9/23/2007 1:06:35 PM |
What women really want |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 33
I posted this thread in a group I am in to see what the response would be, especially from a woman's point of view.
Why is it that women say that they are tired of the jerks and want someone that will be good to them yet they usually don't ever pursue guys like that? One woman from that group gave me some big formula as to why women pursue men like they do which in the end basically said that she couldn't explain why her gender says one thing but pursues another. Do women really even know what they want?
9/23/2007 1:08:54 PM |
What women really want |

Perris, CA
age: 38 online now!
love , affection , communication , good sex , laughter , commintment  among other things
9/23/2007 1:11:02 PM |
What women really want |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 48
What don't they want is, a much shorter list. 
9/23/2007 1:12:29 PM |
What women really want |

East Moline, IL
age: 48
What women really want?
if they knew me,they'd come running my way.
i am a "true man".
9/23/2007 1:12:56 PM |
What women really want |

Perris, CA
age: 38 online now!
yea brnsugar i agree ... they r all f*cked up   
9/23/2007 1:14:16 PM |
What women really want |

East Moline, IL
age: 48
oh,here we go w/the "critical"-come-backs!

9/23/2007 1:21:59 PM |
What women really want |

Cumberland, KY
age: 32
woman want a nice guy and a bad boy just have to have a little of both in the mix im
speaking from exsperience that uasually when a guy seems to nice to be true he uasually is just putting on a front knowone can be nice all the time
9/23/2007 1:25:10 PM |
What women really want |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 48
So Kygirl, what is a good amount of bad in a guy, give us an example, please.
9/23/2007 1:36:30 PM |
What women really want |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 33
actually I have been told I am too nice all the time. Maybe that is why I have been shafted so many times and I am now asking the cause of the shafting why they can't communicate properly. We live and we learn.
9/23/2007 1:54:05 PM |
What women really want |

Plant City, FL
age: 32
I can't tell you what every woman wants because we all want something differnt. Sometimes we don't even know what we want.All I can say is be honest, ask quetions and try to have a friendship first.
9/23/2007 2:29:15 PM |
What women really want |

Dover, DE
age: 38
I, as a woman, think that the reason other women say they want one thing an go after another is they have no clue! They are not trying to convince you they are trying to convince themselves. They say they want a nice guy with a sence of humor, what they go after is the jerk that won't hold down a job.
Plain and simple. They WANT to want a nice guy, but the truth is danger is attractive, i.e. bad boys.
9/23/2007 2:32:05 PM |
What women really want |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53
The following is just my opinion, if it bothers you....oh well.
I would like to find someone who is a good communicator...not one who says he is. He's the type to think of things (erroneously), never tells you...then blasts you with them after you leave. He won't speak to you face to face while you are there and can talk things over. That's a wuss' way to communicate. To me...if you are a good communicator you say what is on your mind or what is bugging you and be an adult and talk it over.
No yelling, no arguing...just quiet talking.
Women don't want liars or cheats or game players. We want an equal partner in the housework, laundry, yard work and in the bedroom. If you say you love us...prove it by your actions and deeds, not just words. Have morals, and be honorable in all that you do...really treat us how YOU would like to be treated...not your maid or cook or sexual plaything. Be our friends and partners in everything...not just when it suits you or your needs. Anything else you'd like to know???? 
9/23/2007 2:40:27 PM |
What women really want |

Duncansville, PA
age: 42
i really know what women want...let me tell you...they liked to be called names,they liked to be beaten almost every day, they like to struggle once in awhile, they like to be placed on the bottom... once in a while...thats what women like for sure...for names like sweetheart, honey(p.s. until they realize it is actually bee shit),sexy and all pet names they love...now when do you beat them well not too hard now but they do like a lil spankin once in a while...and that struggle would be that satisfaction they receive as they climax for sure....and yes to be on the bottom as you start to initiate that pure unadulterated game of love...glad i could help...
9/23/2007 2:46:55 PM |
What women really want |

Big Rapids, MI
age: 51
women want the same things as a man. we want good guy bad boy men want a hoe in the bed room and someone the can take home to mother
9/23/2007 2:48:37 PM |
What women really want |

Hagerstown, MD
age: 51
What most womaen are looking for is a man that will treat them as an equal, sure they want respect, love, caring, passion, fidelity, trust, never ending love making, but thhey also want someone who is going to treat them as they are a real assest to a relationship, that having them as a part of your life makes a real difference, and without them your life wouldn't be complete
9/23/2007 4:01:32 PM |
What women really want |

