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10/20/2008 2:40:14 PM I will miss George W. Bush.  

New York, NY
age: 23

Quote from oceans5555:
Three thousand attacks on Americans on September 11, 2001. Over four thousand attacks on Americans in Iraq. Some hundreds in Afghanistan and rapidly rising. Attacks on US diplomats in a half-dozen countries. Hacker attacks on US military computers.

Hundreds of thousands of honorable personnel in the military embarrassed and endangered by being associated with Bush's pro-torture policies.

350 million Americans under economic attack thanks to economic negligence. 350 million Americans under civil rights attacks due to FISA, suspension of habeas corpus, ellegal detention, etc. 350 million Americans lied to repeatedly on the most fundamental issues affecting war and peace.

That's how many attacks there have been on Americans since Bush came to power.


And how many attacks on American lives are from the actions of Lyndon B Johnson, over 50,000?

but will say that America is protected within it's borders. The attacks on American embassies within the Clinton Administration, over 5,000 attacked, Oklahoma City Bombing almost 200 attacked, and The first attempt of blowing up the World Trade Center, over 1000 attacked...

The economic crisis can be argued on many different points, some will say it started with Carter, others with Clinton and more with Bush. Certain people with the beginning of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, other's with other banks and insurance agencies, there is no actual finger to blame at this point... and the press hasn't been able to yet...

I wouldn't say that the Patriot act, FISA and other civil rights issues have stopped most americans from daily lives. Yes there are some infrindgements but out of travelling around the US i have never seen 1 person detained, 1 person be escorted by secret service, or someone taken away by police because of what they have said on the phone or be taken away their civil rights. Maybe i'm just not associating myself with the right people... or maybe i am? Security at airports i guess have slowed people from travelling from all the searches, but i rather be safe and secure then worried... you wonder why EL Al has had a pretty succesful rate of non hijackers, bombs and shootings? because they take the extra precaution and are very successful even with more enemies then America has...

Bush might not have been the best man in his job, but i would not call him the worst either. Pierce would have my vote as one of the worst presidents... which i haven't seen in the line up for worst president, only bush...

10/20/2008 4:20:20 PM I will miss George W. Bush.  
Albuquerque, NM
age: 50

You might see him again

10/21/2008 8:34:31 AM I will miss George W. Bush.  
Albuquerque, NM
age: 50

But will President Bush miss the American people?

10/21/2008 8:58:26 AM I will miss George W. Bush.  

Michigan, ND
age: 47

And I will miss the pimple on my a** too. Bye bye George, don't let the door hit you on the a** on your way out of the
"people's house". He lost sight of that fact.

10/21/2008 10:14:42 AM I will miss George W. Bush.  

Brooklyn, NY
age: 30

I give Bush A+ for being compassionate.he is not a talker he walks a walk.

10/21/2008 10:19:25 AM I will miss George W. Bush.  

Kingston, ON
age: 39 online now!

You won't have to miss him, if he declares martial law and cancels the election!

Just hypothetically sayin'...

10/21/2008 10:20:33 AM I will miss George W. Bush.  

Beaumont, CA
age: 33 online now!

I hear you Lobo. Everyday I get more worried about this.I really hope it wont happen.

10/21/2008 10:42:15 AM I will miss George W. Bush.  

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 51

Quote from jyfranca:
I give Bush A+ for being compassionate.he is not a talker he walks a walk.

Sir, you may well be the only character witness at his trial for crimes against humanity.

How is THIS walking the walk?...

"President Bush has decided to fulfill his campaign promise and significantly increase college financial aid for working and middle-class families. April Fool! Sorry, but the maximum Pell grant—the primary form of federal financial aid—remains at $4,050, more than a thousand dollars under what Bush promised when he was campaigning. Bush actually proposed a $100 increase for Pell grants in this year’s budget—an increase that barely keeps up with inflation. Too bad college costs far outpace inflation.

Today, Bush and the first lady are visiting a school in Washington, D.C., and chatting about their at-risk youth initiative. The “youth” are sure to hear a lot about overcoming the odds, not having sex and making good moral decisions. What struggling students need, however, is not lessons in morality from the Bush family. They need adequate college preparation and financial aid.

