Benton Harbor, MI
age: 23
Freedom for me is a blank page and tha writing tool of my choice.
With these things I can put my deepest thoughts and feelings into tha Words that will decide who Loves or who hates me. This is what tha thrill is supposed to be here on this site. When you write someone your deepest thoughts, it's a very intensely exciting experience almost akin to stripping nude for their eager eyes, but with tha security of distance and anonymity to shield you from their judgement.
I wish often I could find a person to talk to about tha current politics that keep tha ghetto concepts of Amerika in effect, but whites mostly deny its existance and black women are usually too skeptical or cynical to talk to a "whiteboy" about tha racism that afflicts tha governing body and social paradigms of our country. All I see is "intelligent" in yall' preferences but nobody wanna test tha waters they been thirsting for. But how do you describe tha flavor of honey to somebody who never tasted anything sweet before? I gotta be patient and let yall sample tha succulence of Understanding at your own pace.

Bloomsburg, PA
age: 19
ok buddy ummm u spelled ur own united states name wrong ITS AMERICA wow and umm yeah
love always

Lynnwood, WA
age: 43

Belchertown, MA
age: 57 online now!
Whats up with the AmeriKa, with a K...this was no misspelling
and political and social paradigms...in a relationship forum???
[Edited 10/9/2007 3:51:34 PM]

Austell, GA
age: 22
Ok guy,
this "whiteboy" fights for your freedoms you have. Don't be so judgemental.

Benton Harbor, MI
age: 23
And leave it to tha white people tha white rap artist was not addressing to put in they very undesired comments    

Canyon, TX
age: 46
Freedom is still a blank page...It is all in how You use it..
I prefer the psychedlic and you...
Get it...
or not...