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10/15/2008 9:00:08 PM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

North Adams, MA
age: 23

Okay here is the situation...My girlfirend and I have been together for about 4 months. We hit it off really well and quickly started talking all the time! We would have marathon conversations about anything and would even fall asleep together. We Fell in love on the phones. We met and we ended up having a great time. We made love, we ate, we went out, and it was obvious that we love each other. We always talked on the phone about being with each other forever and starting a when we finnaly kicked it together...we made plans to get her pregnant! We made love like jack rabbits and sure enough, her next month she turned up pregnant. i am finishing school in december, i graduate supposed to come home and we are supposed to get our own place together, when i ask her she says yah she wants to. recently she went to floria to visit her mom who lives there. shes been with her ex on and off for 4 years n met me a month after and i know its my baby because we been dating for 20 weeks and shes 17 weeks pregnant. but she says she wants a rest and im unstable. she says i ask her too many questions and it makes her very angry. she doesnt want to live with me at school until december because she says she just doesnt wanna be around the party scene and shell miss her family. she drank wine twice already and went to a lil get together and made drinks for some guys and girls there. she said shed never hurt me she wants to be with me forever and she isnt like that, but constantly says shes horny, maybe thats the pregnancy?

Thats when things changed...after she was pregnant.....I was always up her a** about what she was doing, who she was with, and smothered her. She always said I needed to change and that I was pushing her away but we ALWAYS made up. I always got this suspicion that she was lying to me about things(wether it was about where she was, or who she was with)...and would catch her in lies. She says its because she knew Id overreacte if i knew she was with her friends. Now she is not working. All our coworkers know what happened and look at me like Im crazy. She stopped working after we Officialy its not THAT bad.

We still make love, we told each other we loved one another ever chance we could...and everything...but I am still up her a** all the time about little stuff and I pushed her away. She asked for a break and I am worried that she wont come back. I know she loves me and I feel if I let her be..she will come back..because she loves it when Im confident and when I DONT call her she asks why I dont call. I think she likes another guy though, right now shes in florida with her mom who lives there for a week and tries telling me her phone is broke, but now its fixed. she said she needed a rest cause she lost her trust for me when i told my parents a little more then i should of about her past. she said we are not official until she gets over that. all she does though is talk about sex.will this break mean we are thorugh forever? she is carrying my child and I know I can change for her..I wonder if its too late...your thoughts on this

10/15/2008 9:07:21 PM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

Corbin, KY
age: 52

Yea, if you don't marry her get ready to pay child support for a very long time.

10/15/2008 9:09:26 PM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

Orlando, FL
age: 49

Welcome to the World of Man!

10/15/2008 9:11:12 PM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

Lafayette, LA
age: 31

Let her go. If she returns its love. If not prepare to be f**ked for 18 years.

10/15/2008 9:13:02 PM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

Newaygo, MI
age: 23

Why would you want to get her knocked up? you have only been together for 4 months and a child is a great thing dont get me wrong I have a 2 yr old son. but having a kid is such hard work and you cant do everything you once did once the baby is here. I just think that is crazy. but it is my opinion.. I dont know what to tell you about your situation.. its a tough one. I am sry

10/15/2008 9:14:45 PM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

Ponca City, OK
age: 34

After the baby is born ask for a paernity test...just too keep your own butt covered,

cause from what you are saying..*if it's all true* then there is a good chance the kid might be her ex's

10/15/2008 9:15:34 PM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

Brainerd, MN
age: 40

Yah, fun...the child support you now have to look forward to for the next 18 years. You do sound way to clinging and possesive...Yuck!!! To be honest she sounds like she has already got what she wants or will ever need out of you. A guy who is obviously awesome to have sex with (and at her beck and call ever ), and the good looking genes (I'm assuming she must think you are and I'm not saying your not I can't tell from the pic and to each their own preference) she wanted for her child...and again; someone who also has to help pay for dream gift that YOU gave her. Bottom line...I think you have been used.

10/15/2008 9:18:33 PM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19 online now!

shit son, i think you guys jumped the gun on this.

look when she gets over her firs trimester her emotions should settle down a bit. (along withthe morning sickness) but look... allot of women use their periods to be a utter b*tch (some do get pms that makes them crazy. believe me my step mom mad me cry b/c i messed up cooking hambergers.. and she can be a b*tch like that) so she might be useing that fact that her hormons are all out of wack to be doing what ever it is thats shes doing.

i dont really kno what you mean when you say "I am still up her a** all the time about little stuff and I pushed her away" but did she say that or did you? if you havent changed since she started bakeing something in teh oven then guess who did? i dont kno wether or not you actually make big deals out of who she is with and what nots but if shes just overreacting it could be the hormons or she is doing something she shouldnt be.

i odnt have any real good advice for you, i have no idea how to handle the situation you're in. i mean.. f**k a kid. that allot O.o

but my advice is always to be honest and try to talk to her about this shit.

kno what else you could do? talk to women who are or have been prego about this. they'll prolly kno allot more than i.

10/16/2008 1:58:37 AM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

Ventura, CA
age: 53

My opinion - she wants a baby. Maybe she'll take you as part of the package, maybe not.

If you're suspicious and don't trust her - get DNA testing.

If you really love her and you're absolutely certain that she loves and trusts and is devoted to you - get DNA testing. On this subject NO ONE else's opinion matters AT ALL. Do not listen to any excuse, don't be put off. If she says, "No!", don't marry you. If she tries for child support - DNA testing.

10/16/2008 3:20:30 AM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

Watertown, NY
age: 31

I stopped after reading the second paragraph. You're basically screwed. You messed up. NEVER get a woman pregnant on purpose unless you are married! Even then, it's risky.

10/16/2008 3:26:12 AM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

Poultney, VT
age: 37

wow hun make sure you get a paternity test. honestly just because you have been dating her longer than she is pregnant; doesnt mean she wasn't screwing around. protect yourself from paying for someone that is not yours. jmo

10/16/2008 3:28:20 AM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

age: 46

Quote from g_d77:
I stopped after reading the second paragraph. You're basically screwed. You messed up. NEVER get a woman pregnant on purpose unless you are married! Even then, it's risky.
yeP...WHAT HE SAID..........things will change once the bub comes along........ big reality check!!!!

10/16/2008 3:32:11 AM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

Indianapolis, IN
age: 28

you said that you've been together for 20 weeks, and she's 17 weeks preggo. Did no one else pick up on this???? WHY on earth would you try to get a girl pregnant and succeed after 3 weeks??? That's insanity. She just wanted a sperm donor and now you'll be lucky to see your kid at all, if it's yours.

10/16/2008 3:50:06 AM plz pregnant girlfriend wants a rest, but is this the pregnancy  

Las Cruces, NM
age: 56 online now!

omg!... So much to digest. So many mistakes... so much drama. I guess the only thing I can say is be sure to get the dna to make sure its your child or you will pay at LEAST 18 years for this mistake.

Maybe you both should have thought out some things beforehand instead of letting the genitals rule.. but hey, I can't say much. I was pregnant with my first child at 17.

You can't change people hun... so the best thing is to work on your own issues. Sounds like she has what she wanted. No job.. living with her mom.. dosen't have to work.. and will have you giving her support money for 18 years... ~sigh~ The thought of this makes most mens balls shrivle!

The damage is already done... now is the time to face the music of your actions. As far as you being "up her ass".. If that was the case... you wouldn't be having to get a dna testing or paying support! LOL

Good luck!! Such are the life changing decisions we make....
