2/9/2009 3:27:33 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Oregon, OH
52, joined Aug. 2008
9 Tips For Decoding Body Language
Learn The Secret To Male Body Language
Much of human communication is expressed through body language, flirting included. It is not enough to flirt through words, as words can seem fake or dishonest if they do not match the nonverbal message that is being sent. Men as well as women utilize body language flirting all the time, often subconsciously. Yet what good does it do for a man to flirt if the woman does not recognize the flirting for what it is? Here are nine tips for decoding the sometimes confusing world of men’s body language flirting.
1. He Attempts to be the Alpha Male
Men are raised with the belief that women are most attracted to the dominant male in a room. Biologically, this makes sense, as female animals seek out males that are likely to be good providers and pass along excellent genes. The rules and customs of modern society, of course, generally outweigh these biological instincts. When it comes to flirting, however, we tend to revert to our more primitive instincts.
Many of a male’s attempts at body language flirting may simply go unnoticed, or may be misinterpreted. A woman may see a man who struts around a room or attempts to make others appear subordinate as a jerk. He may, as a peac*ck does, simply be using a primitive form of body language. Of course, whether you respond to this type of flirting is entirely up to you.
A slightly more refined version of Alpha Male body language flirting involves carving out personal space. He will settle himself into a seat and spread out his personal belongings. Keys, cigarettes, any items that he has readily available will be placed on the table.
These actions send the signal that he has carved out his territory.
2. He Catches Your Eye
When a man is ready to flirt, he will scan the room for available females. If he catches your eye, it is a sign of interest. His gaze will pass quickly over women that he does not find attractive. If a cute guy catches your eye, let your eye contact hold for just a few seconds, then look away. If you are not interested hold the gaze only long enough to let him know that you saw him and then turn away. When he sees that you maintained eye contact momentarily, he will know that you are also interested in him.
At this point, he may be interested in approaching you. If he starts in your direction, encourage him with a warm smile. You do not want to appear desperate or needy, but friendly and approachable expressions are important. Catch his eye again and then drop your gaze.
3. He Approaches You Confidently and Respectfully
If a man is truly interested in you, he will respect your personal space. A shy or insecure guy may not approach at all, or will show hesitation and nervousness. There is nothing wrong with flirting with a shy guy, but realize that confidence does not necessarily equal c*ckiness. If a guy is a jerk, or only interested in hooking up with you, he will invade your personal territory too quickly. Feel free to give this type of guy the cold shoulder.
A guy who wants only to flirt and get to know you will allow you to take the lead in the next step. He will remain standing and introduce himself. He may ask if he can join you, but will wait for your invitation before sitting down.
4. He Demonstrates Active Listening
Once you are in a conversation with a guy, his body language flirting will be evident by the way he responds when you speak. He will turn his body towards you slightly. He will make eye contact, nod and show other signs of actively listening to the things you say.
5. He Subtly Enters Your Personal Space
Most Americans follow the three foot rule. We are most comfortable when others stay outside of our three foot personal bubble. In a crowded room, we can tolerate others who come somewhat closer, and sitting at a bar table may bring two people quite close together. Nonetheless, even if the personal bubble shrinks it does not disappear. If a man enters your personal bubble in a slight and subtle way, it is a clear sign of body language flirting. He may shift in his seat to come closer to you, or lay a personal item such as his keys on the table close to you.
6. He Initiates Touch
Unless the guy is a creep, your first physical contact will be subtle and almost accidental. He may brush your shoulder slightly when gesturing, bump your knee with his or make some other contact that you might barely notice consciously.
Subconsciously, however, this is a sign that the guy is interested in getting to know you better.
7. He Ignores His Cell Phone
