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2/3/2009 6:51:21 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Granite Falls, NC
age: 49 online now!

I met a great guy online about a year alot. We talked on line for a few weeks then by phone. We made tentative plans to meet near his home in TN...I live in WNC. He never called back.

Being on my Outlook contact list....occasionally as I forward funny e-mails I have received, I must have sent him one last Thursday night because I came home from work on Friday to an e-mail from him telling me that the e-mail was funny. He also mentioned that he has some jobs starting in NC soon (he owns a construction company) and would like to meet me if i still wanted to meet him. We exchanged several e-mails on Saturday and he asked me to call him. I still had his phone number in my cell phone. We spoke by phone and after telling me that he has zero plans for this weekend, we decided that I would drive over Friday afternoon and stay until Sunday. He told me to call him the next day (Sunday) and that we would talk more during the week. I got his voice mail on Sunday....sent him an e-mail Monday morning saying that I sorry I missed him by phone and I'd talk to him soon. I haven't heard anything yet and I'm getting nervous that he's going to ditch me again and I've already asked for Friday afternoon off from work and made arrangements for my daughter.....signhelp::

2/3/2009 6:54:45 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Over 4,000 Posts! (4,587)
Sacramento, CA
age: 63

Forget this clown and move on. You are too good to put up with this.

2/3/2009 6:56:07 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,748)
Toms River, NJ
age: 50

i would hate to make any assumptions for you,,but if you dont see a years worth of red flags waving at you,,good luck,,maybe his wife or current lady changed her plans for the weekend ?,,,,,,,,,,,,,it is often what are we doing to ourselves?

2/3/2009 6:57:43 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (10,221)
Omaha, NE
age: 53

i can never figure out guys Sounds like he has good intentions or is a pathetic liar....take your pick. I'd tell work that i didn't need friday afternoon off sense wasting vac time or losing hours for a big fat "maybe"...
forget it and move on..

2/3/2009 6:59:17 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Durham, NC
age: 34

ditto to what everyone has said. Things do come up, but man, this is ridiculous.

2/3/2009 6:59:57 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,340)
Magalia, CA
age: 53

It doesn't sound good at this point..I usually wait until wed, if I haven't gotten a solid thumbs up by then, I scratch the plan and make other plans..

2/3/2009 7:01:50 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,607)
Mesquite, TX
age: 34

FORGET HIM!! Not worth your time!! Know your worth!! Waste of time!

2/3/2009 7:14:37 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Over 7,500 Posts!! (8,135)
Irving, TX
age: 44

I say you dump me . . . um, I mean him.

Seriously, dump him.


2/3/2009 7:22:20 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Houston, TX
age: 48

Just when you thought you had followed all the rules, he goes and changes them. Move on Hon....he's not worth your time or energy!

[Edited 2/3/2009 7:22:56 PM PST]

2/3/2009 7:22:34 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Lakeville, MN
age: 39

He sounds like he is married or living with someone. He only calls at his convienence. Dump him.

2/3/2009 7:27:30 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Over 7,500 Posts!! (8,462)
Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 38

do yourself a favor and since you already have friday off take your daughter out for lunch or take her out of school early and make it a mother daughter day.let her go on her weekend she already has planned......and so does the 'sitter'.saturday go do something you enjoy and while you're out pick up something special for the sitter.finish the day with a nice bubblebath and a massage.when you pick your daughter,give that gift and you'll make a couplke people you'll have no worries for a sitter in the future

2/3/2009 7:39:47 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Lincolnton, NC
age: 44

Think back to the tone of the conversation when the two of you agreed to meet for the weekend. Do you believe he was as in to the meet as you are or was he just feeling obligated? Who brought it up about meeting? After considering the conversation, if you still feel it was something he wanted to do and not something you may have , unintentionally, pressured him into then JUST WAIT and see what happens towards the end of the week. Don't burn any bridges and if he blows you off just do something good for yourself since you already have plans for work and a babysitter. Don't jump to conclusions, stop worrying, and be patient. It's only a few more days. Hang in there.

2/3/2009 7:54:45 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Nashville, TN
age: 61

There may be some legitimate explanation for this dude's behavior, but if I had to guess, he's a bullshitter. And you are

2/3/2009 7:56:18 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  

Bozeman, MT
age: 53

I'm sorry this happened to you, something similar happened to me also. I was corresponding with a man from this site, we emailed each other all the time, talked on the phone, and he would continue to tell me he wanted to meet me. Three times we set dates to meet, only to have him cancel them. I emailed him during the last quarter of the Superbowl, he responded today, saying he was dating someone, and she was upset by my email, all I talked about was the game. I can understand why she would be upset though. He's dating her, and emailing me. I'm not going to be the other woman for any man. Never have and never will. Some men just like to play games. There are several men here for the right reasons, those are the ones we need to focus on finding. I hope and pray we both find the one we're looking for.

2/3/2009 8:04:18 PM What Is This Guy Doing To Me?  
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 50

Hi Cindy from Karly. I'm fifty and have dated more than I want to admit. Honestly, I'd move on, not dwell. Easy said, isn't?! Sounds like you hooked a fly fish in the sea of eternal possibilities who migrates around at whim. If looking for a relationship, why settle for anything less than a man worth a commitment. Sorry, he doesn't sound like one. And, it seems like he will just keep repeating the behavior if he does return, which only results in resentments, anxiety, and lonely times. In other words, I wouldn't be taken advantage of like this. You are teaching him he can put you on hold and come around when he wants. I would tell him NO, NO, and NO. You are no longer available because you want a man around who really wants your companionship on a routine basis. I am a true believer that when a man really wants a woman, she doesn't have to lift a finger. My father told me this when young and I have found his words of wisdom to be consistently right on the money. When they want you, they are Johnny on the spot if capable of a monogamous union. Hope that wasn't too depressing. Just one perspective from sister soul on the internet. Just that you have to ask the question says it all! Hope he proves me wrong.