11/4/2007 8:13:44 AM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
the profets of old...the writers of the bible...
and other holy works...
when did /or does revelation stop?
11/4/2007 9:03:30 AM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Lamar, CO
age: 53
The worlds religions today are based upon revelations secretly given to one or more men, but not thought to be freely avilable to everyone. The historical story/mythos painted by these religions is to be accepted by its followers without evidence.
Unless you choose to believe that God wants his will to remain secret unless it is revealed to "special" people, at which time the rest of us are to accept it blindly by exercising blind faith, I find it very hard how anyone could subscribe to the idea of secret revelations.
The very claim to secret revelation is the very underpinning of many of the cults today.
When one applys the logical principles of reason and critical analysis to the claims made by these religions we see that their claims are not even able to withstand such human scrutiny. Why is it then, that we continue to believe that there is something supernatural about their origen?
On the other hand the capacity to reason is not just available to certain "special" persons, but all have been given some degree of the same. And what we can each discover to be true is that if we utilize and walk in the degree of reason we have been granted today, that measure will be increased daily. But when we divorce Reason and blindly follow either the supposedly revealed teachings of "special" men or our own will, we stop growing and have effectively entered the religious world of "man worship".
[Edited 11/4/2007 9:06:22 AM]
11/4/2007 11:11:05 AM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Hey 44444...I really like the thought of revelation existing, here,now and always has been. I have never even opened the book of Revelations, so except from what I hear,here and there,Im not too sure what its all about.I just dont see the need to read all that doom and gloom details,when I am still trying to learn if there is even going to be one or at least the one that most describe.
Hey Last...I personally feel the opposite of this..
But when we divorce Reason and blindly follow either the supposedly revealed teachings of "special" men or our own will, we stop growing and have effectively entered the religious world of "man worship".
I believe that if I divorce what I have learned about God and Religion,then I would probably loose my Faith in everything and "stop" growing.My spirituality is not who I am,but it certainly makes up what I am.JMO
11/4/2007 11:40:58 AM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
2012, nothing is written beyond. The gangsters know it and they are on the run fast and furiously trying to bail out... though in the mean time they are trying to leave this place is shambles to try to keep you from hanging their asses.
11/4/2007 11:43:23 AM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
man is God in action, you are a revelation dummy

11/4/2007 2:40:41 PM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
Christ was a revelation from the Father to man.
and his teachings were not secret.
It seems that not only did we humans kill the revelator,
but later we made a religion about Him.
Did that religion pervert the revelation?
I'm not sure about the year 2012,
having anything important about the Creator,
trying to say anything to mankind.
light'n life
11/4/2007 3:20:40 PM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
Of course you're not sure because you are too distracted. It has everything to do with the Creator saying something to mankind. It is a density flip, an ascension from the heavyness of this paradign to a new lighter one. You are made up of light, you are a light being. 2012 is signalling the end of an age, the age of darkness, a heavy frequency. The frequency is raising and we are moving into a 2000 year period of light on a 26,000 year cycle. It happens every 11,000 or so years, its well known.
The dark agenda going on cannot deal with the increase of light coming in from the photon belt, that is why they are on the run trying to play out what they taught everyone to believe about revelations in the bible. They don't like it here and they need to get you to think it is about some second coming when in fact it is an actual 'going'of them and they know it. The dark agenda is on its way out.
They are scrambling like mad right now because they knew this time was coming and they are trying to go out with a bang and distract you with alot of wars and confuse you so bad that you don't know whether you are coming or going yourself, so they can try to escape their responsibility for trashing this earth.
11/4/2007 3:56:44 PM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
jewelz..probably sidtracking,but...asuming all this crap is coming down ...
and botom line we all are going to die ..of old age or whatever...
what do you think is going to hapen to you after you die?
in a few words or less[think before you type]
I don't read more than a wee bit before i get distracted....por favor
11/4/2007 4:55:41 PM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Lamar, CO
age: 53
4evr, with all due respect, the fact you " don't read more than a wee bit before" you "get distracted" sounds like a serious affliction, that hasn't just affected you, but millions of others. Have you ever read about the long term effects of floride in the drinking water? Maybe.....hmmmm.
BTW, does your name mean "For ever sexy?" Now por favor, you don't really believe this too, do you? 
And if you're still reading, would it be too much of me to ask that you go back to my first post in this thread and address my propositions.
11/4/2007 5:40:44 PM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Spanish Fork, UT
age: 59
Yes,everytime you pray and get answers thats revelation !
11/4/2007 6:08:17 PM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
rad dude...when they put floride in wine i'll start drinkin' the well water.
and 6y on my name can mean whatever ....you'll never know....but i'm in my 60's.
i'm runnin out of leters here and got ot stoak the stove, but as far as answearing your post ...thought i did ..except I dont know what you mean by secret revelations???
lets see...supernatural about there origine ...or superhumane in their origin...
I would think that old testiment profets didn't get secret revelations, but did get them from a superhuman source...ya you could even say supernatural source.
and yes we all have the capasity to reason though some difference in inteligence...though when Christ left us he gave us the Spirit of Truth.Which resides in each of us as does a peice of the Father.[of coarse these are just my beleifs].
Your last paragraph I think I'm in agreement with...but what do you call "man worship"?
I would hope to worship Jesus, but don't call him "just a man".
I hope this is answear enough for you...typing isn't my first freekin' lanquage. 
11/4/2007 6:10:09 PM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
yes baby...answeared prayer could be like mini rev's
11/4/2007 6:29:35 PM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 57
I like to perceive that god is dreaming a human experience thru us.
11/4/2007 6:39:20 PM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Lamar, CO
age: 53
Foreversexy, I'm with you in the hopes they don't put floride in the wine.
What I mean by "secret revelations" are those claims that various men of the past have claimed God has revealed to them, while it was not revealed to others. Multitude of this type of revelations occur in the Book of Revelation and the Urantia Book for two examples.
Without someone, telling us these futuristic(from Revelations) and these historical and futurist claims( from Urantia) how could we know or discover their purported existence. By what natural means could we know or discover the truth or falsity of the claims found in these books?
Without some means to KNOW the nature of these claims we are left with nothing but "BLIND FAITH" to support our subscription to these claims. Do you HONESTLY believe that God wants us to utilize BLIND FAITH when it comes to KNOWING claims that could affect us eternally?
When we accept claims blindly(BLIND FAITH) we open the door to every kind of astounding deception. And the fact that we will accept the word of men that are unknown to us as the source for these claims is equally astounding. This blind acceptance is what I meant when I spoke of engaging in "man worship". We then become the unwitting servants of others based upon what they tell us.
Hope this answers your question. Lastrad
[Edited 11/4/2007 6:39:53 PM]
11/4/2007 6:43:40 PM |
is revelation on-going from God to man? |

Lamar, CO
age: 53
Hey Kelly, ever stop to wonder why a pure God would desire to experience nightmares by experiencing the atrocities and carnage that some men in the world have brought about?
The other side of the coin, sweetie.