10/26/2008 5:33:57 AM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |

Durham, NC
age: 51
I love love love Sex and the City. I have almost all of
the cds and the new movie. I have the book and the music.
Some people told me they thought it was porn. Sheesh..
I so disagree. If you watch it you will discover it is
more about relationships and the ups and downs of life.
I adore the girls, their personalities and their fashion
sense. I enjoy the antics of all of them but especially
Samantha, she makes me laugh outloud.
I cannot wait for movie number two to come out.
Which character do you relate to? I am more like Carrie.
Which episode is your favorite?
I hope a few of you are fans as I am.
10/27/2008 11:16:55 AM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |
Livonia, MI
age: 40
I know it's not porn but I just can't relate. It's Hollywood influence. I would rather watch a good suspence movie myself. I don't act that way like they do in "sex and the city". It's for adults I know but young girls watch this show and are influenced. I am a little concerned.
On the other hand it is quite entertaining and has it's silly moments. Yes, it's funny. I like to laugh.
10/28/2008 4:17:02 PM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |

Durham, NC
age: 51
No Sex and the City Fans??! darn....  
11/8/2008 5:57:09 PM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |

Jackson, NJ
age: 41
I enjoy the show alot too. Haven't been catching it much lately and only started watching late night reruns some time ago but then got kind of addicted to it. Had to go see the movie when it came out and I am NOT a movie goer really. I relate most to Samantha myself but don't totally love her on the show always. I enjoy the relationship issues they go through and can relate some things to real life too.
11/9/2008 2:36:06 PM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |

Lincoln, NE
age: 47
Im a Sex and the City fan. love love love that show and have the whole dvd set plus the new movie.
I did an online personality test and it said I was more like Samantha, which kinda freaked me out cause I dont do the things that she does. There is a lot of things about her that I can relate to though.
Im looking forward to the next movie too.
11/14/2008 2:57:34 PM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |


Gretna, LA
age: 27
I LOVE IT. I have all four of the girls' personalities on there. Samantha, Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte. I'm more of a personality type of Carrie and Charlotte rolled into one, but have the other personality types of the other two as well. I've even had the same stuff happen 2 me in some of the things I've watched on the show. I still watch the re-runs of it when I can catch it on TV. 
11/14/2008 4:52:20 PM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |

Brighton, CO
age: 49
Sex in the City.
I like Samantha. She knows what she wants when she wants it. and goes for it.
but I like Carrie's charater the best.
11/15/2008 4:14:40 PM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |
Long Beach, CA
age: 25
I am a big fan as well. I am so Charlotte. A freak in her own way. She's so sweet and wants to settle down. The other weekend I stayed home and watched it all again from season 1 I was having wine and relaxing then it hit me I don't want to be like any of those girls. No man is ever good enough for them. They do entertain me.
My fav part is when samantha '' Me,him and his little d*ck'' lol
11/20/2008 4:13:18 PM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |

Durham, NC
age: 51
My absolute favorite episode is the one where Carrie is in Paris
with the Russian and things are not going well. They get in a fight,
she goes to the lobby, she is down on the floor picking up the loose
diamonds that have fallen off of her necklace and looks up and there is Big.
Their eyes meet. She realizes there and then that she loves him and begins to cry.
This entire episode makes me cry every time I watch it. Also the scene where
Miranda is bathing her disoriented mother in law, and Charlotte finds out
China is finally giving them a baby and Samantha gets her sex drive back
after chemo and
FINALLY Carrie and Big admit their love for one another in Paris!
Love it! Sooooo Sweet! 
11/20/2008 7:26:40 PM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |
Grundy, VA
age: 42
Ok Girls!! Which one of Carrrie's men do yu like the best??? Big??? or Aden??? I like Aden best!!!o
11/21/2008 8:40:35 AM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |

Durham, NC
age: 51
Big of course! He is Tall, dark and handsome and Rich!
Carrie always loved Big even when she was with Aiden.
11/21/2008 3:02:51 PM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |
Grundy, VA
age: 42
Yeah but Aden is young and sexy !!! Tall and has a little boyish innocence a bout him.
11/26/2008 8:36:43 PM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |
Beloit, WI
age: 43
I love sex and the city to! I'm looking for my Mr. big lol
12/25/2008 3:29:39 PM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |

Springfield, OH
age: 47
I love it!! Mr Big cheated on his wife with Carrie and from then on I couldn't like him. But you can't help but root for her to have her true love. I think is Aden is the hunk, maybe not as rich but boyish good looks. I liked him in Greek Wedding too. His smile just melts me. I'd do him if I ever had the chance. I want to see the movie, is Aden in it?
12/26/2008 9:42:29 AM |
Sex and the City, Any Fans?? |


Beverly Hills, CA
age: 49
Samantha hands down, but I do not sleep around.