9/23/2007 8:57:04 PM |
What women really want |

Beverly Hills, CA
age: 22
i am a woman and i can't begin to tell u what i want. my sisters fiance always jokes with me and tells me that if i had to write a personals ad in the paper it would take up the whole page and it would be more of what i dont want cuz all i do is complain. i am an average girl that wants a perfect guy. i know it's not going to happen so i stay single. and i'll drink to that. lol.
9/23/2007 9:18:45 PM |
What women really want |

Biddeford, ME
age: 41
Pefect?!? Is there one out there? Sign me up baby! Personally, I would like a man with a good sense of humor, a nice bod...(no not perfect, just well kept), someone who takes turns with the crappy stuff...(dishes, laundry, all the booooring details of life)...Someone, serious and self-confident without going across the line to arrogant...and most of all....wants to spend hours with me, one on one....working on that serious sweaty bedroom time, (or hell, kitchen table, bathroom, washer on spin cycle...)....
AND most of all, when the arguements start, like they always do, someone who can take a deep breathe with me, take the time to walk away for a bit...(and no, I dont mean days..), and come back and really communicate about things.
Not asking for much, huh?
9/23/2007 9:19:37 PM |
What women really want |

Lake Worth, FL
age: 36
some one who will hold our hair back when we puke....
9/24/2007 6:07:29 AM |
What women really want |

Dunkirk, NY
age: 61
LOL @ Kitty.. I personally think that a lot of women out there really DONT know WHAT they want. Someone in this thread said that women say they want a nice guy, then persue a jerk (or the bad boy type), and I agree. What women really dont understand is that if they ever get that "bad boy" who turns them on, they're stuck with them. He will never change and you cant change him.. Once and a...h..e, always an a...h..e
9/24/2007 6:47:28 AM |
What women really want |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50
ok, ok, I admit it I don't know what I want....but I damn sure know what I don't want!!!!!!
Clear as mud, huh???????? 
9/24/2007 7:25:01 AM |
What women really want |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 30
9/24/2007 7:25:50 AM |
What women really want |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53
I agree with Stream and China.....I was married to jerks who never showed their true nature until about a year into the marriage. I tried discussing things and being rational, they'd nod in approval or have a tantrum...and things would never change...so I had to boot them out. You know...you get married because you "think" it will be forever, but they didn't want to grow up and be a man...so...out they went.
I don't know...maybe it's because I was brought up in a different generation...I have always wanted the same things out of life. The only thing that changed for me was my pursuit of an education, and even today...continuing education. Although, I was brought up to believe I needed to have a husband and children were also a part of that. Through my education and growing experiences, I have learned that I don't NEED a husband, that I can be happy alone or with someone....that true happiness comes from within, loving yourself (flaws and all, but try to change these flaws and grow), never to harbor grudges, and to make love my greatest aim. This also came from "the book of books", the Bible. I have always tried to treat people as I wanted to be treated, with kindness, compassion, and most of all forgiveness! I think this quote comes from Confuscious:
"A man who lives without forgiveness in his heart, lives a worse life than death."
Unfortunately, people have taken advantage of this side of me...and again...it's knowing when..."not to cast your pearls before swine." That's the hard part for me....
9/24/2007 9:35:24 AM |
What women really want |

Dunkirk, NY
age: 61
Ok Kitten, then what is it exactly that you DON'T want?????? ****waits patiently for an answer***
9/24/2007 12:51:54 PM |
What women really want |

Tonkawa, OK
age: 33
a woamn wants a man to make love to, not just sex, as yer makin love to her, look her in the eyes, so that she can see how much you are enjoying her body, and soul,
while makin love to her, kiss her heavy and passionatly, so that she knows how much you care fer her,
9/24/2007 12:56:27 PM |
What women really want |

Duncan, OK
age: 33
they want a man to make em wash dishes and clean thier droors ! women love doin those things
9/24/2007 12:59:33 PM |
What women really want |

Owatonna, MN
age: 39
the man to be whatever they want.
9/24/2007 1:05:50 PM |
What women really want |

Chambersburg, PA
age: 38
thats what you assume we want lol.
dishwasher is nice and washing dirty underwear humm not
my idea of fun.
A man that can hold his own in sharing house chores,and
taking turns in the kitchen,a man that will work with
your works weird hour schedule to alternate watching the
kids, well that to me is the kinda man Im keeping my
eyes open for.
9/24/2007 1:15:23 PM |
What women really want |

