7/10/2009 11:04:26 PM |
forgiving a ex |

Dover, ID
age: 37
,ve been there and anger is bad for your health so don't do it for her do it for you
7/11/2009 4:29:45 PM |
forgiving a ex |

Spokane, WA
age: 40
I will probably never forgive my x for cheating. She made an effort to develop a relationship with another man, even if it was "just friends" at first they both let it continue until sex was involved.
The worst part? I could probably get over it easier if it didn't involve 3 young kids! Not only did she destroy my life but she also chose to damage the lives of my children, for her own selfish reasons. For that I will not forgive!
Now, I will tell ya this.....you can go on and be happy! It's hard to do but it just takes time and the realization that you are ready to go forward with your life! Get out there and meet some new people, don't dwell on the past and look to the future!

Very good advice...my situation is similar to yours someguy...it's very hard for the kids and tough to be the stable, responsible parent...but it can be done.
7/11/2009 5:18:38 PM |
forgiving a ex |

Taylor, TX
age: 65
my ex cheated on me and left me and our two children. now we have a grandson that we both love but i can't stand to be around him and the tramp he left me for. i guess maybe it's because his life is going so great and mine isn't he has her and i have nobody. life is not fair. he really destroyed me but now he is the one with the wonderful life.
7/20/2009 1:29:43 AM |
forgiving a ex |

Magalia, CA
age: 53
I'm a forgiving person by nature..even though my ex cheated on me and married his mistress right after our divorce was final, I have forgiven him..I don't want to harbor bitterness..I cannot stand feeling that way..I'm a positive type of person and just want to get on with my new life..
7/20/2009 3:48:27 AM |
forgiving a ex |
Willoughby, OH
age: 40
im trying in vein to forgive my ex for cheating on me its almost been a year since we seperated she wants to do the divorce without lawyers and be freindly but i cant do this because i havent forgiven her and kind words of wisdom or advice so i can move on with my life this limbo thing sucks
If you feel you can handle the divorce without lawyers...go for it. Unless you feel like wasting your money because your pist at her. Do you have kids. If so than definately get a lawyer. But if you don't have children make her pay for court and draw up the papers. Your local county court should have them on their website. That is how I did mine. I kept my vows...the ex will have to live with what he did to me. And trust me honey Karma will kick her in the a** some day! And you will be able to hold your head up high!
7/20/2009 9:13:10 AM |
forgiving a ex |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 36
To the OP..... Forgivness is a hard thing to do. Life is'nt fair sometimes. Believe me I know where you are coming from. Just remember there is no future in the past.
7/22/2009 1:25:43 AM |
forgiving a ex |
Taylors, SC
age: 44
Brneye I love what you wrote and sounds like a similar situation that im going through. I've thought forgivness is out of the question I know how deep her anger and hatred of me is. and while I was the one cheated on, as time goes on i see more and more just how much she disrespected me. yet I dont think i will ever move forward with my life untill i do forgive and will nver have a real love i can enjoy until i can offer that forgivness and leave all her trash (that i still love) behind!! Kinda sick huh?
7/31/2009 12:51:33 PM |
forgiving a ex |
Marshall, MN
age: 56
there is no forgiving my ex this is a very sick woman she took my kids away when i talked to them on the phone she would twist the story up and take me to court the judge seen right through her the second time the police told her to just go home thanks to her idont have anything to do with my kids
8/6/2009 5:24:06 PM |
forgiving a ex |

Taylor, TX
age: 65
i was married for 15 yrs and had two children when my ex starting coming home all hrs of the nite. everyone knew what he was doing except me. no one would tell me. he was part owner of a big business. i was so upset that i didn't think straight and didn't get near as much as i should have. he had a great lawyer and mine not so good. so no matter how upset you are take care of business!
8/7/2009 7:56:26 PM |
forgiving a ex |
Ruston, LA
age: 49
He cheated on me and I did forgive him, and let him know, he still says to this day he did no wrong, as bad as he hurt me I forgive him and am happier person, also helps me to have peace with me. Of course all this takes time, time is a good healer,also letting God in your life.
8/9/2009 1:13:12 PM |
forgiving a ex |

