10/7/2007 7:49:24 AM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Cheneyville, LA
age: 62
For a thousand years, the Western Judeo-Christian, authoritarian male-dominant strategy for handling the emotions, the body, pleasure, and our most basic instincts, was to keep them well in check, and generally disavow as best we could any feelings below the waistline.
Freud said that empires were built on the resulting sublimated energy, but the game is over. It turns out there's nothing unspiritual about pleasure, and it's good for your health.
It is instructive to ask just how we ever came to feel so bad about even thinking about feeling good. The passions are so overwhelmingly powerful that religions have been warning you away from them since the dark ages.
The heightened intensity of the sexual experience soon persuades us that it is the most important one in the world. People get carried away, and begin to believe that the next great orgasm is the only important thing in life. People use each other for lust. The most extreme instance is called rape.
When we can't handle our attachments, they enslave us and we enslave others. Yet, ironically, through no other human activity, save dying, is the opportunity for ego-loss, transformation and transpersonal realization so prevalent and powerful as in conjugal love-making.
On the direct path of conscious awareness - The Path With No Obstacles - sexual union naturally also means the union of the continuing practice and its realization. This is what the west has come to refer to as Tantric love. (Ultimately, tantra means more than embracing your physicality: all action, thought, and realization becomes spiritual liberation itself.)
The high art of making True Love is mystical and miraculous beyond comprehension. It inundates your entire being. It delivers you - body and soul - to unimagined heights of ecstasy.
The discovery of the key to the union of spirituality and sexuality is at once a path to, and a gift of Enlightenment. The ultimate consummation of physical love-making is complete transcendental Union. It bestows upon the lovers the experience of a spectacular breakthrough to the Infinite - beyond, but concurrent with our everyday existence.
What begins as duality and polarization within time, climaxes as a shared soul-merging experience of Eternity. A transformation occurs which evolves from desire and passion to a level of total and perfect bliss, otherwise rarely known in human existence.
****** HOW TO MAKE ENLIGHTENED LOVE. (Continued in Part 2)****************
10/7/2007 8:02:35 AM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
Very interesting and absolutely true
Sexuality has always been a tool used by the establishment to control the thoughts and spirit of the masses
With the beginning of the sexual revolution in the 60's we entered a whole new consciousness of human spirituality and freedom
Sex is much more then the exchange of fluids , it is in fact an exchange of physical and ethereal energies , the blending of souls and it can bring enlightenment to this world , providing we think of it as sharing not as a mundane act.
Very good post.
Thank you.
10/7/2007 8:47:52 AM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53 online now!
I accidently read the second part before this thread.
I have my own opinions, which I will keep to myself. They are not negative, except for this one, which I feel compelled to share.
In both threads, "rape" was mentioned as an "implied" result of repressed sexual desires.
I must disagree emphatically. Rape is just the end result of a desire to completely control, overcome, and dominant a woman, to cause her humiliation and many times physical pain. This does not START with "repressed" sexual desires.
At some point in time, this man felt a severe and damaging lack of control, more than likely at the hands of a woman, usually his mother. The type of woman that does this to he son was, probably, so abused by the father (or her father), or other men in her life, all the anger and lack of control she felt, was bestowed upon her son.
She may or may not have abused her son (the rapist), by emotional, or physical means. She may have subjected him to God knows what kind of "things" meant to be demeaning, and keep him under her thumb, and basically robbed him of his manhood. When he finally reaches adulthood, he feels an overpowering urge to to re-claim his manhood by force, sometimes releasing all his pent-up anger on his victim(s). Now, I'm not saying ALL rapists want to "hurt" the woman, but many do. Many, (not all) in order to conform to society's accepted "norms" will repress these urges for years, they will even get married and have children. Then, some day, something happens and "sparks" those repressed memories, and he will then rape.
I am not saying that all this is written in stone, as every instance of rape is different, but the causal factors in many "cases" are the same, BUT....it is a proven fact that rape is a control issue, and is never "sparked" by a womans dress or actions, i.e. when the elderly or a child is raped.
Other than known and documented facts, the above is: JMO JMO JMO
[Edited 10/7/2007 8:54:12 AM]
10/7/2007 10:20:53 AM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Saint Augustine, FL
age: 60
This part is just as goofy as the other. Do I hear drums and bells? Mystical? I think you need to take another hit!
10/7/2007 11:00:32 AM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53 online now!
Another "hit" of what motor????
10/7/2007 11:03:21 AM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Belchertown, MA
age: 57
Interesting outlook...cindy...your outlook thought provoking as well
10/7/2007 12:35:31 PM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Saint Augustine, FL
age: 60
I'm not sure what she might be on. When I hear words like: "On the direct path of conscious awareness - The Path With No Obstacles", I really perk up. I remember hearing language like that in the 60's.
[Edited 10/7/2007 12:36:18 PM]
10/7/2007 12:39:35 PM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Appleton, WI
age: 53
Suzy you look 40 in that picture..wow and are you only 4 ft tall?
10/7/2007 4:55:08 PM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Cheneyville, LA
age: 62
Gawd.... Thank you so much for the nice compliment. I clean up real well I guess. I am 62. That picture was taken just a few weeks ago on a family outing by my daughter-in-law. If I look that young perhaps it's because of her expertise photography.
10/7/2007 5:33:34 PM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
I liked what I could understand..the rest I'm still thinking about but, every single time I see "Freud" I just wanna cringe..I still to this day think he gets way to much credit..jmo
Oh, I don't agree with the rape thing either...it has not a damn thing to do with sex.
[Edited 10/7/2007 5:34:02 PM]
10/7/2007 7:03:32 PM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Appleton, WI
age: 53
Suzy I hope I can look that good at your age..wow
10/7/2007 7:36:35 PM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Willoughby, OH
age: 57
This is way to deep for poor lil ol me.
Suzy ...you are way cute and ........ I hope your mind doesn't work like this.....all the time
Love justEd
[Edited 10/7/2007 8:08:12 PM]
10/8/2007 8:20:40 PM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Rockville, MD
age: 43
Peaches -- Freud is mentioned only in passing. I agree with you about him.
53lady -- rape is also mentioned only in passing. Why go off on that tangent? It's almost the opposite things that's being discussed.
Suzy -- Welcome to DH. We need more of that kind of energy here. My only questions ia why two threads? Simply post the 2nd part as a followup.
10/8/2007 8:32:10 PM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Rush Springs, OK
age: 39
Rape has nothing to do with sexual desire or passion. After I read that I discounted everything else that was said. If one basic fact in a hypothosis can be so wrong how can you rely on any of the rest.
I do agree religion has supressed sexual ecstacy and feelings for its own personal gain through history. As far as Freud, I cant respect anybody who evetnualy turns everything into some kind of incestual relationship.
10/8/2007 9:05:53 PM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Helena, MT
age: 62 online now!
This shit is too deep for me 
10/9/2007 10:35:17 PM |
Sacred Sexuality (Part 1 of 2 posts) |

Rockville, MD
age: 43
Steve, you missed the point entirely. The sentence about rape is really an afterthought, and is introduced to support the opening line in its containing paragraph. You and others may be correct in asserting that it really doesn't belong, but don't let it derail the entire argument. Try reading the post without that sentence.
But with all due respect to the "Rape is not about sex, it is about violence" crowd, I must partially disagree. I agree that MOST of the time that is the case, but sometimes it IS lust gone astray or frustrated. Neither reason is an excuse, but let's recognize that there are two major causes, not just one.