The 'Renewing Our Schools, Securing Our Future' education task force recently reported that for every 100 ninth-graders, only 38 percent enter college and only 18 percent earn a college degree by the time they turn 26. This speaks to not only an across-the-board failure to fund education, but also to the Bush administration’s leadership failure over the past four years.

Bush convinced Democrats that he was serious about education reform and got them to sign onto the No Child Left Behind Act, but the president has been ducking full funding of the law since it was enacted in 2002. States are now required to identify schools where students are doing poorly academically, but schools aren’t given the resources they need to help these students. Added up, President Bush is $39 billion behind on money owed to America’s children—millions of students could have received tutoring, after-school programs and other needed assistance if Bush had kept his word on funding NCLB. As long as the “education” president fails to do his job, it should come as no surprise that so few students enter or graduate from college."


[Edited 10/21/2008 10:43:00 AM]

10/21/2008 12:17:47 PM I will miss George W. Bush.  
Albuquerque, NM
age: 50

Quote from indoubt:
I hear you Lobo. Everyday I get more worried about this.I really hope it wont happen.

I wonder if Bush/Cheney declared Martial Law because of the Wall Street chaos and they
want to stay in until the problems are solved...

if the military would back them up?

10/21/2008 3:05:02 PM I will miss George W. Bush.  
Albuquerque, NM
age: 50

There is still almost 3 months left...

so who knows what could happen during this period.

10/21/2008 3:33:51 PM I will miss George W. Bush.  

Monteagle, TN
age: 54

If everyone is lucky, they might let you have a peaceful Christmas so you can get a little rested up for the firework show after the first, when they'll maybe drop a surprise on everyone, who the hell knows.

You are dealing with criminal gangsters and you need to burn some serious midnight oil trying to keep up with their nefarious a** agenda for a total takeover plot to ruin American and enslave the people.

One thing is for certain, they will not concede on their own, if the sheeple don't wake up and say NO to their bullshit and arrest their traitor asses, it's gonna be a cake walk for the criminals and they know it, because they have spent years conditioning your mind to accept slavery and they know you absolutely love it. That way you don't have to make any decisions on your own, you are like putty in their hands.

It makes no difference who is elected, they have their blueprints all drawn up way ahead of time with a backup plan to the backup plan, to subjugate your life. The elected official is a mouthpiece for the Vatican, Illuminati, British Royal Crown, CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Bildibergers.

While you are all fixated on the new presidential candidate doing something about our present day situation, as he is telling you all kinds of shit to convince you to vote for him, they are both on the same team and he knows full well any decisions are absolutely not up to him, he is simply a mouth piece for his mob bosses who are ruling over your lives.

Sleep my little pretty, sleep

10/21/2008 3:40:27 PM I will miss George W. Bush.  
Indianapolis, IN
age: 68

Bush has done some great things, like his efforts for HIV/AIDS in Africa. He was not all bad. Besides, I think he's cute, and I love watching him walk.
But I'll be glad to see Obama take his place. He's very qualified, and not hard on the eyes either.

10/21/2008 4:14:31 PM I will miss George W. Bush.  

Monteagle, TN
age: 54

Quote from mistymochadawn:
Bush has done some great things, like his efforts for HIV/AIDS in Africa. He was not all bad. Besides, I think he's cute, and I love watching him walk.
But I'll be glad to see Obama take his place. He's very qualified, and not hard on the eyes either.

Geezus, you are seriously naive, they created the aids virus in a laboratory in Chicago, it is documented and proven for depopulation control and Africa was the testing ground.

Then they come out and give you information like they are trying to do something about it, when the cure is already at hand. There is a mass eugenics program taking place to end your very life, they are eugenicist, they don't like you. Wake the hell up and get an education. Fast, you and your families very lives depend on it.

10/21/2008 4:59:59 PM I will miss George W. Bush.  
Peoria, IL
age: 54

jewelz, where is your proof or a reference source, please, for your claim that AIDS was created in a petri dish in chicago?

10/21/2008 5:02:02 PM I will miss George W. Bush.  

Beaumont, CA
age: 33 online now!

I dunno but they sure can spread it through medicine

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