Olympia, WA
age: 58
Something Mr. Rossi said really bothers me. He said, "it's not meant to be a family wage". The statement itself rings true. My guess is that when the minimum wage was first created it was intended to be an entry-level wage. I don't doubt that, as with many well-intentioned laws, the goal was to hold the entry-level wage at a high enough point to keep people from being taken advantage of. I'm sure the law was enacted to resolve issues of the time.
The step program, discussed by others in this thread, would provide some relief to employers (especially important to small businesses). It recognizes that teens don't have the financial responsibilities an adult has. Based on my limited knowledge of the program, I can see two main benefits: 1) Small businesses can utilize the program to get the help they need & the cost won't be as draining on their businesses. 2) Teens will have more opportunities available to them to gain work experience because businesses who previously couldn't afford to offer additional positions will be able to hire more people. I can also foresee 2 major pitfalls of the program: 1) Businesses will hire people and fire them when they get to whatever point in the program the employer determines is too expensive. 2) Businesses will hire the less expensive teens instead of adults. If this program is eventually enacted, I hope the abuses don't outweigh the benefits.
Mr. Rossi's statement, and his consideration of the step program, seem to lack acknowledgment of one very important fact: Minimum wage, for many people, IS a family wage. Regardless of the intent of the law, the American economy (and the economy in Washington state) has been very volatile over the last few decades. More & more people are being forced to live at, or slightly above, minimum wage. With housing and education costs continually rising, these people are finding it harder and harder to improve their situation.
Whoever our next Governor turns out to be will need to develop an overall plan to restore the economy in this state. The mimimum wage may, or may not, be a part of that plan. However, if they do address the minimum wage, I hope they do so in a manner that will do more good than harm.
As an employer, my rates for L&I and Employment Security are based partly on employee turnover. So I don't think most employers would let someone go, just to start training all over again, of course as long as that employee is worth keeping. This idea has been discussed but as of yet, nothing is concrete about it.
I read Rossi's statement about it not being a family wage, I feel what he was implying is that, it would be most diffucult for a family to leave soley on min wage...

Buckley, WA
age: 44
Whoever our next Governor turns out to be will need to develop an overall plan to restore the economy in this state. The mimimum wage may, or may not, be a part of that plan. However, if they do address the minimum wage, I hope they do so in a manner that will do more good than harm.
I feel the same, But I have seen some employers take advantage of people before and would hate to see this again by using this as an excuse. What about seasonal jobs. Do employers expect the same employee's to come back for there gains. Not likely.
I really appreciate the input of all you folks!

Tacoma, WA
age: 40
Great point, Wish. Hopefully the risk of rate increases for L&I and Employment Security would serve as an adequate deterrent against abuse if the point system were ever enacted.
You may also be right about Mr. Rossi's perspective regarding minimum wage not being intended as a family wage. As a Project Engineer, I spend my days interpreting Specifications and frequently have to discuss with the project Owner what the 'intent' of the Specifications are. Politicians, and people in the legal field, spend their time interpreting laws. They frequently have to determine the 'intent' of the law in order to apply the law to a specific situation. Since I don't know Mr. Rossi personally, I chose to give him the benefit of the doubt by assuming he was speaking to the 'intent' of the law, rather than voicing an opinion (as the ads have implied).
I've really enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts and opinions. It can be very difficult to discuss politics with people in person. It's not always appropriate and people tend to have very strong feelings about their opinions. Frequently, the discussion quickly degenerates into each person defending their opinion or trying to convert the other person to their way of thinking. Neither party really listens to the other side. It's really nice to be able to 'hear' what everyone thinks.
[Edited 10/18/2008 9:29:44 PM]