This is a clear body language flirting sign. Most men, like women, are conditioned to reflexively respond to stimuli. If the cell phone rings, he will answer it. Purposely ignoring or turning off his cell phone sends a clear signal that he finds you more interesting than whoever might be calling. This is a big step and may not occur during an initial meeting. If it does, it is a definite sign that you have captured his imagination.
8. He Takes Things Slowly
If a man is only looking for a hookup partner, he will rush through the stages of flirting. His goal is to meet a like-minded woman and move on to other activities. However, if he is sincerely interested in you, he will move slowly. He will let you set the pace. He may throw out small clues that he is interested in progressing, but he will see if you are amenable before proceeding. He is patient and willing to accomplish nothing more than a conversation with a fascinating woman.
Some women misread these cues and assume that if a man is not trying to grope her by the end of the evening, he is not interested. In fact, it is often the opposite. If his actions signal body language flirting, and he is patient and willing to progress slowly, odds are good that he has respect for you.
9. His Goodbye is Warm and Friendly
When you part company, a man who is flirting with you will smile warmly and appreciatively. He will likely ask for your phone number, and his eyes will show appreciation if he receives it. He will open the door for a hug by finding another excuse to subtly touch you, but will most likely not initiate the hug. If he does, it will be a warm, friendly hug as opposed to an attempted groping. He will maintain eye contact while he tells you how nice it was to meet you.
Body language flirting is complex. Men and women often have very different ways of flirting through body language. This can lead to confusion or unnecessarily hurt feelings when each assumes that the other is not interested. Therefore, it is important to understand how men flirt. Understanding men’s body language flirting techniques can make you more likely to correctly interpret a man’s signals.
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2/9/2009 3:30:43 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Ottawa, ON
42, joined Jan. 2008
10. When he wants sex.. he will show you his erect penis.
This usually signifies that the male is ready and desiring some sexual activity.
Some women get confused when encountering an erect penis and have no clue how to handle themselves. Take note that it's your responsibility to maintain lubrication.. not the man's.
2/9/2009 3:34:37 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Oregon, OH
52, joined Aug. 2008
OMG your hilarious...if a female doesn't know what to do with an erect penis than maybe she needs it shoved up her ass...therefore she might know what to do the next time
2/9/2009 3:36:57 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |
Gainesville, FL
50, joined Jan. 2009
Pretty damned good assesment actually. A guy who shows ALL those is definately interested.
2/9/2009 3:46:42 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |
Springfield, VA
54, joined Jan. 2009
I found this very interesting. Thanks for posting.
2/9/2009 3:52:44 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Frederick, MD
53, joined Oct. 2008
10. When he wants sex.. he will show you his erect penis.
This usually signifies that the male is ready and desiring some sexual activity.
Some women get confused when encountering an erect penis and have no clue how to handle themselves. Take note that it's your responsibility to maintain lubrication.. not the man's.
2/9/2009 3:55:14 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Omaha, NE
57, joined Nov. 2007
OMG your hilarious...if a female doesn't know what to do with an erect penis than maybe she needs it shoved up her ass...therefore she might know what to do the next time 
that was a bit of a crude comment!
2/9/2009 4:08:20 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Oregon, OH
52, joined Aug. 2008
that was a bit of a crude comment! 
YOU should know me by now...and I was dealing with Eddy
2/9/2009 4:49:12 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Rockford, IL
42, joined Dec. 2008
Hey Bevzie! Thanks for posting. You always post such educational information. Keep em coming!
2/9/2009 5:04:47 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Bakersfield, CA
47, joined Feb. 2007
OMG your hilarious...if a female doesn't know what to do with an erect penis than maybe she needs it shoved up her ass...therefore she might know what to do the next time 
Bev, I swear to God you have been hanging out with nored. I think his idea of salvation is anal sex.

