White Pine, TN
age: 31
i have a problem with that! it's the turn down that get's me most of the time or they stand me up 5 min before going out i'm usually headed out the door
[Edited 11/4/2007 7:58:52 PM]

Port Hope, ON
age: 61
That my be true....but do you keep them

White Pine, TN
age: 31
do i keep what

Grand Junction, CO
age: 30
first thing you have to do is give up on getting or wanting a girl, second do stuff you really like. Go to places they hang out likes malls and stores you know the drill, don't fall for one follows you that is my mistake I feel for one that followed me, that shows she is too dependent on her mom and do not know how to play the dating game. We ended up breaking up because her mom said so, and she was still somewhat reliable on her MoM thats no relationship its a nitemare, so try to stay away from thoughs that follow you. If you want a real one you got to be the one to chase them. Believe me the real ones would kinda play hard to get so if you smile at them they will whisper in their friends ears, if they like you. or if they don't like you they will walk off. However the running is mediforical it means let the lame women follow you, your eventually get the other women thoughs that run you approach them are the ones you want, but what I mean by running is not taking off just the two to 3 steps backwords turn around and wave

Longmont, CO
age: 41
yeah just take it easy dont stress too hard on meeting someone - that's what I think we all here trying to do that. just start up a casual conversation with women where ever you go. yeah rejection sucks, but I think we all have to get rejected to find the one that will accept us. dont give up axl.