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11/3/2007 5:51:44 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Suffolk, VA
age: 30

And another thing....I am not trying to argue but, I don't think we have made love complicated enough. I think too many people don't pay enough attention to what it really is, rush out and just marry whoever. Then when things aren't going just right, they decide to bail and get divorced. I may not have been married but at least I haven't made that mistake.

Starting young can also be a good thing because if the two people are willing to work with eachother they can grow and learn together. They can become one in their experiences and I think it can turn into something beautiful. Also, when you are young you are not set in your ways yet, and you are a little more willing to compromise instead of being stubborn and just saying well this is how I am.


11/3/2007 5:54:11 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Middlesboro, KY
age: 50

superscreename...I know there are some things in a relationship that are absolute musts for me, things I won't compromise on... when I find a guy that meet those...I may start thinking he is the one...other stuff I can compromise on... things of lesser importance. It would depend on how much time it took me to fiind out that he does meet those absolutes...but on the flip side of the takes a lot less time to know when the guy ain't the one....funny how that works..

11/3/2007 7:31:11 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 36


since there are plentyoffish,more than you could fit in a singlesnet so i believe we will all find that one true love.when i meet my match and cupid hits me in the ass,i will say yahoo

11/3/2007 7:52:18 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Middlesboro, KY
age: 50

Slick...really good!!

11/3/2007 8:01:01 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Cumberland, KY
age: 29

i think i already meet the one person i was spposed to be with and i didntknow it untill it was to late and i messed it up so do i go looking for number two or do you just get one ?

11/3/2007 8:02:19 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Dallas, TX
age: 33 online now!

Hey girl... I think if it is truly the "one" it will come full circle in time. If not, then you haven't lost out, he is still out there.

11/3/2007 8:12:16 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Louisville, KY
age: 59

It's when no one else will do! When your out and about and no matter how good-looking others are no matter if someone else is flirting with you...You just can't seem to be content or see yourself with anyone else.

We all have list...But as soon as (The One) is before you That List is forgotten!

11/3/2007 8:18:27 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Little Rock, AR
age: 50

There's never just 1 out there. Granted it's a small pool 4 the 1's. Put ya best foot 4ward n if ya don't know which is the best then guess. As an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure your actions defined by perspiration will greatly increase ya odds. Work @ it n when ya think ya can't any more work harder. It takes 2 to tango. Hit it till ya grow weary n back off n take a break. Regroup n try again. The 1 is defined by the length of the relationship n only time will tell but, ya gotta have faith n believe whoever you're involved w/is the 1. Good Luck!

11/3/2007 8:29:13 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Creighton, NE
age: 59

No!!! I do not think many will know it when they meet. I think one of the two may but not both. When that happens it's love at 1st sight!!! and that seldom does happen. Their are more than one right one for everyone and you must be able to see it and them when it happens or you just miss it. I think to many discard some way to fast on a thing or two that realy would not matter in a long relationship.

11/3/2007 8:31:23 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Las Vegas, NV
age: 47

I think that this is a good topic. My experience has been that we are continously evolving as to the point where lasting 50 years with the same person is almost impossible. The stats show the proof. Therefore, I suggest to find that person that you have sparks with and vice versa. Try to make it a go. Give it your best and not be so fast to call it quits and move on. Today's society creates the set-up to break up. We have unlimited access to the next in line and will move on at a sneeze. No one will work at it anymore so, meeting that ONE is doable in my mind if I set my mind to do it.

[Edited 11/3/2007 10:22:39 AM]

11/3/2007 9:55:30 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Columbia, TN
age: 50

We all have a mental "list" of what we prefer. I don't think any of us are seeking an idiot, abusive, unfaithful player. But when that list becomes too unrealistic ( such as he must be able to speak 3 languages and she must make at least this amount of $$, than the list becomes the barrier. Love does NOT need to be complicated. Even a child can love, right? WE have made it complicated. We have added conditions and rules to love which only harnesses that love and it simply dies. Whatever happened to just good ole basic love?

11/3/2007 10:22:18 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Middlesboro, KY
age: 50

Thank you crazycajun74...I really needed to hear something like that I feel a whole lot better...thanks again..

11/3/2007 10:27:08 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Suffolk, VA
age: 30

If we could love blindly and innocently as a child loves, we would all be much better off. Good call on that Tru.

[Edited 11/3/2007 10:28:40 AM]

11/3/2007 10:27:10 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Las Vegas, NV
age: 47

You asked what happened to good old fashion love? It faded with the discovery of on-line dating.

11/3/2007 10:30:15 AM Will you even know that you met the "ONE"??  

Columbia, TN
age: 50

the computer can def complicate the search for love.. but if used wisely, is simply a tool for that purpose

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