Lebanon, TN
age: 29
Hope (lovely profile name...),
No, we don't know what we want. Oftentimes, we think we do. But I believe most women just want love. Whatever shape, form or fashion. The negative aspect of this is that it works as a double-edged sword. Why? That simple phrase changes it's shape with every day.
For me, personally, I don't particularly have a mold for which I search. I usually look around, test the waters, and find a few people I get a long with. Sometimes, I'm attracted to one of them for whatever reason: eyes, smile, personality, etc. From there, I bide my time and wait for things to unfold.
The problem in modern-day society is that we truly do expect so much of each other, without expecting as much of ourselves. We get so wrapped up in what others bring to the table, that we lose sight of the fact that we can alllll bring something to the table. You just have to decide if what one person brings is enough to satisfy you.
Although I feel it is important to always strive to improve yourself - mentally, physically and psychologically - at some point we are all going to have to realize a few things:
* NO ONE is perfect; we all have flaws and need to learn how to flex with each other.
* Beauty is subjective.
* Life goes on, and being happy with oneself and confident in ones' actions is a MAJOR attractant to the opposite sex.
* Failure is not a finish line. It is just the beginning of another route.
Hope this helps...
9/23/2007 4:03:24 PM |
What women really want |

Shelby, NC
age: 53
A million dollars and a one way ticket out of here to start with.
9/23/2007 6:23:41 PM |
What women really want |

Rio Rancho, NM
age: 57
What do women really want? It's so simple! They want to feel loved, wanted, beautiful and needed by their partner. And they don't need those head games!
9/23/2007 6:35:12 PM |
What women really want |

Gloucester, MA
age: 21
I agree stream!! also I woman wants different things at different times.....but no you dont have to read our head, just keep your eyes and ears open....we will let you know in some way, if you can keep up with that then your golden!!! JMO
9/23/2007 6:36:06 PM |
What women really want |

Tonkawa, OK
age: 33
i honestly don't know what women want, and to be honest i don't think most women know what they want
9/23/2007 6:40:58 PM |
What women really want |

Gloucester, MA
age: 21
your right Yan!! nobody ever really knows exactly what they want......honestly it changes as you grow older and differs on every person!! but I do know that stream is rigth all women want to be loved and wanted and so on.....also like I said in my previous post we want different things at different times but women arent afraid to let you know what it is...... you dont have to be a mind reader you know!
9/23/2007 6:48:20 PM |
What women really want |

Tonkawa, OK
age: 33
true brit, ya just have to know how to read signs when it comes to women,
i mean when it comes to men, we are very verbale on what we want, but when it comes to women, they don't tell us what they want, they use sign and body language to tell us, and it is up to us as men to learn and read these signs
9/23/2007 7:09:40 PM |
What women really want |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
i don't know what ALL women want so i'll answer the other part. about why SOME women persue jerks. u know, jerks don't have signs on them saying, 'i'm a jerk' in fact a lot of jerks tell u what a nice guy they are.
a jerky guy can act nice in the beginning, maybe even for a long time. and when they do show their ugly side, its probably not directed at her, so she dismisses the behavior (nasty attitude, complainer, whiner, obnoxious, undependable, bully) because it was directed at someone else (the waiter, the pizza delivery person, his ex).
when he finally can't hold his jerkiness in anymore and starts acting out in some way, the woman thinks "oh he's having a bad day, everyone makes mistakes now and then".
when he messes up big time, he'll give a sincere apology and excuse "i'm going through changes at work, or he got fired from work, or his ex is sweating him, or hes not feeling too good. something credible that keeps the woman from bouncing him out on his butt. the woman thinks 'i need to stand by him at a time like this' and when her friends tell her he's clowning her, she feels that she's standing by him through hard times and that her friends just don't understand, (probably he said hes a private person so don't tell anyone what im going through) and anyhow jerky guys usually try to separate women from their friends too.
even when she finally bounces him, we're usually raised to give people a second chance and most people will take a loved one back at least once. does this sound like something anyone saw before in real life or in a soap opera?
from what i've seen (and heard and read) its not as simple as dumb women going after jerks; more like guys who seem on the up and up transforming into their jerky selves after a period of time.
9/23/2007 8:45:14 PM |
What women really want |

Rio Rancho, NM
age: 57
China, I agree with you 100%. I've been there and know what you are talking about.Why do some people play games from the very beginning? Why do they pretend to be better than they really are? What is wrong with all of us? Why cann't we be ourselves? Why do we let those jerks to play their dirty games with us? What is wrong with this world?
What women really want? They want same what men want. They want honesty, trust ,respect,commitment, they want to love and to be loved. We talk about love for months here and still this topic is on and on. The answer is simple. Love the way you want to be loved, treat your mate the way you want to be treated, don't play mental games because sooner or later they will be played against you.Be honest with yourself and with your mate...You can read all this in the book of books...
9/23/2007 8:50:35 PM |
What women really want |

Pensacola, FL
age: 31
A man who wants a strong, independent, affectionate women, but who knows she shouldn't have to pay for everything!!!!