Jackson, NJ
age: 41
my ex cheated on me and left me and our two children. now we have a grandson that we both love but i can't stand to be around him and the tramp he left me for. i guess maybe it's because his life is going so great and mine isn't he has her and i have nobody. life is not fair. he really destroyed me but now he is the one with the wonderful life.
I am realizing this is how I feel alot too without even realizing it. I cry so much ans so hard that I find myself literally no kidding crying IN my sleep and waking myself up with real sobs and tears from being sound asleep. It's just killing me inside and hurts so incredibly bad. Then I have to give him my kids to take over to his "wh*res" house - agh!! utter torture. Now my oldest refused to go and the ex is taking it out on me big time and threatening to take me to court for custody. I hate everything that is going on and here he is living high and mightly OFF of the b*tch that he cheated on me with. I look at him as a gold digger, he ruined me financially and latched on to someone else who is paying his bills for him and buying him all kinds of things.
8/9/2009 3:13:04 PM |
forgiving a ex |

Abilene, TX
age: 46
Really wish I could offer some serious advise. Problem is we are all different and what works for one may not work for the other.
What worked for me was a way of thinking. I considered something on a broader side. "How could I ever expect anyone to forgive me for anything, if I could not find forgiveness for my Ex?" So I forgave her transgressions.
Did we have a friendly divorce? No, I let lawyers deal with it so I would not have to deal with her. Not because I still hated her, but to avoid further conflicts. She was still a bit unforgiving that I left her. A third party can be good at times.
If you focus on the idea you've been cheated on, you'll have trouble trusting others in your future. You don't want to bring that lack of trust into other relationships. Not everyone is going to be the same as the last person.
To make a mistake is human, we all do. To harbor anger only hurts you. If you can find a way to forgive and move on, you will be the bigger person.
Friend: "Do you want to get even with your ex?"
Me: "I think about it, yes."
Friend: "The do this. Succeed in everything you do. In most cases the Ex will get
jealous because you were able to move on and you did better without them around."
Don't know if any of this helps you sir. But hope you find something of use.
8/9/2009 3:58:34 PM |
forgiving a ex |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 43
This reminds me of a joke I heard.
God tells this guy, he'll grant three of his wishes, but his ex will get double his wishes.
First the guy doesn't get it, he wishes for a new car. God tell him his ex now has two new cars.
Next the guy wishes for a million dollar. God tells him his ex now has two million.
Guy said. For my third wish I wish for a mild heart attack!!!
Back to topic. I forgive my ex..That doesn't mean that I forgot.
If there are kids involved, no parent should bad mouth the other parent. 
Ask yourself if you really want to be friends with your ex..
If the answer is yes, than..
8/11/2009 6:59:02 PM |
forgiving a ex |

Lake Elsinore, CA
age: 39
I feel like this I believe everyone has their own way of forgiveness I have to a point when I was married to my first love of my life and I was with him for almost 17 yrs yes it hurt when he walked out of our life’s but I didn’t see it clear then as I do now that was the best thing for us all he was a man that needed help with his drinking and his anger my kids and I deserve better. I tried for many yrs to help him now I was helping myself once I got through my divorce. I just wished one thing that was that he got the help he needed and was well enough to see our kids grown in to young adults as they are today. Not only did he walk out on me but our kids too it’s sad! He hasn’t seen our kids now in over 11 yrs and he lives with in miles from our home. But we have all moved passed that and are happy and doing well so……… that goes to show you divorces can turn into a good thing.
8/11/2009 8:42:51 PM |
forgiving a ex |
Rosemount, MN
age: 44
For me it is about me giving everything that I had for years, even though I knew she had cheated on me.WE have three children together and that is what(whether right or wrong) kept us together for the next 8 years. She never stopped cheating and I never stopped taking care of the kids. It wasn't until she started cheating with the kids around(girls only birthday party's, my daughter was 12) that I put a stop to it. I tried to keep the family together until I couldn't keep my kids out of it. And she was shocked that I went that far with it. with out councilling ot=r anyother thing that she could lie her way out of. So from my point of view. Get away and don't look back. There is someone out there that will love you and only you. GO FIND HER!!!
If I were you I would get the best Lawyer i could find and take her for everything that she has. Because she has taken from you, what you will have a hard time doing with any other woman you will ever be with n your life. TRUST!!!  