10/13/2008 11:32:51 AM |
Single for the holidays? |

Peoria, AZ
age: 24
I had two holiday seasons where I was not Single. The christmas and new years during those two seasons we were apart. The first time around is I was in California over Christmas and New years. Plane tickets were already booked and payed for by the time I had met the guy. The second time was last Holiday season. I met my guy the end of september and his tickets were already booked and paid for to be in Ohio with his family. The way things are going now. Looks like I am single again this holiday season. Oh well. There will be a day when I get to wake up next to someone I truly care about on Christmas Morning. May not be this Christmas. But some Christmas it will happen.
11/1/2008 4:43:58 PM |
Single for the holidays? |

Glendale, AZ
age: 32
Yeah i appreciate all of you peoples input, and hope to remedy this soon. So all you Beautiful women be sure to hit me up.
11/1/2008 7:02:19 PM |
Single for the holidays? |
Fort Mohave, AZ
age: 48
yet not one women wants to get on with it, whats that tell ya?
11/2/2008 9:07:52 AM |
Single for the holidays? |

Glendale, AZ
age: 32
yet not one women wants to get on with it, whats that tell ya?
What are you talking about?
11/2/2008 4:35:43 PM |
Single for the holidays? |
Fort Mohave, AZ
age: 48
people it seems choose to be alone
really here we have so many horny women and men
yet they cannot get togeter and screw
whats up with that?
are women that wierd?
11/3/2008 9:41:14 AM |
Single for the holidays? |

Glendale, AZ
age: 32
people it seems choose to be alone
really here we have so many horny women and men
yet they cannot get togeter and screw
whats up with that?
are women that wierd?
If that was all i was looking for i could find that anywhere. There is more to life then just hooking up. Dont get me wromg i like sex just as much as the next guy, but i dont need to have sex to be happy. Sex will merly cover up the lonliness someone feels during the holidays. Eventually thoes feelings will come back
11/7/2008 3:05:26 PM |
Single for the holidays? |

Florence, AZ
age: 43
[quoteheader]Quote from optimystk:[/quoteheader][quote]people it seems choose to be alone really here we have so many horny women and men yet they cannot get togeter and screw whats up with that? are women that wierd?[/quote]
Definition of WIERD : A man who thinks just because he joins an online dating service it entitles him to point , click, pick a woman, email her, and get laid....in 30 minutes or less
Definition of a person who chooses to be alone: SEE ABOVE DEFINITION OF WIERD
[Edited 11/7/2008 3:07:35 PM PST]
11/9/2008 6:40:04 AM |
Single for the holidays? |

Glendale, AZ
age: 32
[quoteheader]Quote from catli31:[/quoteheader][quote]
Definition of WIERD : A man who thinks just because he joins an online dating service it entitles him to point , click, pick a woman, email her, and get laid....in 30 minutes or less
Definition of a person who chooses to be alone: SEE ABOVE DEFINITION OF WIERD[/quote] Optimystic is the most annoying person on this service, Ladies you can do so much better then him.
11/10/2008 9:44:31 AM |
Single for the holidays? |
Queen Creek, AZ
age: 45
Well I will assume there wont be many of you headin to Ft Mojave for the holiday screwing .
I personally think most holidays are for family and kids. This year I will head to San Diego for xmas. Being alone can suck but it can also be liberating in that when you go to SD or Mexico you can go fishing, watch sports on TV and interact with all the other people hanging out without worrying you are pissing someone off.
Hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving. Problem with single and thansgiving is if you catch yourself making a turkey you will be eating that thing for weeks in a variety of formats.
To the Soldiers out there, I have been there and done that. You just have to enjoy the company of your buddies and remember when it is done you wont really get to see them again so just enjoy it.
11/22/2008 7:51:24 AM |
Single for the holidays? |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 46
i drive otr so ill be on the road for the holidays as allways  
11/23/2008 6:39:44 PM |
Single for the holidays? |

Tucson, AZ
age: 30
single for the holidays ....not so bad
not being able to spend it with my son cause he's going with mom out of town......f**king blows....
11/24/2008 8:52:03 AM |
Single for the holidays? |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 19
For Thanksgiving, I'm going over to my cousin's house in Tucson. It's likely I will be going solo on Christmas.
11/24/2008 1:06:11 PM |
Single for the holidays? |

Prescott, AZ
age: 61
I go south.........
Hit the Sea of Cortez.
Enjoy the sun.
Go fishing. 
Mexico is not nearly as crazy as the states during the Christmas holiday.  
I'll be heading down to Rocky Point and Cholla bay again this year.This will be three in a row without, if you get my drift. I'll meet some friends in Rocky point Thursday for a feast and then if the weather is kind to us I'll be out on the 51 mile reef with my fishing buddy Ric, who keeps his boat in La Cholla. If the weather holds we could go out on Saturday and maybe Sunday as well. I'll be coming back Monday or Tuesday and then back to what Jackson called, "struggling for the legal tender".
12/11/2008 4:27:13 AM |
Single for the holidays? |

Overgaard, AZ
age: 50
If that was all I was looking for I could find that anywhere. There is more to life then just hooking up. Dont get me wromg I like sex just as much as the next guy, but I dont need to have sex to be happy. Sex will merly cover up the lonliness someone feels during the holidays. Eventually those feelings will come back  What a guy! You're right, only a quick fix. Definitely not the same as really being with someone. My kids will be here for Christmas and I am grateful for that!  This is my 3rd holiday season being single. Being single in my opinion..... is very overated!
12/14/2008 11:48:23 AM |
Single for the holidays? |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 40
This year I will also be alone for the holidays. Unfortunately its due to work. When you move to a new place before the holidays, its a risk you take. I moved here the first of Dec, so it was a bad time to come in and try to meet new people because everyone is busy doing things for the holidays. Hoping the new year proves better. After the New Years Days hangovers of course.