12/10/2008 10:22:18 AM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |

Houston, TX
age: 31
thanx!! i figure settle it now before it's too late!!

12/11/2008 4:52:53 AM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |

age: 24
if bullshit were music, you'd have your own orchetra
12/11/2008 11:49:42 AM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |

Houston, TX
age: 31
if bullshit were music, you'd have your own orchetra
is that supposed to be directed @ me??
next time put a name with who you make the statement towards!!

12/14/2008 11:38:39 AM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |
Memphis, TN
age: 32
Describe girl versus woman. Nah, really, I can't stand meeting a woman's kids to find out they are nothng but little brats anyway.
12/15/2008 10:15:32 PM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |

Huntington Beach, CA
age: 44
I think it is disgusting that parents have lack of control over their own kids.
It's easier for them to turn the other way and pretend they don't know what is going on.
When the children get older and get into legal problems, the parents then ask what happened or what went wrong....dahhhhh
I have on occassions, approached a parent and told them to control their kids or I will and it's fair game because I am the same height as the kid I end it with they should be ashamed of themselves and they have no right to be a parent.
12/21/2008 11:01:19 AM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |

Bremerton, WA
age: 59
I have raised 2 female children who are both grown & one has her own family. I also raised one of grandchildren for 4 yrs. When I 1st got her I couldn't take her any where without a battle. So one day I arranged for my friend to babysit while i went shopping but before i dropped her off at my g-friends. I told my 4 yr old granddaughter i was going shopping but that her behavior on our shopping trips had been unexceptionable & we went over some of the behaviors. Then i told her that today she could not go with me because of her previous behaviors. She begged to go but i stood my ground. My g-friend knew she would have her hands full for about 1 hr.
I went shopping, came by & picked the granddaughter up. All the way home she said " I'm sorry grandma I won't act out in the store any more. Please let me go shopping". I said" thank you for saying your sorry" and maybe soon you can go with me.
A few days later i took her to one store with me & she did behave.
A few days after that I took her & she was horrible. So I called my friend from the store (no cell phones then) & asked her if she was able to watch my granddaughter again. She said yes, so i left my cart & took her by the hand & we went to the car. She said, " where are we going?" So i said, " well honey your not having a good day with me while we shop so your going to Sara's house for a few hours and then I'll come pick you up like before." Of course i got the "no grandma I'll be good I promise" and the tears but she went to the babysitters.
Now after this when she realized that i would no longer keep shopping and put up with her antics she never gave me a serious problem in public again. If she did start to get out of hand i would just say " do we need to leave the store or do you think you can start behaving so we can do this together?"
I didn't have to spank her or yell at her. I just provided a safe environment for her to be while i did the shopping. I stood my ground, let her know i was in charge & that she must behave and all without the spanking, screaming & threats that i see going on everyday that i go into public today. Parents need to be humane, responsible & firm. It is the parents job to teach, protect & influence the children to become a part of society that is acceptable. You don't have to make them be little cookie cut outs but there is only so much you can be willing to put up with. Part of protecting your child is not to expose them to every person you meet or have a date with.
12/21/2008 11:17:12 AM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |


Sioux Falls, SD
age: 44
Too many today have the attitude that you can't discipline your children because you'll damage their ego...............bs.........
I'll have no tails wagging the dogs in my home. I am the adult, the parent, the person that willingly accepted the responsibility to raise productive, respectful adults from my children. They WILL not always like me, and I am cool with that because I am their parent first and friend second. Something my ex never 'got'.
12/23/2008 2:28:17 PM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |
Childersburg, AL
age: 35
if the parent doesn't raise them then who will.
12/23/2008 10:14:06 PM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |
‘alam Lek
age: 89
Well first of all I don't know why your discriminating towards "girls" as opposed to "women"..........???:/ (They're both annoying equally)
[Edited 12/23/2008 10:14:40 PM PST]
12/24/2008 3:23:46 AM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |

Marion, IL
age: 40
whenever my kids get outa line i just grab the truty louisville slugger and starghten them out! "just kidding"
kids will be kids but mine were brought up to be respectful, decent human beings. yes they do color outside the lines sometimes but its our jobs as parents to put them back on the straight and narrow and make sure they learn from there misstakes! i dont believe in abusing your children and ive never had to spank, or hit mine! good children are a by-product of good parents!
3/11/2009 12:33:33 AM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |

Norwich, CT
age: 40
Children push boundaries all the time. It is up to us to set them as parents, are they going make mistakes, step out of line from time to time? Hell yeah. But mine always know, I will not turn a blind eye to it either. I feel my kids are direct reflection of how I raise them, and of our family. I have been asked by them why I don't do like other parents, just say, "don't do it again", and they have no consequences, NOT happening! In the long run, they have told me later on, at least they know I care.
My almost thirteen year old, asked me about piercing her lip recently! One of her friends parents took their child to have it done, I heard of some even taking them at like sixteen for a tat! I fully do not understand, nor agree with any of it. When they are grown they can make those choices, not till then.
I think sometimes, you see kids running wild, NOT because parents don't want to put the work in. It's a lot of them working so hard to make ends meet, that the kids get a little too much freedom, not enough supervision, or parents attention. Which is a shame. A lot of those kids, end up getting in all kinds of trouble, and think it is a matter of "bad" attention is better than none at all.
3/11/2009 1:55:50 PM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |

Nampa, ID
age: 55
I was taught to respect my elders. When I meet someone with children who I consider to be out of control, I make it through the situation and then I tell them we are not compatible.
3/11/2009 8:28:15 PM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |

Nashville, TN
age: 61
I wouldn't date anyone who had unruly children for sure. Another thing: I think parents in general whose kids won't mind and who are disruptive in public places — restaurants in particular — should find a sitter. There is nothing I dislike more than to be out with someone special and trying to enjoy a nice evening only to have someone's brat running up and down the aisle jabbering. If you can't control your kids, leave them at home.
Rant over!
3/11/2009 8:30:17 PM |
How do you feel about girls..not women with uncontroled children? |


Beaumont, CA
age: 33
What drives me nuts is uncontrolled men