El Reno, OK
age: 40
It's because we really don't want to find good guys..We wanna be treated like dirt, have you not call us back or send us that email you promised and break dates with us on a continous bases...And if you believe any of that ranting...I have a bridge by Walt I'll sell you!

New Port Richey, FL
age: 38
Thanks Peaches.I knew I could count on you for the scoop. Just dont forget everything you said is true,but it does go both ways!

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
Yes there are still good men and women out there. I do believe I have found one. And if I can do it so can everybody else. It may not turn into something for her and I, but that's the chance we take. But that doesn't mean she not a good woman.
You still gotta have faith and believe.

Lumberton, NC
age: 51
ya, ya, ya, tell me about it......     ......

New Port Richey, FL
age: 38
I just think people dont try hard enough.Even me included.I'm always looking for that certain person, but heck.I guess I dont give enough into it and then when I do,I meet a sour puss and then say.There's no one out there for me.Mike

Marble Falls, TX
age: 58
Would ONE or MORE of you fine ladies please define "a good man"!! this way we may be able to answer the question without sarcasm .maybe we're not up to standards and have to try harder or maybe we're over the standard "good man"mark and have to cut back,on how nice or good we are.

Coppell, TX
age: 40
I agree, we need to know what the definition is. I for one never cheated, am divorced (She cheated), have worked and provided every day of my adult life and I feel could be considered a "Good Man". I never beat my wife or kids, or have been in a jail. I feel that because I don't have 6-pack abs and a car in the driveway that have a ritzy foreign name on it, puts me at a disadvantage.
Online dating is very hard. We don't know how to get your attention and get a response to our emails. I feel that women have this picture in their mind of the "Perfect" guy. You know; "Someone that will love me, is funny, athletic and treats me right"? You need to be more specific, and be more realistic on your wants. And for gosh sake, if you have not seen the inside of a fitness club and can't put the fork down, maybe that is why you are having the issues you are. I am NOT specifically posting this to anyone on this forum, I am speaking in general terms here (For anyone reading this and wondering the same thing that the first poster was asking)
I am 4 years divorced and tired of the dating, games and just work involved in all this. I wish I was back in high school, at least you could get to know the opposite sex without blowing $75 bucks on dinner and never hear from her again.
*steps off his soapbox*