11/15/2008 9:36:43 AM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |

Laguna Niguel, CA
age: 52
I have met someone this past week from online for coffee. We seem to have many common interests and I sensed some chemistry on both sides. He had posted on Craig's List, seeking FWB for now, and if turns into something more that is cool too. I feel the same way, but indicated I am looking for monagmy - it is so dangerous in 2008 to be sleeping around with multiple partners. He was cool with that.
But, I have to wonder. Guys, if you are looking for FWB would you be willing to enter into an exclusive situation?
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11/15/2008 9:48:44 AM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |
Clinton, NC
age: 48
I have met someone this past week from online for coffee. We seem to have many common interests and I sensed some chemistry on both sides. He had posted on Craig's List, seeking FWB for now, and if turns into something more that is cool too. I feel the same way, but indicated I am looking for monagmy - it is so dangerous in 2008 to be sleeping around with multiple partners. He was cool with that.
But, I have to wonder. Guys, if you are looking for FWB would you be willing to enter into an exclusive situation?
First of all, is he married? If so, that isn't exactly monogamous.
If you know for sure, which would mean you can go to his house, call him at home anytime, etc.. that he isn't married, then the answer is maybe.
It all depends on the guy, FWB's are no different then any relationship. There are "rules" and either both of you can/will follow them or you won't.
Bottom line, if you like being around this guy and he provides you with what you want, and he is what he says he is, go for it, have fun, and be safe.
Good Luck

11/15/2008 9:50:16 AM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |

Laguna Niguel, CA
age: 52
He has been divorced since 2002. Ex and kids are in Utah (ex is from Utah). Just gonna have to see how it plays out. But one thing's for sure....no glove no love.
11/15/2008 9:57:38 AM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |


Brooklyn, NY
age: 43
In some cases it can be but don't plan on it.
11/15/2008 10:25:27 AM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |
Fort Mohave, AZ
age: 50
sure, but that wont make it safe
11/15/2008 10:49:29 AM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |

Jackson, NJ
age: 43
I think it's possible. If I found what I was looking for in a NSA FWB relationship (totally found the guy I wanted to share that with) my intention is to be exclusive with him and not at all about it being a commitment but just about being happy with what I have with him. So far it's just be a fair tale and fantasy. But YES I do believe it is possible.
11/15/2008 12:16:32 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |


Port Saint Lucie, FL
age: 62
Had one but unfortunately, while I was having fun, he fell in love with me (imagine THAT!!!)

11/15/2008 2:45:30 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |


Brenham, TX
age: 46
11/15/2008 3:34:09 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |

Laguna Niguel, CA
age: 52
FWB...you are buddies who also have sex. This guy I am going out with a little later tonight shares so many of the same interests I want to retain a friendship no matter what. Will have to see what happens.
11/15/2008 3:50:04 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |

Guntersville, AL
age: 40
friends with benefits !!!
11/15/2008 3:53:16 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |
Guntersville, AL
age: 30
Your wanting to get in it. Is what it sounds like.
11/15/2008 3:56:43 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |

Laguna Niguel, CA
age: 52
Sure but the question is whether people going into a FWB can do so monagmously. I have stated that is what I am looking for and he said he is cool with it. But, the instinct is to not trust.....
11/15/2008 8:32:03 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |
New South Wales
age: 37
GO WITH INSTINCT, you will wish you did later, trust me
11/15/2008 10:02:11 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |

Elk Grove, CA
age: 46
I agree...you have to trust your gut instincts and your first impression. Read the book Blink. Don't talk yourself out of your feelings and instincts. That is how smart women get in troubled relationships. We talk ourselves out of trusting our gut instinct.
11/15/2008 10:07:16 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |


Alpharetta, GA
age: 36
It can be. It depends on if both are equally on the same page.
11/15/2008 10:18:27 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |

