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12/7/2008 1:27:35 AM |
truth or dare |


Eagle, CO
age: 45
ok trix dear.... truth till it hurts! ask away!
12/7/2008 2:02:25 AM |
truth or dare |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 45
ok trix dear.... truth till it hurts!  ask away!
*i have this sixth sense that tells me that you are a russian spy. heh*
okay, truth.
when's the last time you worked out at the gym?
12/7/2008 6:20:09 AM |
truth or dare |


Miami, FL
age: 48
h* Hey there trixie.. Dare me. 
12/7/2008 9:45:29 AM |
truth or dare |


Eagle, CO
age: 45
Haven't you heard trix....? We dismantaled Kgb long ago heh
Ok truth... i have never worked out in a gym.
I run, play golf, but mostly my work keeps me in shape
6-2 190 , slim and strong darlin 
12/7/2008 10:19:36 AM |
truth or dare |

Los Angeles, CA
age: 41
ok cruise,
what's a lie you told, that you lived to regret?
good question...
lied about my past, once
that will never happen again..
i really liked this person, but she went .."digging"
and caught me in a lie
i regretted that because , i ended up losing that person was a dumb mistake, that i regret
cool thread...take care, trixie ..
12/7/2008 9:17:32 PM |
truth or dare |
Lewistown, PA
age: 38
12/7/2008 11:12:56 PM |
truth or dare |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 45
h* Hey there trixie.. Dare me. 
*uh uh fallnstar, i don't do dares, only truths."
12/7/2008 11:22:08 PM |
truth or dare |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 45
h* Hey there trixie.. Dare me. 
*okay i got one, i dare you to tell the truth!* heh
what's your favorite flower, and candy? (yeah, it's a two part question).
12/8/2008 8:59:45 AM |
truth or dare |


Brooklyn, NY
age: 42
In Trixie's case it would be dare.
12/8/2008 3:09:34 PM |
truth or dare |

Wallingford, CT
age: 24
| not afraid ...(yeah right)
12/9/2008 4:56:27 AM |
truth or dare |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 45
In Trixie's case it would be dare.
*hey clubkid, nope i'm only putting out truths here. this should have been called "truth, or truth. i seriously don't want to dare anyone.*
12/9/2008 4:58:23 AM |
truth or dare |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 45
| not afraid  ...(yeah right)
*hey hopefull, okay connecticut.
did you ever get drunk, or high "inside" the movie theatre with your friends?*
12/9/2008 6:07:33 AM |
truth or dare |


Miami, FL
age: 48
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 45
view: posts | threads
joined: Oct. 2008
Quote from fallnstar:
h* Hey there trixie.. Dare me.
*okay i got one, i dare you to tell the truth!* heh
what's your favorite flower, and candy? (yeah, it's a two part question).
That is a hard one, I love flowers..I had gardens in Boston.
Hydrangea, Lilacs, Tulips, **Bleeding hearts, Mimosa, Tulips......Lilly of the Valley .... O.k., I will Stop...
Nope, candy is no big deal.. Maybe a good chocolate . When I was a kid I loved lemon drops.. 
12/9/2008 6:09:24 AM |
truth or dare |


Miami, FL
age: 48
Trixie, Truth.... What is your favorite flower ?
12/9/2008 3:05:09 PM |
truth or dare |

Wallingford, CT
age: 24
*hey hopefull, okay connecticut.
did you ever get drunk, or high "inside" the movie theatre with your friends?*
nope, cant say that i have.. not inside anyway