11/5/2008 8:19:34 PM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |

Leesburg, VA
age: 56
oh stop your chidish ways. Last night in Washington DC, there were, and I repeat, there were NO MURDERS. if that is not progress even for one night, what will it take for you.
Peace is around the corner, and that will be when the world will end. so let's strive for peace so we can get the help out of here..........  Who's childish ways are you referring to?
11/6/2008 3:15:56 AM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |


Alexandria, VA
age: 63
Shootings have declined steadily in DC ever since the Heller decision. Remember, an armed society is a polite society.
Bad guys don't like it when the intended victim can defend herself or himself.
11/6/2008 3:34:17 AM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |


Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
well surely not my own...................  
11/6/2008 6:11:30 AM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |
Chesapeake, VA
age: 53
Well i for one forsee problems in our future, first off let me say there ain`t a racest bone in my body, i treat anyone with respect that respects me.
1. Our boys are dieing fighting in a muslum country, and here at home we elect a man with a muslium name, that is an insult to our dead and wounded.
2. Experience is what we should look at but that was not, now we have a man that has very little experience, controlling the office of the most powerful man in america.
3. If the race was close that would have been one thing, BUT the electrial votes were almost 2 to 1 that alone is drawing many, many, questions.
4. The vast amount of money spent for this election BY both sides was rediculous.
Thats just 4, and do not scold me for my spelling i have been up for 36 hours allready.
I forsee problems, far too many people wanted change so they decided to overlook the experience differences. That lack of experience is going to come back and bite us where the sun don`t shine....
Colin Powell was a man that i highly respected, i would have voted for him as president in a heart beat, but this man never happen, so i hope all those that voted for him do not have to regret it but i really think they will, and the rest of us will have to suffer for there foolishness.
11/6/2008 6:22:23 AM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |
Vinton, VA
age: 35
Regardless of all of our beliefs on who should have been elected President the bottom line is that Obama was elected and now we as Americans have to make the best of it! I personally didn't vote for Obama BUT now that he has been elected we have to deal with the situation. Noone can predict the future we can only hope for the best. I think everyone needs to put their negative feelings aside and look at what THEY can do for their country.
11/6/2008 6:27:08 AM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
11/6/2008 9:10:32 AM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |

Leesburg, VA
age: 56
Regardless of all of our beliefs on who should have been elected President the bottom line is that Obama was elected and now we as Americans have to make the best of it!  I personally didn't vote for Obama BUT now that he has been elected we have to deal with the situation. Noone can predict the future we can only hope for the best. I think everyone needs to put their negative feelings aside and look at what THEY can do for their country.  With you on that one, it is what it is, so we should stand behind the President of the U.S., let's hope for the best
11/6/2008 10:30:05 AM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |


Alexandria, VA
age: 63
Well i for one forsee problems in our future, first off let me say there ain`t a racest bone in my body, i treat anyone with respect that respects me.
1. Our boys are dieing fighting in a muslum country, and here at home we elect a man with a muslium name, that is an insult to our dead and wounded.
2. Experience is what we should look at but that was not, now we have a man that has very little experience, controlling the office of the most powerful man in america.
3. If the race was close that would have been one thing, BUT the electrial votes were almost 2 to 1 that alone is drawing many, many, questions.
4. The vast amount of money spent for this election BY both sides was rediculous.
Thats just 4, and do not scold me for my spelling i have been up for 36 hours allready.
I forsee problems, far too many people wanted change so they decided to overlook the experience differences. That lack of experience is going to come back and bite us where the sun don`t shine....
Colin Powell was a man that i highly respected, i would have voted for him as president in a heart beat, but this man never happen, so i hope all those that voted for him do not have to regret it but i really think they will, and the rest of us will have to suffer for there foolishness.
oBUMo won by only 5% of the popular vote. This was really a close election.
oBUMo has not been sworn in yet.
11/8/2008 10:03:13 PM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |
Chesapeake, VA
age: 53
oBUMo won by only 5% of the popular vote. This was really a close election.
oBUMo has not been sworn in yet.
True BUT the popular vote does not elec presidents, go read about the electrial college at there web site, they state that there.
And the electorial vote was almost 2>1.
The electorial college consist of the house of representatives and senators from each state, look who is in charge at the present, mostly Dems, so it is not surprising that a country mostly run by dems and whos votes count to elect would elect a dem.
11/8/2008 11:05:02 PM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |


Richmond, VA
age: 40
First off, I have to agree with H8tW8tn, Obama won, and that's that. (see that period?) Now, what we need to do is respect him for that. I have read in other threads that people have to earn respect, well, automatically being our President, makes me respect him, he is our 44th? In about 250 years, yes, that deserves respect. (even though I did not vote for him.)
Respect doesn't mean follow blindly though. We obviously have our own opinions.
Now, as far as popular vote VS electoral college goes. The electoral vote is supposed to be a reperesentative of the popular vote, for the state, not the nation, so of course there will be differences in the %'s. Most states give all the electoral votes to whoever wins the popular vote. (there are two that don't.) So, bottom line is, you might win by 1% of the vote in a state, but you get 100% of the electoral votes. What's the difference, either way you won that state.
Could you imagine not using the electoral system back in the 17 and 1800's? To win by popular vote would take forever to count by hand and get the results to DC. We could change to all electronic voting now, and go to a popular vote, but that is up to congress, and who WE put in there.
JMO of course!
11/9/2008 3:30:58 AM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |


Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
I have officialy retired from political discussions as of RIGHT NOW! thank you...
11/9/2008 5:00:31 AM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |

Leesburg, VA
age: 56
I agree, it is over and we should back our President. Thanks Joe for the explanation, you know you remember all that from school and there are things that you kind of think now, "what is a super delegate?". "Exactly what does the electoral vote mean?" But yes, the election is over and behind us, I personally never vote party, and I would really have preferred that both parties had better selections, I was happy that Hilary lost out. I support the President, but lets wait and see at the end of the four years before we praise and or condemn him.
11/9/2008 10:08:41 AM |
So glad when Tuesday will be over |


Strasburg, VA
age: 48
Colin Powell was a man that i highly respected, i would have voted for him as president in a heart beat, but this man never happen, so i hope all those that voted for him do not have to regret it but i really think they will, and the rest of us will have to suffer for there foolishness.
I feel the same way about Colin Powell and yet he broke with his party turned his back on John McCain who he refers to as a life long friend and backed Obama.It is my respect and reverence for the man that makes me want to believe that he felt intellectually and spiritually that Obama was the best choice to lead the nation. It would disappoint me greatly to learn that he committed this possible betrayal because of race or for political gains. This too, only time will tell.