly assaults of cancer, hepatitis and any other killer that may be lurking in your environment. Colds, flu and sinus infections pose little challenge to a healthy, well-functioning immune system, which is already handling many of these invaders with ease.
The immune system is a strong and ready defender for your body, but instead of working with it, often we work against it, sabotaging and undermining its power. Hosea 4:6 says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge… (KJV). This information will help you to support and supply your immune system. It will build up your defenses and allow you to walk in divine health.
What are the symptoms? Colds More than 200 different viruses can cause the common cold. When you have a cold, you will probably experience symptoms including nasal congestion, sore throat, head congestion, fatigue, weakness, muscle aches and clear mucus drainage. This usually lasts seven to ten days.
Some people commonly confuse colds with allergies or a sinus infection. If your symptoms begin quickly and end within one to two weeks, it’s most likely a cold. If the symptoms last more than two weeks, it could progress into a sinus infection. Colds rarely produce fevers or headaches. Allergies are associated with a hacking cough and red, watery, itchy eyes.
Flu The symptoms of influenza (commonly known as the flu) appear suddenly and often include a fever of 100 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Along with the fever, you will likely experience shaking chills, body aches, headache, pain when moving the eyes, fatigue, loss of appetite, a dry cough, runny nose and a dry or sore throat.
Sinus Infection or Sinusitis: Chronic and Acute -Chronic sinusitis is the most common chronic disease in the United States, affecting nearly 40 million people. Symptoms include nasal congestion, postnasal drainage, sore throat, cough, low-grade fever, decreased sense of taste and smell and a constant runny nose. Acute sinusitis is usually triggered by a cold that lasts longer than two weeks. Symptoms include yellow or green nasal drainage, a fever, cough, postnasal drip, facial pressure (especially around the cheeks, eyes or forehead), pain in the upper molars and swelling of the face. More than likely you will have difficulty sleeping as well due to these symptoms.
Preparing the Troops—Nutrition - Nutrition is a key factor in rebuilding your immune system, which comprises the walls of defense for your health. It is largely dependent upon you to provide it with the proper nourishment it requires to do its job.
Be smart about your sugar. - In 1999, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported that the average American consumes approximately 150 pounds of sugar per year. Not only cakes, pies and cookies are loaded with sugar, but sugar is also a hidden ingredient in many other foods, such as ketchup, salad dressing and breads. A diet that is high in sugar makes a person more susceptible to sickness. A high intake of sugar can impair your immune system for four hours or longer.
Beat the bad fats rap. -Most people follow a diet that consists of eating not only way too much sugar, but also refined flour, too much bread and excessive amounts of bad fats. Bad fats include hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats. You can find them in the following: vegetable shortening, margarine, many deep-fried foods, some salad dressings, cakes, pies, cookies and many processed foods. These bad fats interfere with the ability of your white blood cells to fight infections.
Choose to eat healthier. -Choose foods that are baked, grilled or broiled instead of fried. Light stir-frying in coconut oil, macadamia nut oil, a little organic butter or extra-virgin olive oil is also acceptable.
9/18/2008 3:48:22 PM |
Heartbreaking but true story |

Columbia, SC
age: 54
Make it a point to eat at least five servings of fresh vegetables and fruits every day. Organically grown varieties are best because they are free from the pesticides, chemicals, fertilizers, waxes, fumigants and other toxic materials that contaminate our foods and impair immune function. If you have chronic sinus infections, you may need to avoid sugar and dairy products, especially cheese, ice cream, chocolate, food additives and alcohol, which can trigger a buildup of mucus in many individuals.
It is vital to drink enough spring or filtered water on a daily basis. Water will keep your respiratory tract well hydrated. I recommend drinking at least two quarts of water a day. Get accustomed to drinking room temperature water instead of iced water. Cold liquids can actually impair normal respiratory function.
Is chicken soup really good for the soul and a cold? Yes! It has been called “Jewish penicillin” for years, and researchers are now discovering what Jewish mothers knew all along. It helps to clear out the mucus in your sinuses. Besides hot chicken soup, hot herbal teas, vegetable broths, spicy foods such as cayenne pepper, garlic and horseradish all help to clear nasal congestion.
Sending in Supplies—Supplements
A good general knows one way to conquer an enemy is to cut off its supply lines. Colds, flu and sinus infections attack your body like an invading army. During each attack, massive amounts of nutrients—vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and more—are required to maintain its strong shield of defense. Your body needs to maintain a good, steady supply of basic vitamins and minerals to maintain its fighting edge. Make sure you are taking a comprehensive multivitamin/mineral, as well as a healthy dosage of vitamin A, B-complex, and vitamin C, which can usually be found in most multivitamins. Selenium and zinc are minerals that have shown great results for the immune system. Many people also opt to get a flu vaccination as a preventative measure against the flu. I recommend the flu vaccine without mercury or thimerosal.
Ready for Battle—Lifestyle Factors
Getting enough sleep is absolutely critical for maintaining a strong immune system. Deep sleep actually helps to strengthen the immune system and repair all tissues. Most of us try to push through the cold or flu, but your body is signaling you to sleep for a reason. God created principles of health within your body that you need to obey. Make sure you take time to rest and sleep so that your body can heal.
Exercise is an excellent way to stimulate the immune system and help prevent infections. If you do get sick, you need to limit your exercise to light walking until you recover. If you have the flu, stop exercise altogether until you recover.
Another important thing to remember is to wash your hands. When using a public restroom, use your paper towel to turn off the water and open the door. Remember that all the people who didn’t wash their hands have touched these surfaces. It might also be a good idea to carry antiseptic wipes with you.
The Bible says that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit: …do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? (1 Corinthians 6:19 NKJV).
Honoring your body and caring for it shows your respect and honor for the One who created it. Your immune system is a strong and ready defender for your body, the magnificent work of a divine Creative Genius, and it’s up to you to take care of it.
This article was developed from information in Dr. Colbert’s book The Bible Cure for Colds, Flu and Sinus Infections (Siloam, Lake Mary, FL 2007).
This article is not intended to provide medical advice or take the place of medical advice and treatment from your personal physician. Readers are advised to consult your own doctors or other qualified health professionals regarding the treatment of your medical problems. Neither the publisher nor the author takes any responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, action or application of medicine, supplement, herb or preparation to any person regarding or following the information in this article.
9/18/2008 3:48:51 PM |
Heartbreaking but true story |

Columbia, SC
age: 54
........ I'm done now ...... 
9/18/2008 4:31:47 PM |
Heartbreaking but true story |
Largo, FL
age: 50
thank u shez...satan WE REBUKE U GO BACK TO THE PIT OF HELL WHERE U CANME FROM..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......