10/21/2008 2:46:48 PM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |
Wallingford, CT
age: 41
well you must have done soemthing wrong i have never had that happen to me.. my biggest problem is after we have sex the never want to leave...they just start talkin all that M word nonsense...i wish i could have one screw me silly then leave without makeing the whole commiment thing then takin all the money when they leave...
10/21/2008 4:14:20 PM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |

Edmonton, AB
age: 46
Thats right i went on a third date and then we went back to my house, thats when she pinned me against the wall, and all the love of hates took place, on the wall, in the kitchen and the living room, it was all great she said i was the best lover she ever had!!!! Then i called her the next day and she said we were not compatible ? What the hell i felt so unloved so USED for my efforts, she didn't even stay long enough to try to rob me blind....I layed in the bottom of the shower for three days scrubbing my body with a wire brush..... AHHHH jesus ladies please have the sense to notice a scammer and do not have sex till you get to know someone and their intentions. There would be alot less Whining, and crying about how all men are jerks around here. Take some responsiblity for YOUR OWN actions. Thank you this has been a public service from someone with common sense.
congrats duded she used you for a booty call
10/21/2008 4:18:59 PM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |


Irving, TX
age: 44
Dude, relax. Her viagara wore off. It was still fun, right? Forget the romance and remember that one night sometimes. 

10/21/2008 4:21:07 PM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |

Rocky Mount, VA
age: 46
you poor bastard..
I cant imagine the torture you have been through, having a near perfect stranger grind the hell out of you, and not take anything, or expect any financial support..
I honestly feel what she did was completely unforgivable!!
You know...got to love the sarcasm here....I'm going to say this..and I know it'll come back to bite me....but it sounds like a hellva good time me. I'll admit I've done it...but we didn't call each other...we didn't even know each others name...it wasn't necessary at the time.
10/21/2008 5:44:36 PM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |

Clifton Park, NY
age: 38
Jesus christ this is a play about women complaining what men do, my message was for women to screen there dates before they sleep with someone so they stop men bashing out here on DH ??? lol 
10/21/2008 8:23:39 PM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |


Yukon, OK
age: 34 online now!
sorry guy, but i do the same shit all the time!!! just because someone wants to f**k the shit out of you, doesnt mean she wants be your babys mama!!! cant we just f**k to f**k? i dont understand why there is STILL a doulble standard! guess what? some girls want to just f**k you! why cant you just get f**ked and get over it?
10/21/2008 8:40:53 PM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |


Denton, TX
age: 42
Thats right i went on a third date and then we went back to my house, thats when she pinned me against the wall, and all the love of hates took place, on the wall, in the kitchen and the living room, it was all great she said i was the best lover she ever had!!!! Then i called her the next day and she said we were not compatible ? What the hell i felt so unloved so USED for my efforts, she didn't even stay long enough to try to rob me blind....I layed in the bottom of the shower for three days scrubbing my body with a wire brush..... AHHHH jesus ladies please have the sense to notice a scammer and do not have sex till you get to know someone and their intentions. There would be alot less Whining, and crying about how all men are jerks around here. Take some responsiblity for YOUR OWN actions. Thank you this has been a public service from someone with common sense.
So....you had a problem with that?
10/21/2008 8:41:18 PM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |

Salem, OR
age: 48
been there done that, had it happen to me a few times
10/21/2008 10:12:43 PM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |


Henderson, NV
age: 44
Come on dude, how melodramatic... first of all, the term common sense is an oxymoron because sense isn't common. That's why a f**king blow dryer has a do not emerse warning on it.
My God man, you got worked for some c*ck - be flattered that a woman found you desireable enough to do a reverse sexual manipulation on you. If after three dates you were so hooked on her that you spent any amount of time in mourning then you are one lonely f**k.
This is a case of man bites dog - get over it and fall head over heels with the next chick that gives you three dates.
If this was a reverse dupe then you're not doing any woman a service... if a woman can't tell when she's getting played then she's not looking below the surface. Investigate before you fornicate ladies. Some women just use that as an excuse anyway to justify having her needs met while maintaining her pure as the driven snow status.
10/21/2008 10:32:26 PM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |
Lexington, SC
age: 39
Weeelll to the OP,dude your a friggin douchenozzle,instead of gettin on here whinin about how someone molested you after three dates you should pull that wire brush out of your a** and take yourself in to get tested for STD's cuz it's damn possible you got crotch rot or some nasty shit..
JMO...i'm NOT wrong infinity...
10/22/2008 9:52:40 PM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |
Macon, GA
age: 25
congrats she did to you what most guys do to most girls. just accept it, love the memory and remember it.
toootally agreee with this guy.
have had this happen twice this year.
but i just bask in the glow of sex and move on.

10/23/2008 5:07:48 AM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |

Hinesville, GA
age: 41
You know...got to love the sarcasm here....I'm going to say this..and I know it'll come back to bite me....but it sounds like a hellva good time me. I'll admit I've done it...but we didn't call each other...we didn't even know each others name...it wasn't necessary at the time.
Look I didn't think I needed to tell you my name but I'm at least glad you remembered. By the way, the whole barking dog thing was kinda neat. Thanks for the time.  
10/23/2008 5:20:29 AM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |

age: 44
ILARCO wrote..
"you poor bastard.. ....I cant imagine the torture you have been through, having a near perfect stranger grind the hell out of you, and not take anything, or expect any financial support.. I honestly feel what she did was completely unforgivable!!"
You clever man.  
That's funny.
wisegirl33 - 23 Oct 08 at 1024pm Aest
10/23/2008 9:44:08 AM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |

Hinesville, GA
age: 41
I wonder why you have your profile blocked? It's not really fair to be looked at and not look back. Please be gentle on yourself when you are looking at my shirtless photo I would not want to be responsible for a dehydration incident. 
10/25/2008 6:38:38 AM |
OH my God, You just gotta read this |

age: 44
Lawman -
Who are you posting to ? People close their profile for all kinds of reasons, maybe receiving too much mail and for privacy reasons.
Might be better to include the name of the person who you are writing to.
Regards, wisegirl33 - 25th Oct 08 at 1142pm Aest
1144pm Aest
[Edited 10/25/2008 6:40:24 AM PST]