10/25/2007 6:59:50 AM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 70
I was listening to the news that was coming across the airwaves, while eating breakfast. An interesting tidbit that turned into a full course roundtable discussion. It stemed from the fact, of which I had not even heard of, but apparently Ellen DeG. broke down in tears over a dog. Well, the conversation turned to other people crying, N Y announcer. when Yankees lost, Dan Rather and others on 9/11 etc. But, then it got warm, that Men should not cry, period, no way, no how. A couple other cases on crying and then I will open it up for you folks while I away for a few hours. Tammy Faye Baker on PTL, Jimmy Swaggert, while confessing his sins for indiscresions, Jon Stewart, David Letterman on Ellens dog. The point here is NOT religion etc. But, when and where, and if you are allowed to Cry. 
[Edited 10/25/2007 7:03:32 AM]
10/25/2007 7:33:38 AM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Townsend, MT
age: 60
If you hit your finger with a hammer NO .If you are watching your new grand baby being born YES ! If you get your pecker cault in you zipper YES !!!

10/25/2007 7:48:23 AM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
10/25/2007 10:01:34 AM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Seymour, IN
age: 61 online now!
Not a matter of being allowed, crying is spontaneous reaction.
10/25/2007 10:55:42 AM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Duncan, OK
age: 67
Bottom line, if u feel like crying , go for it , who cares who u r?

10/25/2007 10:56:09 AM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

North Augusta, SC
age: 50 online now!
If a man 'lets' me see him cry, I know he has feelings....in fact it enears me to him...most men try to hide their sorrow, hurt, most anything that their daddy told them to hide....they were brought up believing it showed some type of weakness............well that's a lodad of crap!!!! 
I hate to see when fathers tell their sons "Be a man, son, real men don't cry!"
Here's a tip fellas.......Daddy was wrong!!!!!
Women are mostly about feelings (emotions).....crying and laughing are the best way (except for love) a man could ever show me he has "true" feelings....
unless, of course, it's other things in private!!
10/25/2007 11:31:53 AM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58 online now!
This is so cool for on MySpace my quote is:
Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion.
I myself prefer to laugh since there is less cleaning up to do
afterward........Kurt Vonnegut
It's expressing a feeling and no one should feel they need permission or ashame to do that
10/25/2007 11:38:41 AM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
Men cry,
like the saying,
Never let them see you sweat,
I cry everyday, right hear in my heart,
nobody ssees it,
but the pain is there,
none the less.
All I got to do is have somethin happen to my dogs
and I would cry like a baby.
after men cry, we usaully get mad about somethin, and then it aint pretty.
Sadness has no sexual preference.
10/25/2007 12:20:27 PM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Grants Pass, OR
age: 51
No.I don't buy it, except for women and children.I've had many women tell me a man should cry and then thier man does and when he ain't around they tell me he was like a little girl what's wrong with him.They may say it but I don't buy it.
I learned how I was brought up by a little boy.All the kids hung around my place to play.A little boy came running to me crying and said Rick I hurt myself.He had fell and scraped his hands.I got a cold wash cloth and cleaned him up.Without thinking I told him don't let the little girls see you cry, be a man.He looked up at me and said "but Rick I ain't a man, I'm a little boy" like to broke my heart. I said honey you go ahead and cry all you want.The little ones teach us if we listen.It's just too late for a ol dog like me.Way too set in my ways.
10/25/2007 1:48:42 PM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
I don't even cry in front of anyone lol
10/25/2007 1:55:07 PM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Appleton, WI
age: 53
dasnickster That is too darn funny
If a man cries I cry too LOL
10/25/2007 2:08:53 PM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Utica, NY
age: 60
10/25/2007 2:16:19 PM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Utica, NY
age: 60
When my middle son got married, my oldest son spoke about how courages he thought his younger brother was and how he admired him because he could express his feelings and wasn't "afraid" to cry.  
10/25/2007 4:02:48 PM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Tioga, PA
age: 66 online now!
I think real men w/a real heart can cry. I believe it is what boys are told when little that makes or breaks them. I taught my son it was ok to cry,and have seen him cry. Why should it be just women who have that right?
It releases a lot of stress also----so yes men cry all you want----i love it---lotsafuninpa 
10/25/2007 4:04:47 PM |
Crying, Is it permissable for men to cry |

Birmingham, AL
age: 29
it is hard for me to cry, alot of times I'll want to cry, but tears don't flow