Pryor, OK
age: 21
the thing is why i write neg is cuz thats how i ask for advise. i let someone see the real thing instead of waitin on it. cuz if i wait then i loose what im talking about. does that make any sence???
Btw the part about a man.
A man that isnt ashamed to be with me. Someone that is open to new things. someone that is good hearted. someone that wont look down on me for what i have done in the past. and wont look down on me for things that i have had happen to me. Somone to show me the real world. not just a house and no where to go in it. A man that is into OR at least not judgemental about tatto's and percings. ( would like the guy to be into it also) Someone that would like to love me for me and not my body or what i have. Someone that doesnt care about money. I mean its nice BUT YOU CAN NOT BUY MY LOVE!!! Someone that would like to walk for the hell of it. or maybe paint a sign or something just cuz it might make either of us happy. Somone who knows what they want in life but wont put me down for my mistakes. And help me try my life a new!!!
If there is anything else that i might have missed which im sure there is ill add it later! Sorry! 

Pryor, OK
age: 21
LOL shadow u tell it hun
Im almost sure he was talking about me. idk. i dont like that tho....        

Stillwater, OK
age: 35
A man that isnt ashamed to be with me. Someone that is open to new things. someone that is good hearted. someone that wont look down on me for what i have done in the past. and wont look down on me for things that i have had happen to me. Somone to show me the real world. not just a house and no where to go in it. A man that is into OR at least not judgemental about tatto's and percings. ( would like the guy to be into it also) Someone that would like to love me for me and not my body or what i have. Someone that doesnt care about money. I mean its nice BUT YOU CAN NOT BUY MY LOVE!!! Someone that would like to walk for the hell of it. or maybe paint a sign or something just cuz it might make either of us happy. Somone who knows what they want in life but wont put me down for my mistakes. And help me try my life a new!!!
Man like that shouldnt be to hard to find,IF you do the same for him

Pryor, OK
age: 21
Man like that shouldnt be to hard to find,IF you do the same for him
Ive always been true. they say that they are like that but really arnt. i have been heartbroken many times..... Something is bound to change!!!

Stillwater, OK
age: 35
Ive always been true. they say that they are like that but really arnt. i have been heartbroken many times..... Something is bound to change!!!
I know im a true person but the only way someone will get to know that is by talking to me and getting to know me .I think probably everyone here at one time or other has had to deal with fake people ...and it sucks weeding them out.Keep the positive attitude.Keep your eyes open ( for sometimes the best is in front of us and we are blind to see it) <--- yes guys this includes US to.

Quapaw, OK
age: 37
I know im a true person but the only way someone will get to know that is by talking to me and getting to know me  .I think probably everyone here at one time or other has had to deal with fake people ...and it sucks weeding them out.Keep the positive attitude.Keep your eyes open ( for sometimes the best is in front of us and we are blind to see it) <--- yes guys this includes US to.
It is amazing how many people are terrified, after being in relationships with someone that cheated, of it happening again to them. And from this fear, they hold themselves back from meeting, or getting out to meet people. Let's face it, we are all hiding behind the computer. It is safer than in person, and we are in control of it, correct?
However, I too have had a spouse cheat on me, numerous times, and I use to feel this way. But not anymore, I did nothing wrong, so I refuse to be scared to meet people. Yes, we do have to weed through the fake people in person and online, but if it was really easy, there wouldn't be any type of dating sites, relationship experts with tips, advice and help. And we would all be floating around in utopia.
There is a balance to everything, and the process of finding that special person you want to get to know, and find out if it could be permanent, is part of it. If it was easy to find someone, and it didn't take any effort, how boring would that be? I think sometimes that the hell we go through emotionally and sometimes mentally, will make us more likely to cherish the person we do find, and love them all the more for finding them in such a sea of uncertainty that our fears have put blinders up to help protect us from. It will remind us how precious love is, and work daily to keep it.
Just my thought.

Stillwater, OK
age: 35
You are right.Alot of times the road to happiness makes the trip even more special.
there wouldn't be any type of dating sites, relationship experts with tips, advice and help.
At least my fears are keeping people employed 

Quapaw, OK
age: 37
You are right.Alot of times the road to happiness makes the trip even more special.
there wouldn't be any type of dating sites, relationship experts with tips, advice and help.
At least my fears are keeping people employed 
The very motto of society, "make money off of other people's pain", wonder why we never get any royalties from their damn book sales!! I just have one thing to say about all of those emotion vultures, "May they find themselves surrounded by misery and get poked with a pitchfork this Halloween!" he he he...
I have often wondered if a lot of these so called relationship gurus are actually closet f*gs, but I guess we can leave that for another discussion.