Selah, WA
age: 46 online now!
lqqkatme is right on ... she's not into you or she'd make the time.

El Reno, OK
age: 40
Yes, Chopper I agree but, What now? He says he's going to break her heart..That causes me concern. Is he going to get mean and bitter now and go out in left field? Or Is he going to just call it off?...

Orangeburg, NY
age: 40
I'm the type that has to say what is on my mind, I can't hold it in and spend time wondering. I want to know something I just come out and say it. Be blunt and ask her what you need to know.

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
how old r her kids? how many kids does she have? how many hours does she work? how close do u live to each other? what did u do when u finally did have ur date? did u meet her kids? does she have babysitters? is the weekend the only time she has off? is there any crisis or drama in her life or her family's life? how did she say she feels about u? what does she want in the relationship? what do u want? do u both want the same thing?
i know its a lot of questions need more information to know whats really happening. not getting enough attention is not a reason to deliberately break a heart. maybe she already senses u could break her heart and she's keeping a space between u. hope u both can work it out.