11/4/2007 9:33:30 AM |
What would you do |

White Pine, TN
age: 31
i have a friend that i have been talking to about a yr now we finally met a month ago
and she always has something to do rather than spend time with me but she keeps saying i like you and wanna spend time with you but i have work and my kids to do for most of the time that's her excuse i have to go do this and that and i never get no time to spend with her WHAT DO I DO????? 
11/4/2007 9:36:40 AM |
What would you do |

Middlesboro, KY
age: 50
Well if she is just a friend... accept her terms... parents do have a lot going on with kids... if its more...then maybe you need to be talking to her about "more".. JMO
11/4/2007 9:39:18 AM |
What would you do |

White Pine, TN
age: 31
we have talked about it but she still gives me the i'm to busy for you right now and maybe this weekend we can get togeather but when the weekend get's here sorry i'm busy and you know i get tired of it maybe i'm being to pushy i don't know
[Edited 11/4/2007 9:40:15 AM]
11/4/2007 10:02:49 AM |
What would you do |

Riverdale, NJ
age: 47
she may really be too busy with work and kids OR its excuses and she isnt that much into you but wants to keep you hanging around just in case she changes mind...
either way it doesnt work if you want to spend time with this lady.
would let it drop. not call or email. no more contact. she knows your interested and let her contact you. if hear nothing then thats your answer.
would find someone who has some time. to go out for a drink or an ice cream cone shouldnt take months of trying. 
11/4/2007 11:00:51 AM |
What would you do |

Hagerstown, MD
age: 51
I agree just let it ride let her contact you for a change if she thinks you lost interest and she is she will contact you
11/4/2007 11:04:14 AM |
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Middlesboro, KY
age: 50
I'm with the 2 ladies above... one thing in life that I have learned is this... people will make time for you if they want to make time for you... even if its an outing with her and the kids...I'd back off and see what happens...good luck to you!! 
11/4/2007 11:45:31 AM |
What would you do |

White Pine, TN
age: 31
thank you but i've tried it and she calls me and asks if i'm mad and i tell her i'm not mad you just don't have time for me and she appologizes
[Edited 11/4/2007 11:45:57 AM]
11/4/2007 11:58:13 AM |
What would you do |

Riverdale, NJ
age: 47
okay she calls and apologizes and THEN WHAT...
this lady is still not making time for you.
sounds like she cant or wont get together but like i said before wants to keep you waiting around just in case changes mind.
would go further and tell this lady that not looking for a phone friend and see what happens.
unless you really enjoy the calls of hearing how busy and sorry she is but it sounds like you dont.
11/4/2007 12:18:25 PM |
What would you do |

White Pine, TN
age: 31
i'm over it and i'm fixing to break her heart
11/4/2007 1:50:58 PM |
What would you do |

Minneapolis, MN
age: 44
I agree with Tina, be straight with her about how you feel and don't be her "plan B"
11/4/2007 1:53:59 PM |
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Columbia, SC
age: 44
Hey at least she does talk to you , but maybe not knowing her or even you , Id say maybe she is seeing someone else, sounds this way to me.....good luck......Beach
11/4/2007 2:01:10 PM |
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El Reno, OK
age: 40
Or She just wants to be your friend, Either way don't let pain make you mean plz!
11/4/2007 2:27:37 PM |
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New Port Richey, FL
age: 38
Well stay friends but meet other people hey if she's busy what else are you gonna do? Life doesnt stop for you just keep yourself busy and meet other people in the mean time.I have a friend with the same problem and I have to hear it all the time. Me myself could only wait so long but thats me!Mike
11/4/2007 2:41:07 PM |
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Ridgeville, SC
age: 33
whatever dude you gotta be assertive with women,,call her ass and tell her point blank either you make time for me or i'm out of here and don't talk to her again until she's ready to spend some time with you...she's playing a game because she can if you take the option to play away she'll step up or step out..JMO
11/4/2007 3:15:51 PM |
What would you do |

Kansas City, MO
age: 59
Sorry... she just is not that into you. If she was she would make time.