On topic. Very interesting information. I think next time I go out, I will print it out and put it on my wrist, you know like quarterbacks wear their plays on their armbands.
2/9/2009 5:10:16 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |


Irving, TX
51, joined Feb. 2008
These men are thinking of . . .

oar handling technique, of course. Sillies. 
2/9/2009 6:30:20 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |


Los Angeles, CA
29, joined May. 2008
Yeah right, I don't do none of that shit on that stupid list.
Why should put myself up for that torture? Im not going to do that stuff on that list and make myself look stupid for any woman just so you can get shot down just for showing interest in her.
[Edited 2/9/2009 6:34:48 PM ]
2/9/2009 6:34:13 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |


Omaha, NE
60, joined Jul. 2007
hmmm food for thought. Thanks for the thread!
2/9/2009 6:51:03 PM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |
Rochester, MN
65, joined Oct. 2008
Bev I think you just explained how a gentleman should do it. I thank you, course sometimes women are so afraid, that they can't read the signs of male interest. But, we got ourselves into this mess as males, and thanks for giving women a guideline of what a gentleman, can be like. Don't brush us off, if we show interest, if we are crude, give us the boot. Now all I have to do is learn how to be a gentleman again  
2/10/2009 7:56:32 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Oregon, OH
52, joined Aug. 2008
Bev, I swear to God you have been hanging out with nored. I think his idea of salvation is anal sex.
On topic. Very interesting information. I think next time I go out, I will print it out and put it on my wrist, you know like quarterbacks wear their plays on their armbands.
Klassy that might be fun to hang out with NORED and EDDY...OMG I could only imagine...WHO else wants to come along? I'll bring a handy little tool of MINE if THEY get outta line, don't worry ladies I'll protect ya...C'MON...
Be careful though...they might want ANAL
2/10/2009 9:25:41 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Albuquerque, NM
50, joined Jan. 2008
The 'rules and customs of modern society' don't outweigh jack shit.
The tallest, most aggressive dog wins.
If he approaches 'respectfully' , he's already toast.
'He takes things slowly' = He's not really into you, but you'll do if nothing else comes along.
Where are these pearls of wisdom from, Cosmo?
2/10/2009 9:30:22 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |
Saint Petersburg, FL
45, joined Nov. 2008
The 'rules and customs of modern society' don't outweigh jack shit.
The tallest, most aggressive dog wins.
If he approaches 'respectfully' , he's already toast.
'He takes things slowly' = He's not really into you, but you'll do if nothing else comes along.
Where are these pearls of wisdom from, Cosmo?
I have to agree some of these just don't match at all. Hold eye contact for how long? Most men are not looking at my eyes when they are interested. Sex is what attracts men to us woman, enjoy it.
2/10/2009 10:50:52 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |
Madison, NJ
64, joined Feb. 2008
that was a bit of a crude comment! 
I concur!!!!
After such a detailed and informative thread posting it was like a cold shower!
2/10/2009 10:57:10 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |
Madison, NJ
64, joined Feb. 2008
The 'rules and customs of modern society' don't outweigh jack shit.
The tallest, most aggressive dog wins.
If he approaches 'respectfully' , he's already toast.
'He takes things slowly' = He's not really into you, but you'll do if nothing else comes along.
Where are these pearls of wisdom from, Cosmo?
I think you are wrong.
many women are nostalgic for the way things were before...subtle things create anticipation and excitement. We made things too banal and too primitive and the change isn't for the best.
2/10/2009 11:03:27 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |
Gainesville, FL
50, joined Jan. 2009
I'll admit to using every one of those clues.
My only difference is that I 'alpha' by using my wit & humor to get the whole group laughing....thereby drawing the attention to myself.
Probably too much info for a dating site, but screw it.....I'm feelin' cocky today!
2/11/2009 8:32:54 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Mt Baldy, CA
61, joined Oct. 2008
I think you are wrong.
many women are nostalgic for the way things were before...subtle things create anticipation and excitement. We made things too banal and too primitive and the change isn't for the best.
I hear this so often and yet seldom see proof of it. Dating today is a tightrope walk across the Grand Canyon, one misstep or stiff wind and you're toast. 
2/11/2009 8:47:54 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |


Irving, TX
51, joined Feb. 2008
If I like you I'll package check and do a Michael Jackson move . . . I'm a smooth criminal. 
Peeping Bry ALERT!!

Peace to all on HUMP DAY!!!