Jamestown, TN
age: 50
I want to be loved and if he had a really big.................weedeater that would be good too.
9/24/2007 2:50:01 PM |
What women really want |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 33
The posts from the ladies of the forum pretty much prove that trying to go off of what women supposedly want is pointless. This whole idea that a woman cannot just say what she wants, because women don't have a hard time talking, and we have to watch body language is silly. Personally I watch body language of people anyway so that is not the issue but when you have only that to go off of is stupid. I can understand change over time but for someone, like my ex, to go from being so loving, understanding and caring before we married to being an intolerant witch imediately after (and we are talking maybe 2 weeks top) is not right. Just kills me, with laughter of course, when women can't explain women.
9/25/2007 6:12:24 AM |
What women really want |

West Midlands
United Kingdom
age: 35
3-Cheers to your post 53Lady:
Anyhow, there is one little secret missing from what you have said. Along with your advice to men how women desire them to give effective communication I would like to add that men (women also) must try to adapt a strategy of willingness to work together to achieve success of the relationship, and in so doing employ the method to write letters or notes to each other at times. Some of the things that men (women also) find difficult to communicate or express face to face will be much easier put on paper and put on the coffee table or on the bed with a bold 'See U Later Baby' or something else on the outside. so that the other party can have a read when they find it. This will help to eliminate the egotistic problem, anger, pride, upset or fear that may be unconsciously experienced. These feelings sometimes get in the way of verbal communications and more problems develop. So men if you know something should be said that you find difficult and you are ignoring it stop doing this and write a note. Your woman will read you dont have to verbalise everthing. Do this and you will see how you will gradually become more willing to communicate with your woman.
MEN, us women want to help you to please us. We will do our best to gain as much knowledge on how we can do this, but please remember we need you to adapt to change and apply workable methods. In other words try new approaches, dont just lay there dead. That is another relationship just got its throat cut. And your woman needs you. So, let us stop growing old alone.
9/25/2007 10:21:04 AM |
What women really want |

San Mateo, CA
age: 51
AMEN AND AMEN AND AMEN AND AMEN!!! I COULD'NT OF SAID IT ANY BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/25/2007 12:25:23 PM |
What women really want |

Honolulu, HI
age: 40
All women want an Alpha Male.
It is part of their primal instinct. It is embedded in them.
All men wanting to succeed in dating should know this. Once you research why we do what we do, you can find that a lot our actions are based on our primal instincts. ESPECIALLY when it comes to mating. We all want to mate. That is why we are are all on these dating site because something in us tells within us we want to be with someone.
Once you understand human nature, then you can research what women find attracted and why.
But to answer your question: Alpha Males. Now find out what an Alpha Male is and you'll start to understand what women find attractive and why. And understand what is a choice and what is primal instinct.
Hint: Attraction is not a choice.
9/26/2007 8:42:13 AM |
What women really want |

Knoxville, TN
age: 48
Thank you for your Honesty. The way I see it is that a Woman is a constantly evolving entity. Any woman that says look and listen and we will tell you in some way what we want is full of it. Men are not geared that way. We do not interpret the signs the way they are given or expected. Try the baseball bat if you want a man to comprehend. This is not meant to belittle us or woman it is just the way men are.
9/26/2007 10:01:29 AM |
What women really want |

Sheffield, TX
age: 40
i had to laugh at some of the answers..I think we want the same things that guys want..honesty, caring,etc...just without the boob factor
9/26/2007 10:58:12 AM |
What women really want |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
Ok well, Lawrence said for me lol...I want an Alpha!
9/26/2007 11:01:41 AM |
What women really want |

Owatonna, MN
age: 39
women want to have babies with alphas but have relationships with nice guys....... what to do. glad im not a woman.   
9/26/2007 11:37:23 AM |
What women really want |

Mariposa, CA
age: 51
Does anyone here really believe that any guy can figure out what a woman wants? Come on really? You guys know that we change our minds all the time, but so do you... Everyone on earth just wants to be loved, treated with respect and compassion. The small details day to day is what makes or breakes the relationship. Yeah my big no nos are: don't lie, cheat or hit. But the little things like a joke in the morning and a smile will make my day but that look you just gave the cashier with the big boobs will ruin my day. Let us not think we can figure out anyone completly but take life as it comes daily and treat that special person like they are special to us every moment. Did I say all that? I think its true 
10/4/2007 2:09:42 AM |
What women really want |

Rockville, MD
age: 43
I think Peaches really wants an Alpha Romeo 
10/4/2007 1:58:44 PM |
What women really want |

Romulus, MI
age: 35
lol, really funny, some women dont know what they want cause, they really dont know who they are yet,, some women are so desperate for any mans attention, if they could, they would change their D.N.A. to get him.
10/4/2007 1:59:49 PM |
What women really want |

El Paso, TX
age: 23
what i really need right now...
is a piece of a**