Black Canyon City, AZ
age: 46 online now!
hi newlife nice to see your pretty face again!

Jacksonville, FL
age: 43
40's are not all bad at all. You are stable, know what you want and how to get it and what to do with it when you do. You can rule your own little world without anyone setting the boundries. I hated turning 40, but after a few years now, it's really pretty cool. Wish I had known all that I know now when I was younger!

Stockbridge, GA
age: 43
At 40 I got married the last of 8 to get hitched
At 41 I lost my step dad of 35 years
At 42 I lost my mom
At 43 I have learned to take better care of myself and come to realize that the life I have lived so far has been rough on me but as I sit here tonight at 43 I come to realize also that I wouldnt change anything about my life so far because if i did it would change where I am today and I am in a very good place with my 13 year old daughter and my new wife so hell kick back and enjoy the mistakes you have made up till now and enjoy makeing the good ones over again. I also realize that after all I have been through i am still standing and I see my self being able to deal with whatever else life thinks it has to throw at me.

Oak Hill, WV
age: 42
I love being 40 something!    

Livingston, MT
age: 43
40's is cool, look at me do I look 43,sure don't and I guess I have to give credit to all the drinking i did when I was younger that now preserves this smoking hot body lol, and with that I'm soooooooo glad I don't need viagra.

Gainesville, GA
age: 40
Well I'm just getting started but tell me this do I look 40years my son say I only look 7 but he's six

Youngstown, OH
age: 41
being 40 is great .
kids are almost outof the house 
i can do what i want when i want .
hotter and sexier older and wiser 

Ripley, MS
age: 48
I'll agree 40's are great. I'm living in my own little world and really enjoying it.