2/11/2009 9:30:08 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Albuquerque, NM
50, joined Jan. 2008
Said before, bears repeating:
Being 'nice' , being a 'gentleman' and all that other horseshit works well on your little sister (under 16) and her friends and your mom (over 55) and her friends.
In between, it's a sure fire road to a lonely, cold, hard hell.
2/11/2009 9:31:42 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Ottawa, ON
42, joined Jan. 2008
I think you are wrong.
many OLDER women are nostalgic for the way things were before...subtle things create anticipation and excitement. We made things too banal and too primitive and the change isn't for the best.
Todays vagina wants it hard, fast and with lots of gifts.
2/11/2009 9:31:46 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Placitas, NM
48, joined Jan. 2009
How peed in your cheerios today?
Nice guys don't equal toast. Humor trumps aggressive every time. Hell, humor trumps ugly! IMHO
2/11/2009 9:36:53 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Chandler, AZ
40, joined Feb. 2009
I think that there are a lot of damaged people out there and because of the damage that has been done and the baggage carried around, nice guys do in fact finish last a lot of the time.
Though, many of the OP clues are on point.
2/11/2009 9:44:05 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |
Gainesville, FL
50, joined Jan. 2009
Being 'nice' , being a 'gentleman' and all that other horseshit works well on your little sister (under 16) and her friends and your mom (over 55) and her friends.
In between, it's a sure fire road to a lonely, cold, hard hell.
Only if you think being a confident, outgoing & fun to be around man has to play backseat to the other two qualities.
Figure out how to do all three & you'll never lack for dates.
2/11/2009 9:46:50 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |
Nanticoke, PA
45, joined Jan. 2009
10. When he wants sex.. he will show you his erect penis.
This usually signifies that the male is ready and desiring some sexual activity.
Some women get confused when encountering an erect penis and have no clue how to handle themselves. Take note that it's your responsibility to maintain lubrication.. not the man's.
Evileddy you f**kin rule!!!! However, I think that #10 should be #1 on the list. Why waste time with all that nonsense, you know within the first 5 min if you want to screw. Also i think it only takes the women 3 min before they know, so we have to think fast and strike when the time is right... May The Force be with you!!!!!
2/11/2009 10:00:54 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |


Appalachia, VA
58, joined Mar. 2008
The 'rules and customs of modern society' don't outweigh jack shit.
The tallest, most aggressive dog wins.
If he approaches 'respectfully' , he's already toast.
'He takes things slowly' = He's not really into you, but you'll do if nothing else comes along.
Where are these pearls of wisdom from, Cosmo?

Nope, you're WRONG there! If he DOESN'T approach ME, respectfully, he's TOAST!!! Not a chance in H*ll if he DON'T take it, slowly, with me or any other TRUE lady. ME thinks YOU are NOT out to find a TRUE lady, though! Sooo, carry on...
AND, OP, YES...you've posted how a TRUE gentleman who has some RESPECT for himself and the lady, approaches her! 
2/11/2009 10:30:02 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Livingston, MT
43, joined Nov. 2008
Didn't realize we men are still sooo primal.
And here i though we're in the 21st century. I thought a bit respect and being nice get's ya somwhere. But then again.....i could be wrong
2/11/2009 11:10:30 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |
Savannah, TN
51, joined Oct. 2008
I concur!!!!
After such a detailed and informative thread posting it was like a cold shower! 
I agree with both of these Ladies...The post was great until this comment was made,dealing w/Eddy or no,I found the comment offensive....and Eddy isn't all that bad...perhaps a bit off center but in my humble opinion his jaded opinions stem from negative experiences w/disgraceful women,unlike those of other men on this site who's negativity appears to be drawn from within themselves.Jmo
2/14/2009 8:56:13 AM |
Decoding Male Body Language... |

Mt Baldy, CA
61, joined Oct. 2008
How peed in your cheerios today?
Nice guys don't equal toast. Humor trumps aggressive every time. Hell, humor trumps ugly! IMHO
Hear that Wolfi???? There is still hope for you. Now you know why they all love Eddy! 