Antioch, TN
age: 32
i mean sum of these female on this site and others are so HOT i mean y dont they have a man?i dont understand how sum hot chick has a hard time finding a man...they have the pick of the liter if they wanted..this is my opinon..can any1 shed sum light on this subject?

Chattanooga, TN
age: 42
i mean sum of these female on this site and others are so HOT i mean y dont they have a man?i dont understand how sum hot chick has a hard time finding a man...they have the pick of the liter if they wanted..this is my opinon..can any1 shed sum light on this subject? 
That's easy. When men perceive a woman as being physically attractive, she starts getting all this extra attention that women who are seen as being less physical attractive to them. The more physical attractive women can feel as if they don't need a man. I've read enough articles to know that the more physically attractive a woman is, the better chance she has at being hired for a position - all other things being equal between her and a lesser physically attractive woman.
Our country's society is based on youth and physical appearance. The media has done everything to ensure that continues. Because more men than not tend to be visual creatures, they tend to judge what a woman might be like initially by her physical appearance and how attractive a man is to a woman. There are some guys, like me, who don't go with the physical attractiveness theory. I don't buy into it. I've read enough profiles from various dating sites and talked to numerous people in person to know that what is given can be easily taken away from someone. I'm *not* that naive.
Show me a physically attractive woman, and I'll show you someone who's a dime a dozen and who is "eye candy" to some. But what happens if a life event takes place in her life that affects her physical attractiveness towards others? What happens if she ends up in a wheelchair or becomes a quadriplegic, then how will men react towards a physically attractive woman who is tossed aside by a society that places a premium value on people who are not physically disabled?
Show me an intellectually attractive woman, and I'll show you someone who comes far and few in between. I'll also be extremely more likely to want to get to know someone who's intellectually attractive to me moreso than a woman who is physically attractive. Some guys are just wired differently than others. Show me someone who has a passion for volunteering and in making society a better place for others by what she does, and I'll show you somoene who also comes far and few in between. Show me a woman who doesn't allow a physical or emotional disability to dictate how she lives her life, and I'll show you someone who's better able to handle life's challenges than a woman who doesn't have a disability. Many (but not all) men *and* women are both shallow in their own lives, and can only see the surface of a person - regardless if it involves social or monetary status, a person's skin color, or anything else. Maybe it's the way people were brought up according to the nature vs. nurture argument or in any other number of ways.

Knoxville, TN
age: 59
I really liked your explanation! You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. I wish the other guys could have that insight! It does seem as I get older that a lot of guys are not as focused on the outside appearance, but there are still those who say in their profiles they only want a size 10 or less and they are sitting there with a pot belly!!! Give me a break!
I've always struggled with my weight, but I'm the same person inside no matter what size I am. My soul and personality are going to stay with me. Looks will not.