
Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
yeah! we can call it FRIGHT NITE! maybe it should be for next Halloween. come dressed, or in your best! at our age though, we may have some missing in action, so we need to have a good disclaimer written and signed by all participants.........  

Beverly Hills, CA
age: 49
The question should be why do people take pictures when their background is in disarray? ie. a bunch of trash in the bakrouund, filthy house, bed isn't made, bathroom nasty, floors dirty, need I say more?


Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
well those are considered natural shots. not glamor shots mind you, BUT natural SHOTS. 

Yorktown, VA
age: 70
I think people should post recent pics and keep their pictures updated like I do! Full length and head shots, BOTH.
I have encountered several people on here that used pictures, some as old as 30 years old!! PLEEEZZZZZZ! That is very misleading.Trust me guys, you do NOT look the same as you did in 1978, no one does!
Heck, Barbara....if we were all as well preserved and attractive as you, we'd probably do a few head shots, profiles, and some "tasteful" nudes. 

Sandston, VA
age: 68
And some guys who post that they are 5'8" are in reality 5'2"! They must shrink on the way to the coffee shop! I make a point to add the date my photos are taken. Merri

Radford, VA
age: 54
wow i have a couple of times. I hate to focus on looks. Id like to say they dont matter but you have to feel something dont you? Even the most perfect person for me has to attract me some what right? Any way what are they thinking to post those pictures? Dont they know they dont look like that anymore. For Gods Sake!!!


Alexandria, VA
age: 63


Burke, VA
age: 46
good one, Mike!
Her curlers and bunny slippers are really what does it for me! 