9/21/2007 7:06:21 AM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

San Mateo, CA
age: 43
I Have felt I have connected with certian people here on this site , I was under the impression I was close to love , but the end result was nothing but discuss... How do you know the other person is bieng true to you ???????????????????????????

9/21/2007 7:12:26 AM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

Hagerstown, MD
age: 52
That is something that only time will tell. I was talking to someone for 5 months thought he was the greatest never dreamed he was lying, We had all kinds of plans, he did a side work, he had called was suppose to call the next day never did, 2 weeks later got email from someone named Linda said he been killed in a car accident, a week ago I caught him on this site, he's very much alive, claims now he had a heart attack, and Linda is ex wife, tell me what do I believe? I'll tell you Linda is his wife, I've moved on
9/21/2007 8:19:17 AM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

Roanoke, VA
age: 56
damn truegrace the shit you went thru,over a lie
9/21/2007 8:20:28 AM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

San Mateo, CA
age: 43
I have found a women on this site.. she made me melt with Happiness , when I talked to her she made my Heart beat extra fast, we had so much of the same views.. today i asked her for her friendship back,,, I didnt want her not to like me beacuse there was to much love in my heart for her.. Yes I talked with other women here in this site but you know if you dont have the same feelings for the one special gal.. I hope she read my post today and see's that there is love on my heart i would love to know if she had the same feeling back when we started talking to me... Its hard to show love from a computer.. and we are all here on this site to meet people... ive been searching for my soul mate all my life and still have not sweept her off her feet... maybe someday she will realize I am that special man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/21/2007 8:22:30 AM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

Shelby, NC
age: 33
That was pretty harse truegrace! You deserve a lot better than that! You go, girl! Here's to ya!
9/21/2007 9:34:17 AM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

Webster City, IA
age: 35
I think that alot of us are in the same situation. If it is ment to be it will be. That's what I keep telling myself.
9/21/2007 9:46:25 AM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

Chambersburg, PA
age: 38
It's probably happened to all of us once with someone here being '
decieved, and the sick part is that some people are putting you
through tests that you have no clue about and then when you say
something unexpected or fall for their mental tests thinking
its really what they want to know and then you do talk about
a topic you stated before you wouldnt and you have failed their
trick mind questions to their mental game.
People need to just be real and stop the nonsense mental games
you are dealing with a decent person and ends up this person
gets off on tricking you into uneccessary topic conversation.
"Whats the purpose of making a make belief profile" its beyond
me and senseless dont they think if you keep making excuses or
prolonging meeting in person the person will start to wonder
what is it that you are hiding and just skip to the next person.
if you advertise false pics of yourself make up a fake profile and
assume when you meet this other person personally that they will
be ok with having been lied to and still want to have something
to do with you(sorry Im a nice person)but dont respect or like
people who try to make a fool out of you,because they are really into
you basing it on your looks.
"SHAME ON THESE PEOPLE" playing with someones mind or feelings is
wrong-cold and immoral.
[Edited 9/21/2007 9:48:49 AM]
9/21/2007 9:53:02 AM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

San Mateo, CA
age: 43
Catlin, THANK YOU>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nice Post , i agree in full you said the words i seek perfectally...........................
Thank you............

9/21/2007 9:56:38 AM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

Wabasha, MN
age: 48
I have thought of that before. On a machine you can say your anyone and anything. It can all be made up. But, I have certainly met people in person who were the exact same way. I think it's a crap shoot. I personally don't put trust out to anyone until and if I think they have earned it. Good luck.
9/21/2007 12:24:50 PM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

Hagerstown, MD
age: 52
In talking to someone I found that a year before he had talked to her but had to postone their meeting because of the death of his mother, then a guy tell me a female friend had been talking to this guy and they were to meet he broke the up saying him and his wife were getting back together and planned to have another baby before they were to old, so what do you believe none of it
9/21/2007 12:30:43 PM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

Holiday, FL
age: 41
Its hard when youre a "real" person to think that others arent being real. I know that sounds naive but if you dont screw people over things like that dont really enter your mind. Its true, on the internet, you can be whomever you choose to be but sooner or later the real you has to come out... either by your lies biting you in the ass or never finding that person you were always hoping to meet. If people would just see that theres someone for everyone and they are all worthy of love being who they are, and treated eachother with respect we would be able to relax and enjoy "looking for love" a bit more.
9/21/2007 12:33:39 PM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

Lumberton, NC
age: 52
scary on both ends............. what the hell you never now if they going to lie until you catch them lying. Ashamed because the damage will be already done.... what's left is for you to deal with it, and it can be hard
9/21/2007 12:49:00 PM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

Hagerstown, MD
age: 52
Like I said I'm over him, Pray he gets the help he needs, but I've moved on, met someone that is real
9/21/2007 3:10:08 PM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

Conway, SC
age: 47
you don't. you just believe, just a chance you have to take. 
9/21/2007 3:20:33 PM |
Once you find Love here, how do you know your not be lied to ?????? |

Woodbridge, VA
age: 34
Well if the person lied...then they have to add the second lie to cover the first lie...Really just take your time...and all will be revealed....
[Edited 9/21/2007 3:20:50 PM]