Noblesville, IN
age: 30
The concept of FWB isn't ment to be monogamous. It's a nice way to say f*** buddy. Although I think it is possible, I do not think it's realistic. An FWB relationship is an easy out clause. You enjoy each other's company, but when they're not around, you're not with that person, so each party is free to see other people. Usually if you're trying to maintain an exclusive sexual relationship with another person, more emotions tend to get involved, and one person will usually end up getting hurt.
11/16/2008 4:37:51 AM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |
Reserve, NM
age: 41
Another thing to consider, what happens when either of you find someone that you want to be more with? If you are monogamous with your FWB then you have to stop the benefits part of that relationships. Will you be able to retain a friendship?
11/16/2008 5:24:49 AM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |


Ekron, KY
age: 39
Friends with Bennies is a tricky situation, as many pointed out, emotions have to be put in check. Not to sound like as ass, but FWB is a "contract" of sorts. Once one wants more than FWB, it is time to reconsider the agreement.
It can be done, and sometimes is just what a person needs....or both LOL. You just need to ensure what the final outcome is going to be. Is it strictly FWB, or are you just skipping the whole "Lets be friends first" thing?
FWB is almost as touchy as a 5 pound block of C-4 LOL
11/17/2008 3:36:00 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 45
Friends with benefits! I think this is what I have!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Meet someone about 2 months ago online and we click. Have a great deal in common and have fun when we are together. However, he has said to be he likes dating and wants to continue but he is not looking for a committed relationship. I get it now. Dating is just that, no committment, just friends with benefits. I thought this would bother me but to be honest I am a little relieved. At least I know he is not ready to get married because I am not where near that. Thanks so much for all the talk about FWB! It sure helped me.
11/17/2008 6:34:43 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |

Laguna Niguel, CA
age: 52
I had a great time with this guy Saturday. No matter what, I can I want to remain friends regardless. So, for now, we are doing the "benefits" thing plus friendship, but if either he or I decide we want go elsewhere for benefits, I am hoping we can stll retain the friendship. Just got an email from him tonight - said he was tied up this coming weekend, but wants to get together the weekend after Thanksgiving. I did not ask what he is doing this weekend. Some women would ask now, but not me. He knows I want this FWB to be monagamous, so I am presuming he is going to adhere to that and that he has other stuff going on, not a woman. When I do see him again, I will ask what he was up to that weekend and on Thanksgiving, more in the context of making conversation, not an interrogation.
Works for me. Gives me some time to hang out with friends and stuff. Really sorta ideal for me at this point in time.
11/17/2008 6:46:03 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 63
I never understood FWB and expecting to be the exclusive person in the other person's life. FWB is just another way of saying--friend--I got me a date--be back later. It isn't a committed relationship---so it is casual sex without any strings attached--and YOU or the guy can go out and do whatever with whomever you choose to. committed partners do not do this activity. FWB means either or both of you do not want to try hard enough to have a relationship--and ITS BETTER THAN BEING ALONE. You may be monogamous for a while--but someone will screw it up--and then the trouble starts. And you will never know about your man's monogamy--don't be surprised if he is lying. How would you know??? because he says he is not fooling with 3 or 4 others?? Please--get a clue---and a blood test. Good luck and be happy.
[Edited 11/17/2008 6:47:14 PM ]
11/17/2008 8:00:39 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |

Overton, TX
age: 49
do not kid your self...
FWB.. is not or ever will be monogamous..
so when SHE comes along...
most men or women, will not say.. anything for a long while...
till they are sure.. its the real deal...
and yea, most likely they will be sleeping with you and her...
if you do this... so do the CONDOM thing...
scary though... i get a kick on these web sites, about
people doing every one, and willing to do this one or that one..
but the reality.. i believe is that most REAL adults, haven't got
some in a very long time... male or female. just because of
AIDS, HERPES II VIRUS, and genital warts ect...
I know its hard, and you are an adult, but unless you crawl up this
males butt.. (meaning his daily life, and know when , where , he is or going
to be), your putting your self at risk...
the choice of course is yours.
11/18/2008 9:29:54 AM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |


Brenham, TX
age: 46
OK .. now that I know what FWB are ....
I doubt it ... one or the other will be looking at it for what it really was. 
11/18/2008 5:59:02 PM |
Can a FWB be monagamous? |
Lexington, NC
age: 48
No it can not be. If they cheat on there spouse they will cheat on you I know this because it happen to me and now I do not want FWB what so ever.