10/17/2008 2:07:41 PM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Piscataway, NJ
age: 22
This looks like a job for.... SUPERRRR HEALTHCAREBEAR!!! Able to save mentally unstable women in a single bound, able to give proper health care to those in need.. WAIT A MINUTE!!! Isn't mental illness covered under health care policies? You really are her superman HCB!!
10/18/2008 8:35:33 AM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Absecon, NJ
age: 39 online now!
lol...all i did was post a thread saying men suck and my vibrator is better then everyone jumped on my a** and wrote likes novels about me. hahahahaha!
and if yall think i act on here like i do in real laugh....all i gotta say is NOT!!!
this is a game to me...not life
so like i said
leave me the f**k alone except a few sweethearts!
No novels hon, you really aren't as important as you think you are. We to love to bash and have fun picking on people who deserve it, you just happen to be our target of choice right now. I have a hard time believing that you aren't like this in "real life", I think you're worse actually and because writing anything takes effort from you, you are just too lazy to respond half the time. And who says "yall" if you're from Jersey?
10/18/2008 10:12:36 AM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Westfield, NJ
age: 37
I don't need to kiss a** or jump on bandwagons to try and make myself popular. Jen baby ur the best!
10/18/2008 10:23:44 AM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Somerville, NJ
age: 88 online now!
you too jimmy...muah!
10/18/2008 10:50:46 AM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Absecon, NJ
age: 39 online now!
I don't need to kiss a** or jump on bandwagons to try and make myself popular. Jen baby ur the best!
You think this is all a popularity contest? You and Jen really do share the same retarded thoughts, very easy to see why you two get along. Why don't you two hook up and be gone?
[Edited 10/18/2008 10:53:16 AM]
10/18/2008 11:13:05 AM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Somerville, NJ
age: 88 online now!
You think this is all a popularity contest? You and Jen really do share the same retarded thoughts, very easy to see why you two get along. Why don't you two hook up and be gone?
why don't you stop obsessing over me? like i said stop typing my name. email me if you have something to say.
10/18/2008 11:22:34 AM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Glendora, NJ
age: 56
In the red corner hailing from Westfield North Jersey, standing at 6ft 2in weighing 195 lb the undefeated North Jersey champion, Jimmie Romeio Roma! 
In the blue corner hailing from Absecon South Jersey, standing at 5ft 10in weighing 190 lbs, the undefeated South Jersey champion, One Skilled Skeptic! 
The Referee is Rodney King 
They gather in the middle of the ring to get instructions from the ref: "cant we all just get along"
10/18/2008 11:32:55 AM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Glendora, NJ
age: 56
Jen its like this, its hard for a man your age to stop obsessing over you, your so pretty and sexy, but you know that. Yes, if i were your age id be doing the same. But having a daughter your age the best I can is kiss your ass.
10/18/2008 11:34:32 AM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Somerville, NJ
age: 88 online now!
lol rich 
10/18/2008 11:40:17 AM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Irvington, NJ
age: 26
This looks like a job for.... SUPERRRR HEALTHCAREBEAR!!! Able to save mentally unstable women in a single bound, able to give proper health care to those in need.. WAIT A MINUTE!!! Isn't mental illness covered under health care policies? You really are her superman HCB!!

I know a good woman when I see her.
10/18/2008 4:57:46 PM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Absecon, NJ
age: 39 online now!
In the red corner hailing from Westfield North Jersey, standing at 6ft 2in weighing 195 lb the undefeated North Jersey champion, Jimmie Romeio Roma!
In the blue corner hailing from Absecon South Jersey, standing at 5ft 10in weighing 190 lbs, the undefeated South Jersey champion, One Skilled Skeptic!
The Referee is Rodney King
They gather in the middle of the ring to get instructions from the ref: "cant we all just get along" 
heheh nice job Rich!
10/19/2008 2:47:58 PM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Barrington, NJ
age: 27
wow!!!!! this shit is going way to fare. starting to get a bit scary lets chill...where has all the love gone?
i got some want some? LoL

ooooo my head hurts sisters wedding was last night one of the best started at 4pm ended at 3am mmm was crazy fun. wish you all could have came may have done some could!
10/19/2008 3:21:29 PM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |
Teaneck, NJ
age: 51
I am sick and tired of JEN shit. SHE IS AN ATTENTION HOUND! It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative as long as she gets ATTENTION!!!! Most of the comments on here are like trying to put out a fire by pumping Gasoline on it.
Uncle Funkey 
10/19/2008 6:19:38 PM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Trenton, NJ
age: 27
I agree with phillie...can't we all just get along?
Seriously, she(we all know who) posted the controversial 'men suck' topic last month. Last month!! Know what else happened last month? The Mets lost their chance for the playoffs. I haven't heard any Mets fans complaining about that recently. How about the Pats losing Brady? I haven't heard anyone complaining about that either. People get over it and move on. Everyone should really get over her thread from last month.
10/19/2008 7:12:20 PM |
Women like Jen suck and who agree's? |

Trenton, NJ
age: 26
Well I guess Ill be the first to complain about the Mets they would have had a better chanse than the phillies if they let them play over the brewers. I have to go with the AL this year Sorry but no Philly fan here LOL