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11/4/2007 7:43:12 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Stillwater, OK
age: 24 online now!

Funny Va!!!

11/4/2007 7:47:03 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Hayes, VA
age: 25

In the words of Achmed the Dead Terrorist: "Are you my virgins?? I hope not!!!"

11/4/2007 7:48:34 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Kingston, GA
age: 36

she sounds slutty

11/4/2007 7:51:08 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Phoenix, AZ
age: 56

Reference the Southern Latin-American countries, the religious convention requires that a woman present herself to the marriage bed with an intact hymen. Apparently it makes little difference how much other experience she has.

11/4/2007 7:53:30 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

White Pine, TN
age: 31

unless her hyman is broken she is still considered a virgin

11/4/2007 7:55:20 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Phoenix, AZ
age: 56

As a post script, I indent to apply for a passport soon.

11/4/2007 7:57:03 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Phoenix, AZ
age: 56

ok, who hid the spell-checker? that was supposed to be intend

11/4/2007 7:57:48 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Kingston, GA
age: 36

are we talking technically or literally because if a girl has done all that other stuff, shes not a virgin in my eyes.

11/4/2007 8:01:33 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Tracy, CA
age: 29

I wouldnt even worry about it! If I can get head and f*ck her in her ass, I'll be happy!

11/4/2007 8:04:10 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Hayes, VA
age: 25

whatever doesn't get her knocked up is best for me!!!

11/4/2007 8:05:34 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Stillwater, OK
age: 24 online now!


11/4/2007 8:35:32 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Toledo, OH
age: 52

No, no, and not even, duh Staying on subject. What a concept?

11/4/2007 8:39:32 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Hayes, VA
age: 25

ever notice how none of these threads stay on topic?? what makes this one any different????

11/4/2007 8:42:49 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

New Britain, CT
age: 44 online now!

that depends on what state you're in

11/4/2007 8:46:31 PM If a girl has had oral and anal sex, but not vaginal, is she a virgin?  

Denver, CO
age: 49

Does it really matter? Sounds like fun to me!

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