Downers Grove, IL
age: 26
seriously girl...change ur #.... and stay the hell away from those people!!!!!!!!!
They sound like they both have some severe issues...
if you continue to help this guy out, I only see something really bad happening to you...
stay away from them at all costs...

Mount Holly, NC
age: 37
sara please dont go to his house even if you have a friend to go with you.listen to you gut.Its telling you to run as fast and as far as you can.its only a matter of time before he snaps and does some thing realy bad to you.in his eyes your his life and without you he has nothing to live for.not good..I will pray for you to make the right chioce.just stop every thing with him before you end up hurt or worse.take care i wish you the best of luck.

Appleton, WI
age: 53 online now!
I aagree..STAY AWAY change your number and leave them alone. If you dont listen to the advice given here..Then dont go alone..take another man with you..brother, uncle, dad someone! You need to rid yourself of this guy..he doesnt need anyone to take care of him he needs to learn to stand on his own 2 feet. He will never grow up if he cant make mistakes and learn from them..Its not your place to enable him. A very unhealty situation